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Fundamentalist Church Of Latter Day Saints

Where Is Warren Jeffs Now

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey | Official Trailer | Netflix

Today, Warren Jeffs, 66, is serving a life sentence, having been convicted in 2011 of two felony counts of child sexual assault. He also received an additional 20 years on his sentence and was fined $10,000.

He had resigned as president of the FLDS Church on November 20, 2007, but current members continue to consider Warren Jeff both their leader and prophet.

They continue to campaign for his release and in 2012, Warren Jeffs published a book entitled Jesus Christ Message to All Nations, where he called for action to have him released from prison.

Warren Jeff is believed to be serving his sentence at the Louise C. Powledge Unit in Palestine, Texas.

In 2019, it was reported Warren Jeff had suffered a “mental breakdown” in prison and was mentally unfit to give a deposition in 2019 in response to a lawsuit filed by a woman who alleged he had sexually abused her as a child.

He will not be eligible for parole until July 22, 2038, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Files.

In 2022, the FLDS compound in Phoenix, Arizona was purchased by pastor Luke W. Barnett, who obtained the property from Brielle Decker, Warren Jeffs’ 65th wife who received the property as part of a settlement.

Together, they turned the compound into The Short Creek Dream Center, a refuge for women and children escaping the FLDS and other sex trafficking victims

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey is streaming on Netflix now.

Is The Fdls Still Going Now

Remarkably, yes. Jeffs, who is still in prison now, continues to lead the cult from jail. Current FLDS members continue to consider Jeffs to be the prophet who speaks to God, and think he has has been wrongly convicted. Some believe that the total number of members could amount to between 6,000 and 10,000 people.

In the press notes for the documentary, the director says: The stories these women told – of the process of systematic coercion and mind control exercised by the man they thought of as a religious prophet, Warren Jeffs – were far from alienating. After many months spent reporting this story, it was clear to me that these women could have been my daughter, my mother, or me. And it was also abundantly clear that they showed incredible courage and strength in leaving this religion-turned- criminal cult.

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey streams on Netflix from June 8.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, speak to The Survivors Trust on 08088 010818 or

The Woman Who Escaped A Polygamous Cult And Turned Its Hq Into A Refuge

Briell Decker was 18 when she became the 65th wife of US cult leader Warren Jeffs. Can she help heal the town his FLDS sect ruled for generations?

Briell Decker carefully removed the screws from the corners of the window and began pounding on the glass until it started to come loose. Hearing the noise, her sister-in-law, who had been in the lounge area of their trailer home, came in and took the screwdriver away. But it was too late: Decker had already unscrewed one side of the pane as soon as she was alone again, she opened the window, climbed out into the street and ran away. She was escaping her brother, his wife, and the fundamentalist Mormon cult they all belonged to. Decker had been forced to marry its leader, Warren Jeffs, aged 18.

Six years later, Decker sits on the back porch of the $1.2m mansion where she once lived with Jeffs. I knew I wasnt going to give up, whether I made it out or not, she says of her escape. Nothing was going to stop me.

Everything has changed since then. Jeffs is seven years into a life sentence for sexual assault. Decker has made a life for herself, and recently remarried. The town in which she lives has started to open itself up to people outside the cult for the first time in 90 years, and to welcome back excommunicated members.

I ask if she thinks the FLDS is breaking apart. Not fast enough, she says. Everyone tells me Ill see my other kids again, but right now its too hard to think about.

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In 2006 The Flds Prophet Ranked Among The Fbis 10 Most Wanted List

Warren Jeffs, the one-time leader of the Fundamentalist community in Colorado City and son of the former leader, Rulon Jeffs, ranked on the FBIs Top 10 Most Wanted List after he evaded arrest for crimes relating to child abuse and rape. Jeffs was apprehended during a routine traffic stop in Las Vegas in August 2006. Jeffs stood trial for his crimes in Utah in 2007, where his conviction was overturned for improper jury instruction. In 2010, Jeffs was extradited to Texas, where he was convicted of aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault of a child with evidence obtained from the raid of Yearning for Zion Ranch, an FLDS compound in Texas, in 2008.

Jeffs is now serving a life sentence in Texas. In 2017, he was successfully sued for $16 million by a former child bride. In 2019, the Jeffss lawyers claimed that he had suffered a mental breakdown in prison and was not fit to stand trial in a lawsuit filed against him and the FLDS trust by a woman alleging that Jeffs sexually abused her as a child. Over the last ten years, Jeffs attempted to hang himself in a Utah prison, had to be force-fed in jail in Arizona, and was placed in a medically induced coma after fasting from his cell in Texas.

About: Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

Pin on Cults

The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is one of the fundamentalist Mormon denominations whose members practice polygamy. The fundamentalist Mormon movement emerged in the early 20th century, when its founding members were excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , largely because of their refusal to abandon the practice of plural marriage after it was renounced in the “Second Manifesto” .

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Family And Early Life

Warren Steed Jeffs was born on December 3, 1955, to Rulon Jeffs and Merilyn Steed . Warren was born more than two months prematurely in Sacramento, California.

Rulon Jeffs became the President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1986 and had nineteen or twenty wives and approximately 60 children. Former church members claim that Warren himself has 87 wives. Warren grew up outside of Salt Lake City, Utah, and for more than twenty years served as the principal of Alta Academy, an FLDS private school at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Jeffs became principal in 1976, the year he turned 21. He was known for being “a stickler for the rules and for discipline.”

How Did The Flds Start

The FLDS comes from the initial religion of the Mormons, otherwise known as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While the Mormons did away with polygamy in 1890 so they could get a statehood for Utah, one fundamentalist splinter sect moved away in the 1930s and settled in Short Creek, also known as Colorado City, Arizona.

This group, the FLDS, still believed in polygamy, and carried it out. It was believed the more women a man married, the closer he would get to God. Within the sect, women were forced to dress the same: long prairie dresses that covered every part of their body, and their hair tied back in a bun. Women were made to pray on the hour every hour the brickwork of one of the main buildings has pray and obey written into it and all members were completely forbidden from going to or knowing anything about the outside world. Anyone who was seen to be breaking the rules, or who the leader wanted rid of was cast out and ex-communicated on a whim: mothers had their children effectively kidnapped and trafficked, other young people were thrown out of their families with no support, no money and no idea how the world worked outside of the FLDS doctrine.

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What Is The Flds Church

FLDS stands for Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And the “church” is really an offshoot denomination of the Mormon church. When the LDS church decided to end polygamous practices around 1890 to gain statehood for Utah, those who continued to practice polygamy were excommunicated and later joined together to form the FLDS community, per CNN.

Many of those who left or were excommunicated by the LDS church settled in Arizona and became part of the FLDS sect, which continued to practice polygamy. The fundamentalist group still lives on the Arizona-Utah border, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Jeffs inherited the sect in 2002, when his father and 15-year group leader, Rulon Jeffs, died, the SPLC reported. Warren Jeffs then cut off his followers from the outside world, and doled out girls to his older male followers. He also had more than 60 wives.

The leader of the FLDS church is considered to be a prophet of God and is the only one who can perform marriages, CNN says. He may also punish his parishioners by reassigning their wives and children to other men.

FLDS mostly live in Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah, according to CNN. The towns are, quite literally, a five-minute drive away from each other. Some others are located near Eldorado, Texas, and in South Dakota, Colorado, Nevada, British Columbia, and Mexico.

Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

The Horrifying True Story of Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey

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Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The former FLDS temple at the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas

The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a religious sect of the fundamentalist Mormon denominations whose members practice polygamy. The fundamentalist Mormon movement emerged in the early 20th century, when its founding members were excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , largely because of their refusal to abandon the practice of plural marriage after it was renounced in the “Second Manifesto” . The FLDS Church as a distinct group traces its origins to the 1950s in the Short Creek community , where the group is still based.

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Distinctive Doctrines And Practices

Most Mormon fundamentalists embrace the term Fundamentalist . Mormon fundamentalists share certain commonalities with other fundamentalist movements, but also possess some clear distinctions of their own.

Fundamentalists within the Mormon tradition do see religious authority as inerrant and unchanging, but tend to locate this authority within their view of “Priesthood“, which is conceived of as more of a charismatic authority and often physical lineage than an external organization. In this view, ordination lineage becomes all-important and an external organization such as a church may “lose” its theological authority while the “priesthood” may continue via an alternative lineage. Mormon fundamentalists frequently assert that priesthood is prior to the Church.

Unlike more prevalent Biblical fundamentalist groups, who generally base their authority on an unchanging and closed canon of scripture, Mormon fundamentalists generally hold to a concept of “continuing revelation” or “progressive revelation,” in which the canon of scripture may be continually augmented through the sermons and teachings of prophets whose preaching guides the community.

In addition to plural marriage, Mormon fundamentalist beliefs often include the following principles:

Things You Didnt Know About The Flds Church

The Fundamental Church of Latter-Day Saints is a radical polygamist sect.

& #151 — The Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints has been in the spotlight for the past few years, but there are many questions about what the group believes and what their members lives are like inside the polygamist sect. Here are a few things you might not have known about the FLDS.

1. The FLDS Is Different from Modern Day Mormon Church

The Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints is a radical polygamist sect that splintered off from the Mormon Church, a religion more formally called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more than a century ago. FLDS ancestors broke away from the Mormon Church over the issue of polygamy after the church renounced its practice.

2. The FLDS Home Base Is on the Arizona-Utah Border

Known to members as The Creek, the FLDS community dominates the twin towns of Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah, which straddle the state lines. Roughly 10,000 people are believed to live in the community.

3. FLDS Followers Believe Warren Jeffs Is Their Prophet Even Though He Is in Prison

Warren Jeffs became the leader of the FLDS community after his father died in 2002. Many believe Jeffs still controls the church, despite the fact that he is currently serving a life sentence in prison for sexual assaulting two girls, ones of which was a 12-year-old he considered to be one of his wives.

It is believed that Jeffs has as many as 70 wives.

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‘keep Sweet’: What Happened To Warren Jeffs And Where Is He Now

True-crime enthusiasts will not want to miss Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey on Netflix.

The four-part documentary series takes an in-depth look at the secretive polygamous sect of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the rise of self-professed prophet Warren Jeffs.

In 2008, a raid at the Yearning for Zion Ranch in West Texas uncovered haunting evidence of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. More than 400 children were taken into custody. Jeffs was later arrested on charges of child sexual assault.

What happened to Warren Jeffs and where is he now? Newsweek has everything you need to know.

About The Ethics Of The Flds:

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter

It is the policy of this website to simply explain the beliefs and practices of all faith groups without criticizing them. However, in rare instances, we see profoundly evil practices that must be condemned. So, we have deviated from our normal policy for the next two paragraphs.

We have watched many documentaries about the FLDS. However, none of them so far seem to address a fundamental demographical problem within the denomination:1) Boys and girls are born into the FLDS at approximately equal rates. 2) Males in the FLDS are expected to have many wives. In order to maintain polygyny as the normal family structure, the FLDS must have many women available for each man. This can only be accomplished by getting rid of most males. This is typically done wrenching male youths from their family origin with a few minutes warning, driving them to another city, and dumping them there without any means of emotional or financial support. They are often referred to as the “lost boys.” In essence, the Church creates thousands of orphans as a matter of policy. If you feel that this is consistent with Bible teaching, please go to and read what the Bible says about the treatment of orphans.

We now return you to our regular programming.

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Does The Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

Yes, the FDLS still exists today and Warren Jeffs is still considered the religious sect’s leader or ‘prophet’. “We have evidence he continues to direct day-to-day operations of the church,” Sean Keveney, an attorney for the US Department of Justice told filmmakers in 2018.

Keveney added that this included excommunicating individuals and directing what women should be placed with what caretakers.”

The Yearning for Zion ranch was officially seized by Texas authorities in April 2014. However in 2021, KOTA reported that a FLDS compound had been unearthed in Custer County.

Sheriff Marty Mechaley shared it was being headed up by Jeffs’ brother Seth and had around 20 members. The property was court-ordered to be put on sale in February 2021, and is believed to have been bought by ex-members who had left FLDS.

Former FLDS members also claim that the sect still exists in the hit Netflix documentary. Some even still have relatives tied up in it:

Three of us are out, Lola Barlow said in the docu-series. The rest of everybodys still in. I could just drive to their house and talk to them but they wont talk to me.

The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints first came to prominence in the 1890s when mainstream Mormonism legally banned polygamy.

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Apostasy And Contemporary Criminal Law

In the following countries, apostasy is a criminal offence:

  • Afghanistan criminalized under Article 1 of the Afghan Penal Code, may be punishable by death.
  • Brunei criminalized under Section 112 of the Bruneian Syariah Penal Code, punishable by death. However, Brunei has a moratorium on the death penalty.
  • Iran while there are no provisions that criminalize apostasy in Iran, apostasy may be punishable by death under Iranian Sharia law, in accordance with Article 167 of the Iranian Constitution.
  • Malaysia while not criminalized on a federal level, apostasy is criminalized in six out of thirteen states: Kelantan, Malacca, Pahang, Penang, Sabah and Terengganu. In Kelantan and Terengganu, apostasy is punishable by death, but this is unenforceable due to restriction in federal law.
  • Maldives criminalized under Section 1205 of the Maldivian Penal Code, may be punishable by death
  • Mauritania criminalized under Article 306 of the Mauritanian Penal Code, punishable by death. When discovered, secret apostasy requires capital punishment, irrespective of repentance.
  • Qatar criminalized under Article 1 of the Qatari Penal Code, may be punishable by death.
  • Saudi Arabia while there is no penal code in Saudi Arabia, apostasy may be punishable by death under Saudi Sharia law.
  • United Arab Emirates criminalized under Article 158 of the Emirati Penal Code, may be punishable by death.
  • Yemen criminalized under Article 259 of the Yemeni Penal Code, punishable by death.

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