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HomeWhat Is Tea Good For

What Is Tea Good For

How Much Caffeine Does Green Tea Contain

Is Drinking Tea Good for You?

Green tea does contain caffeine, although varieties and brands may differ. An equal quantity of green tea contains less caffeine than coffee , but it can still act as a stimulant. As a result, some people find that drinking green tea increases energy levels, concentration and mood, but this effect may vary between individuals.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, it is advisable to limit the total number of cups of green tea you drink in a day. Too much caffeine can disrupt sleep patterns. If this affects you, try cutting back on caffeinated drinks after lunchtime.

Looking for more information on how much caffeine is in tea? Our in-depth guide compares different types of tea and discusses which factors affect the caffeine content.

How To Make Turmeric Tea

There are plenty of recipes available for how to make turmeric tea with fresh turmeric root as well as turmeric in dried, ground or powdered forms. Typically, this involves boiling three to four cups of water, adding one to two tablespoons of turmeric and then allowing it to simmer for at least 10 minutes. Next, the tea should be strained and cooled for a few minutes prior to serving. You can also easily find turmeric tea bags at health food stores, which can be steeped in hot water to brew a simple turmeric tea.

If youre looking to spice up your cup of tea, there are plenty of turmeric tea recipe ideas out there to help. Experimenting with ingredients like pepper, lemon or honey can make it easier than ever to enjoy the multitude of turmeric tea benefits that are available. Ginger turmeric tea, in particular, is made by brewing the root of ginger and turmeric tea to boost the anti-inflammatory effects of your beverage. Turmeric milk tea, also known as golden milk, is another popular drink that is enjoyed for its creamy flavor, rich texture and powerful healing properties.

Here Are Some Key Ways In Which Tea And Its Ingredients Offer Medicinal Benefits:

  • Keep your heart healthyDrinking green tea may significantly lower the risk of heart disease* by reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, reports Harvard Medical School.
  • Protect the brainDrinking green or black tea lowered the risk of cognitive decline by about 50% for older adults,* according to a study in The Journal of Nutritional Health & Aging. Tea consumption reduced risk even more for people who carry the APOE4 gene,* which increases the odds of developing Alzheimers disease.
  • Lower diabetes riskTea drinkers are less likely to develop diabetes because of chemical substances, called polyphenols,* that are enriched in tea, according to several Harvard School of Public Health studies. Research shows that polyphenols help the bodys cells to metabolize glucose and control blood sugar levels, which reduces diabetes risk, Harvard says.
  • Boost moodHealthy older men and women in Japan who drank four or more cups of green tea daily were 44% less likely to suffer from depression* than those who consumed less green tea, according to an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study. The researchers said the amino acid L-theanine in green tea seems to lift mood by reducing feelings of anxiety and stimulating dopamine, a feel-good brain chemical.
  • Soothe stressPeople who drank black tea were more relaxed and had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol* after exposure to stress than those who drank a fake tea substitute, according to a Psychopharmacology study.
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    Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

    Butterfly pea flower tea is a unique traditional drink from South-East Asia, and it has a striking blue appearance.

    Interestingly, the tea may have some benefits too, with studies suggesting that butterfly pea flower tea may potentially help to control blood glucose.

    The tea is caffeine-free and the color is certainly an interesting talking point.

    Key Point:

    Honey Tea Is The Perfect Tea For Cough

    Oh My Aching Mind: What Tea is Good for Headaches?

    Who doesnt like to have a warm beverage when they have a sore throat or cough? But did you know that adding honey to your tea or just drinking it alone can be a simple homeopathic way to treat your cough too? Honey tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help in reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract.

    Honey is also proven to reduce cough in the case of respiratory tract infections, and as a result, it also improves sleep disturbances associated with cough.

    Some studies even suggest that when it comes to cough, honey might be superior to certain drugs, like diphenhydramine, commonly known as Benadryl.

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    Molecular Evidences Of Health Benefits Of Drinking Black Tea

    Address for correspondence:

    Drinking black tea is an excellent option if you are looking for an alternative of coffee or energy drinks. Black tea is not only a non-sweetened or less-calorie drink but also provides several health benefits as it contains powerful groups of polyphenols including epigallocatechin gallate, theaflavins, thearubigins, an amino acid L-theanine, and several other catechins or flavonoids which provide protection against the onset of several chronic disorders. Recently, Autumn Enloe has reviewed the health benefits of black tea. In her excellent review, she mentioned that drinking black tea has a range of health benefits as it contains lots of powerful antioxidants and other compounds which have potential to decrease inflammation and to reduce the risk for the onset of chronic conditions. In the past two decades, research on natural health products at molecular levels has extensively performed and their health benefits are now globally well accepted as their usage is free from side effects. Besides water, black tea is one of our most consumed drinks obtained from a plant Camellia sinensis and now available in the markets of all over the world in both unblended form such as Assam tea, and Darjeeling tea or blended with various other plants products to obtain different flavors such as Earl Grey, Bigelow, and Chai.

    Quantitation Of Tea Catechins In Gt Infusion

    GT infusion was analyzed by LC-MS/MS and the chromatograms were shown in . The quantitation results showed that the concentrations of EC, EGC, ECG and EGCG were 966.7, 919.9, 739.7 and 1960.1g/mL , respectively, in the GT infusion.

    LC-MS/MS chromatograms of EC , EGC , ECG , EGCG and 6,7-DMC in GT infusion.

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    Tea: Warm Up With A Cup

    Featured PostTipsTagsblack teagreen teaherbal teaKidney Dietphosphorus in teapotassium in teatea

    For people with chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease , dietitians are frequently asked if tea is allowed, especially hot tea during cold winter months. As with many foods and drinks we are asked about, the answer is yes! In moderation, tea is a great beverage option that can be healthfully included in a kidney diet. In fact, there are many exciting health benefits that tea offers to anyone.

    Teas come from the plant Camellia sinensis, of which the leaves will either turn to black tea with exposure to air or to green tea by steam or heat. Many herbal teas are created from either black or green tea leaves with additions of other herb leaves, spices, flavor extracts, or sweeteners. Some examples are mint, chamomile, or orange blossom herbal teas. You can also find herbal teas that do not contain tea leaves. Read the label to determine when selecting herbal tea. Research on herbal teas is inconsistent, but generally speaking herbal teas from major tea brands are safe for kidney patients to drink.

    Tea ranks very high on the oxygen radical absorbency capacity scale, a measure of the antioxidant content of plant-based foods. High ORAC foods and beverages, such as tea, help to fight off free radicals and cancerous cells in the body.

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    What Does Green Tea Do For You

    Is Green Tea Good For You ? 7 Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

    Green Tea is the best beverage to have to avoid diabetes and lower your heart disease risk. You may also lose weight more manageable, especially when you are obese and have lots of pounds to lose.

    Green Tea can also improve your skin appearance and have hydrating effects on your body. It helps you fight against chronic inflammation and keeps the water balance to the positive side.

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    What Is Tea Made Of

    Despite all of the varieties of tea you might see at your local cafe, all “true” teas meaning the ones that aren’t considered “herbal” like chamomile or hibiscus are derived from the same shrub that’s grown all over the world: the camellia sinensis plant a.k.a. the tea camellia tree.

    So, “there isn’t a white tea plant or a green tea plant,” says Lisa Boalt Richardson, the director of World Tea Academy and the author of Modern Tea: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Beverage. Instead, what gives each type of true tea their distinct color and flavor is the manufacturing process, which includes:

    • The time the leaves are harvested
    • How long and in what way they were allowed to wither
    • How long the leaves were oxidized or browned

    Each part of the process not only influences the look and taste of the tea, they illicit certain chemical reactions that change the micronutrients within the leaves, according to Richardson.

    Origin And Cultivation Of Herbal Tea

    Although there is not enough evidence on the side effects of consuming herbal teas, yet here are certain possibilities that may occur. Well, as there are different herbal teas, there are different side effects related to them. However, the common side effects can be headache, flushing of skin, soreness in mouth, heartburn, dermatitis, antiphylatic shock, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and hormonal imbalance.

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    The Recommended Dosage Of Green Tea

    Drinking three to five cups of Green Tea per day can provide you with 180 mg of catechins and at least 60 mg of L-Theanine. You can also have the caffeine levels you need to keep you up all day.

    Remember that if you go over the five cups of Green Tea per day, you will have stomach issues. EGCG is the most popular of the catechins molecule, but it can result in liver damage if you take too much without eating first.

    In case of overdose, then you need to stop taking green Tea immediately. Overdose can give you the following symptoms:

    • Nervousness
    • Dizziness
    • Insomnia

    Always ask your doctor before you start consuming bigger than usual portions of green Tea. Black Tea can also have the same overdose effects, to be ready to anticipate a similar type of symptoms when drinking a Japanese or any other teas cup.

    The 21 Proven Health Benefits Of Green Tea

    The Benefits Of Drinking Delicious Black Tea

    Green Tea has always been a royal tradition in Ancient China. It was the beverage of the Emperor, who insisted on giving this magical potion to his people.

    In modern times, the consumption of Green Tea has been a recent years innovation. Companies around the world deviated from the production of world-famous black Tea. Green Tea is the most unprocessed beverage you may find on the market.

    Many people love it for its unique taste and aroma. However, scientists support that this superfood can help you in losing weight and keep a healthy balance. That is why it would be useful to have all the information about it and decide for yourself.


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    Nettle Tea May Help With Diabetes

    A quick recap: This health-promoting – and delicious! – Herbal Tea has preliminary evidence to support its use against hair loss, hayfever and acne. There is likewise research showing that Nettle Tea benefits arthritis and gout.

    We move on next to Nettle Tea and diabetes, a chronic condition that fundamentally impacts your bodys capacity to convert food into energy.

    The infusion might lower blood sugar levels due to its ability to mimic the effects of insulin. It may also improve cholesterol, which can then reduce diabetic and prediabetic complications.

    One Iranian clinical trial saw forty-six participants take 500-mg of Nettle extract three times daily. The results determined that volunteers had significantly lower blood sugar levels compared to a placebo group.

    What Is Mullein Tea

    Mullein tea is a traditional brew that is made by steeping the fresh or dried leaves and flowers of the mullein plant in hot water. The most common type of mullein plant is taxonomically known as Verbascum thapsus, although the Verbascum genus contains more than 250 different species of mullein. This plant is considered an invasive species in many parts of the world, although it originated in Europe and parts of Asia. Brewing a tea from this plant is the most common use, primarily due to the amount of mucilage present in the leaves, which creates a coating on the throat.

    Mullein tea has a rather distinct taste, although it is a mild, aromatic flavor with a small aftertaste of spice. When combined with other brews, spices or natural sweeteners, it takes on a pleasant and very drinkable quality. There is no natural caffeine in the mullein plant, so unlike many other types of tea, this variety is good for those who want to cut down on caffeine.

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    It Can Improve Insulin Sensitivity

    Green tea may help reduce complications from diabetes. Diabetes is a worldwide health concern, with significant risks of complications, early death, and poorer quality of life. Research shows tea can improve insulin sensitivity, protect pancreatic cells from further damage, and decrease inflammation, all benefiting those at risk for or already diagnosed with diabetes.

    What Exactly Is Green Tea What Country Is It From

    Natural Remedies & Nutrition : Why Is White Tea Good for You?

    Green tea, which is made from the camellia sinensis plant, has been drank as a beverage in Eastern civilizations for hundreds of years and has been used for medical purposes for even longer. This tradition continues today, with China producing 480,000 tonnes of green tea every year. It is also produced in Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Turkey, and Russia, among other countries.

    Green tea, like black tea, is made from the camellia sinensis plant and is thought to have more antioxidants than black tea since it does not have to go through the fermentation process that destroys them.

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    Herbal Tea Boost Iron In The Body

    Both men and women need iron to manufacture red blood cells to maintain adequate hemoglobin level. So, as herbal teas contain a good amount of calcium, iron, silica, essential minerals in the body, these are the best to boost mineral deficiency.

    A regular cup of Nettle Tea is good for healthy bones, teeth, nail, and hair.

    Herbs That Help The Kidneys And Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally

    Lower creatinine is an extremely important treatment, because :

    When creatinine levels are high, this is usually an indicator of weak kidney function.

    Also, there are many factors that can contribute to increased creatinine levels.

    Such as dehydration, certain medications, kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid problems, excess and high blood pressure.

    To sum up, high creatinine levels mean kidney problems, you should see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

    However, if youve met a doctor and youre looking for ways to lower creatinine levels, we have the 10 herbs that help your kidneys.

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    The Science Of Teas Mood

    For centuries, people across the globe have testified to the relaxing and invigorating qualities of tea. The traditional calming effects of the plant Camellia sinensis have elevated the drink, which is produced from its leaves, to a role beyond quenching thirst it is drunk as an aid for meditation, to help soothe the nerves or simply to unwind. But although the mental-health benefits of C. sinensis are common knowledge among tea drinkers, scientists are only now beginning to examine how tea exerts its effects on mood and cognition.

    Researchers have found, for instance, that drinking tea lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol. And evidence of long-term health benefits is emerging, too: drinking at least 100 millilitres of green tea a day seems to lower the risk of developing depression and dementia.

    The effect of tea on behaviour is slightly paradoxical, says Andrew Scholey, a psychopharmacologist at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Tea is calming, but alerting at the same time, he says, while sipping a cup of Earl Grey tea.

    Explorations into the effects of tea on behaviour and mental health come at a time of growing scientific interest in the role of nutrition in mental health and preventive medicine. Physicians need more ways of tackling anxiety, depression and age-related cognitive decline these conditions place a huge burden on health systems, and treatment options are limited.

    Does Green Tea Cause Kidney Stones

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    Before heading on to kidney stones, you need to know that the kidneys perform a really important role in filtering your blood and removing waste in the form of urine.

    However, you can suffer from many kidney-related issues and one of them is kidney stones.

    Kidney stones are basically deposits of salts and minerals that get formed inside the kidneys.

    Most often the kidney stones are made up of calcium oxalate. The stones vary in size.

    A smaller one can travel down the urinary tract and out of the body. But a larger one gets stuck thereby causing pain.

    There have been concerns over the consumption of green tea and the chances of developing kidney stones. However, the truth is that green tea does not cause kidney stones.

    It instead prevents their formation.

    By drinking just one cup daily, you can see an 8% decrease in the risk of developing kidney stones in females and a 14% decrease in males.

    Green tea prevents the formation of kidney stones by not letting calcium oxalate to clump together. The crystals are flatter and tend to break easily.

    Therefore, they can easily leave the body through the urinary tract without causing any trouble. In a nutshell, green tea affects the way the crystals get formed making them easy to exit the body.

    P.S. The research is still being carried out and in case you have kidney issues, it is better to consult a doctor and then think about including the tea in your diet.

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