They Are Loved By The Fbi And Cia
While the Church of Latter-day Saints place in the American purview is still a little muddy, one thing that is broadly familiar is their moral code. This, in turn, has led to somewhat of a partnership with law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and CIA, who recruit Mormons pretty regularly, and have for quite some time, according to Atlas Obscura. Apparently, ever since the inception of the FBI, Latter-day Saints have been well represented therein, and the CIA’s connection to Mormonism popped up around the time of Watergate.
There are several examples, per Atlas Obscura, of the prevalence of Mormons in the CIA, including a Mormon-owned PR firm purchasing office space outside of America to allow their followers to have safe houses. Then there’s the Utah-based, Brigham Young University professor in the 1980s, who admitted that they had never had any difficulty when placing Latter-day Saints who applied to work for the CIA.
Both the CIA and FBI still actively recruit at BYU, according to Atlas Obscura. So much so, in fact, that a spokesperson at the university admitted that the recruitment is so prevalent that it’s difficult to even put a number on it. Given the secrecy of these intelligence agencies, it’s remarkable that one particular religion has become so sought after.
Further Schisms And The Mormon War In Illinois
With Rigdon’s flight, Young and most of the Twelve Apostles assumed control of church headquarters in Nauvoo. A conflict with Joseph Smith’s last surviving brother, William, was a factor that led the remaining members of the Smith family to break with the Twelve. Many initially followed Strang, though all later left Strang’s organization and joined themselves to the nascent Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which coalesced in the early 1860s around Joseph Smith’s eldest son, Joseph Smith III.
Meanwhile, at Nauvoo, the conflict between Mormons and non-Mormons escalated into what is sometimes called the “Mormon War in Illinois.” Latter Day Saints in outlying areas were driven from their homes and gathered to Nauvoo for protection. The Illinois state legislature voted to revoke Nauvoo’s charter and the city began to operate extra-legally. At about this time, Nauvoo’s population peaked it may have had as many as 12,000 inhabitants , rivaling Chicago, Illinois, whose 1845 population was about 15,000, and its suburbs. However, by the end of 1845, it became clear that no peace was possible, and Young and the Twelve negotiated a truce so that the Latter Day Saints could prepare to abandon the city. The winter of 1845-46 saw the enormous preparations for the Mormon Exodus across the Great Plains.
Why Is The Mormon Temple Central To The Faith What Happens In The Temple Why Can’t Non
The Mormon temple is considered an earthly point of contact with higher spheres of being. Mormons believe that God is present in the temple space. This makes it a sacred place set aside to learn things that allow individuals to progress toward becoming like God — the temple ordinances, especially celestial marriage, make “eternal progression toward Godhood” possible. The family unit is central to Mormonism, and the primary ritual function of the temple is to perform ceremonies that seal families together, thus allowing them to dwell together for eternity when they pass on to the celestial kingdom. The specific rituals supporting this function are — in which a husband, wife and children are officially bound together — and baptism for the dead — through which individuals who died without accepting the Latter-day Saints’ Gospel and no longer possess the physical body required for baptism are represented by living proxies, thereby granting them the opportunity to join their families in the celestial kingdom.
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Latter Day Saints Movement
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known for many years as the Mormon Church, is the largest movement descended from the prophetic claims of Joseph Smith. In the mid-19th century, Smiths followers moved from upstate New York, Smiths home, to the West, eventually reaching Utah, where they founded Salt Lake City. Through the present day, members of the movement continue to negotiate their place within Christianity and American society.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the largest denomination in the broader Latter Day Saint movement, a restorationist Christian movement that sprang from the prophetic claims of Joseph Smith and coincided with the Second Great Awakening in the United States. Today, the movement includes the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Community of Christ, and a number of other smaller groups. Like many other restorationist groups, the Latter Day Saints believed that existing Christianity had strayed so far from Jesus teachings that it required a complete renewal rather than simple reform. While many restorationist movements modeled their religion as closely as possible to the religion of the New Testament, Joseph Smith taught that the Bible itself had been corrupted.
They Do Have Special Underwear
This is one of those things that quite a few may have heard about, but immediately dismissed as another myth about Mormons. However, this one is true, and while it may be an object of ridicule for many, it also serves a very specific purpose within the faith. In the Church of Latter-day Saints, these skivvies are referred to as temple garments, according to The Atlantic. These garments are plain white and don’t look unlike a typical white t-shirt and long white boxer shorts. The Atlantic references an often told joke that they’ve been referred to as “magic underwear” but, in case this needs saying, they aren’t magic at all.
The thing is, they are simply temple garments. Practically every religion dresses a certain way, especially when in a temple or holy place. Christian nuns wear very specific habits and Buddhists of certain sects don particular robes, as do Muslims. The only real difference is that the Mormon temple garments are much simpler, and worn underneath other clothes. These garments had been kept secret, according to The Atlantic, but when the jokes kept coming in at the expense of Mormons, the church itself leveled with the general public about the purpose of the clothes, as well as pointing out that literally every religion has some sort of special garb.
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Are Mormon Marriages Different Is Divorce Allowed
Mormon marriages are different from most marriages because they are considered eternal. If a husband and wife are sealed together in the temple, they can be together on into the celestial kingdom. However, the church does have a process for annulment and sees divorce as an unfortunately necessary evil. In Mormon President Gordon Hinckley’s words: “There is now and again a legitimate cause for divorce. I am not one to say that it is never justified. But I say without hesitation that this plague among us, which seems to be growing everywhere, is not of God, but rather is the work of the adversary of righteousness and peace and truth.”
Just as a civil marriage does not automatically translate into a temple sealing for a Mormon couple, a civil divorce does not unseal them. If a divorcing couple wishes to become unsealed, they must receive a cancellation of sealing, which requires approval from high-ranking church officials. A Mormon woman must receive a cancellation of sealing prior to remarrying if she wishes her next marriage to be sealed in the temple. However, because men are permitted to be sealed to more than one woman, they do not have to cancel a previous sealing in order to remarry in the temple.
Activity Rates And Disaffiliation
The LDS Church does not release official statistics on church activity, but it is likely that only approximately 40 percent of its recorded membership in the United States and 30 percent worldwide regularly attend weekly Sunday worship services. A statistical analysis of the 2014 Pew Religious Landscape Survey assessed that “about one-third of those with a Latter-day Saint background” outright “left the Church”, identifying as disaffiliated. Activity rates vary with age, and disengagement occurs most frequently between age 16 and 25. Young single adults are more likely to become inactive than their married counterparts, and overall, women tend to be more active than men.
Church humanitarian aid includes organizing food security, clean water, mobility, and healthcare initiatives, operating thrift stores, maintaining a service project website, and directly funding or partnering with other organizations. The value of all donations from the church in 2021 was $906 million.
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Mormonism Is The Core Theology Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter
Mormonism is the theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the church are often called Mormons. The term was originally considered derogatory, but today it is considered acceptable. However, the LDS church has explained that the word Mormon is sometimes used to describe other splinter groups that are not affiliated with the Church of Latter-day Saints, such as polygamist groups.
Mormonism is marked by several saving ordinances, or what other religions may call sacraments. These ordinances include baptism by immersion, confirmation, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, an endowment in the temples, and marriage.
Ordinances and covenants help us remember who we are, the LDS church says on its official site. They remind us of our duty to God. The Lord has provided them to help us come unto Him and receive eternal life. When we honor them, He strengthens us.
They Are Growing Big Time
Some may think of Mormonism as a small, niche religion based solely in Utah, and nowhere else this may well have been the case in the past, but their numbers have been on the rise in recent years. The kind of rise where even a slower year still sees them growing more than the average religion. Take Protestant Christianity, for instance, which is losing followers at a significant rate: In the U.S. alone, the percentage of Protestant Christians dropped from 51% in 2009 to 43% a decade later, via the Pew Research Center.
The Church of Latter-day Saints, however, continues to grow. According to the Mormonism Research Ministry, Mormons had their slowest year in recent times in 2020, due largely to the pandemic and the subsequent inability of missionaries to get to doors safely. But even in their worst year in modern history, they still baptized 98,627 members, which equates to 0.6% growth overall. While it’s not as much as the Mormon church had been growing before, Mormons still represent 1.6% of the U.S. population, according to the Pew Research Center. Sure, that doesn’t sound like much, but consider that followers of Judaism are only at 1.9% and Muslims are at 0.9%, so this isn’t a bad showing for a religion that is not even 200 years old. While conversions have been slowing over the past couple of decades, there are still over 16 million total Mormons. That number falls short of where they may like to be, but they are still growing.
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Mormon Involvement In National Politics
Mormons and the women’s suffrage movement
In 1870, the Utah Territory had become one of the first polities to grant women the right to voteâa right which the U.S. Congress revoked in 1887 as part of the Edmunds-Tucker Act.
As a result, a number of LDS women became active and vocal proponents of women’s rights. Of particular note was the LDS journalist and suffragist Emmeline Blanch Wells, editor of the Woman’s Exponent, a Utah feminist newspaper. Wells, who was both a feminist and a polygamist, wrote vocally in favor of a woman’s role in the political process and public discourse. National suffrage leaders, however, were somewhat perplexed by the seeming paradox between Utah’s progressive stand on women’s rights, and the church’s stand on polygamy.
In 1890, after the church officially renounced polygamy, U.S. suffrage leaders began to embrace Utah’s feminism more directly, and in 1891, Utah hosted the Rocky Mountain Suffrage Conference in Salt Lake City, attended by such national feminist leaders as Susan B. Anthony and Anna Howard Shaw. The Utah Woman Suffrage Association, which had been formed in 1889 as a branch of the American Woman Suffrage Association , was then successful in demanding that the constitution of the nascent state of Utah should enfranchise women. In 1896, Utah became the third state in the U.S. to grant women the right to vote.
Mormons and the debate over temperance and prohibition
Adoption Of The Current Name
In the late 1830s, Smith founded a new headquarters in Far West, Missouri. At Far West on April 26, 1838, Smith recorded a revelation from God renaming the organization the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”. The church was known by this name until after Smith’s death in 1844 occasionally the name would be written with a hyphen between the words “Latter” and “Day”.
After Smith’s death, competing Latter Day Saint denominations organized under the leadership of a number of successors. The largest of these, led by Brigham Young, continued using “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” until incorporation in 1851 by the legislature of the provisional State of Deseret, when the church standardized the spelling of its name as “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”, which included a hyphenated “Latter-day” and a British-style lower-case “d”. In January 1855, the legislature of Utah Territory re-enacted the charter which incorporated the church under this name.
In 1876, the LDS Church issued a new edition of the Doctrine and Covenants which contains the text of significant revelations received by Joseph Smith. In this new editionâthe first revision since before Smith’s deathâthe capitalization and hyphenation of the church’s name in the 1838 revelation to Smith was changed to reflect the name format the church had since adopted:
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Latter Day Saint Movement
The Latter Day Saint movement is the collection of independent church groups that trace their origins to a Christian Restorationist movement founded by Joseph Smith in the late 1820s.
Collectively, these churches have over 16 million members, although about 98% belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . The predominant theology of the churches in the movement is Mormonism, which sees itself as restoring the early Christian church with additional revelations.
A minority of Latter Day Saint adherents, such as members of Community of Christ, have been influenced by Protestant theology while maintaining certain distinctive beliefs and practices including continuing revelation, an open canon of scripture and building temples. Other groups include the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which supports lineal succession of leadership from Smith’s descendants, and the more controversial Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which defends the practice of polygamy.
What Is A Temple
Temples existed throughout biblical times. These buildings were considered the house of the Lord . Latter-day Saint temples are likewise considered houses of the Lord by Church members.
To Latter-day Saints, temples are sacred buildings in which they are taught about the central role of Christ in Gods plan of salvation and their personal relationship with God.
In temples, members of the Church make covenants, or promises, with God to live a virtuous and faithful life. They also participate in ordinances on behalf of their deceased ancestors.
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are also used to perform marriage ceremonies in which the faithful are promised eternal life with their families. For members of the Church, family is of central importance.
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Lineage Of Brigham Young
Sometimes called “Rocky Mountain Saints,” “Brighamites,” or “Mormons”, tracing their leadership or influence through Brigham Young.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Name | ||
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | 16.8 million members as of 2021 | The largest Latter Day Saint denomination. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. Often colloquially referred to as the Mormon Church. Adherents are popularly called Mormons or Latter-day Saints. Resulted from Latter Day Saints that followed Joseph Smith. Practiced plural marriage until it was discontinued in 1890. Disincorporated in 1877 by the EdmundsâTucker Act, reorganized in 1923 as the Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Churches upholding polygamy after the Manifesto of 1890
Churches that believe they are strictly following the revelations and teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, including the practice of plural marriage, which was discontinued by the LDS Church in the late-19th century after the Manifesto.
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The Latter Day Saint Movement Today
While it would be impractical to include an in-depth discussion of every church in the Latter Day Saint movement, the two largest and most prominent sects are included here, together with a brief listing of some of the more prominent smaller sects.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
By far the largest of the sects, with membership in the millions, the LDS Church continues to be led by Brigham Young‘s successors. Young reorganized the First Presidency in 1847, and the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have continued the same succession pattern: when the Prophet dies, the senior Apostle becomes the head of the LDS Church. As of January 2018, Russell M. Nelson is the church president. Among other things, the LDS Church has become known for its proselyting and humanitarian work worldwide.
Community of Christ
Minor factions
Latter Day Saints share a central belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the world. They accept his sacrifice as the only way to be saved. According to this movement’s theology, that is the central message of the scriptures.
Revelation and scripture
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