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HomeExclusiveTeas That Help With Colds

Teas That Help With Colds

Amazing Herbal Teas To Help You Beat The Flu

Ward Off Colds & Flu With Turmeric Tea | Boost Your Immune System Naturally
  • Health & Wellness
Just when you think you’ve escaped, the flu can hit you like a brick. But before you run to the doctor or send your significant other to the store to wander haplessly through the aisles, remember: antibiotics don’t work for viruses and most over-the-counter medications only treat the symptoms.

Thankfully, theres a way to boost your immune system and actually help you fight viruses like the flu. Even better, this may be no farther away than your kitchen cupboard. Herbal teas are not only affordable and easy to find, they also offer a variety of amazing benefits for flu prevention and recovery. Read on to learn how you can reap the benefits from these simple ingredients in natures pharmacy.

Which Whiskey Is The Best For A Sore Throat

7 Whiskey Cocktails That Could Help You Get Rid of Your Cold

  • Whiskey Chai is a kind of tea made with whisky. This warm, boozy nightcap combines creamy, handmade chai with rich bourbon.
  • Punch with a Gaelic twist. This spicy punch is best served with young Irish whiskey.
  • Cure from the Emerald Isle.
  • Wattle of the Turkey
  • The Auld Alliance is a Scottish clan.
  • Sour Whiskey with Marmalade.

Which Herbal Teas Are Best For You

Because caffeine is not included in herbal teas in their natural form, drinking them will not cause you to lose fluids.They frequently have a pleasantly sweet taste and a calming aroma.They have an exceptional flavor when combined with a natural sweetener such as honey.

  • People who are getting over the common cold have long relied on chamomile tea and peppermint tea as their go-to beverages of choice.

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Our Favourite Teas For Flu And Colds

From immune boosting to a sore throat soothing, these teas will help relieve symptoms. Better yet, they may even prevent you from getting sick in the first place.

1) Pick-me-up tea for colds and the flu

A treat for the body as it tones, and strengthens the immune system, provides the body with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, assists in detoxing, and delivers corporal energy without caffeine. Should you feel groggy, the yerba matte is this tea will have you up and at em in no time.

Ingredients: green yerba mate, lemongrass, spearmint leaves, gingko and ginseng pieces, nettle pieces, calendula, cornflower, and sunflower petals, rooibos, green rooibos, honeybush, chamomile flowers, goji berries, ginger pieces, apples, rosehips, hibiscus, lemon and lime pieces, peppermint, lime leaves, natural flavours

2) Powerhouse the best tea for cold and flu

Our Powerhouse tea acts as an aid to the immune system, moderates symptoms of congestion and throat pain, relieves fatigue and sleeplessness, remedies stomach issues, and gives comfort and overall relief resulting in a natural and quicker recovery. One of our favourites, this may be the best tea for flu.

Ingredients: Green yerba mate, lemongrass, spearmint leaves, gingko and ginseng pieces, nettle pieces, calendula, cornflower, and sunflower petals, rooibos, green rooibos, honeybush, chamomile flowers, goji berries, ginger pieces, apples, rosehips, hibiscus, lemon and lime pieces, peppermint, lime leaves, natural flavours.

What Tea Helps With Colds

Loyd Cold Infusion Tea in South Africa
  • Which Teas Can Help Ease the Symptoms of Colds and the Flu? Peppermint. In addition to having a distinctive flavor, drinking peppermint tea will also cause you to consume menthol, which is beneficial for those who suffer from coughs.
  • Chamomile. Your recovery from illness will require you to obtain enough of rest in addition to drinking plenty of water.
  • Also Check: How To Make Essiac Tea Recipe

    Cayenne Tea For Colds

    The last spice herb on our best teas for a cold list. Cayenne is a common spice used in fiery, warm dishes. Youve probably noticed how it can really get your nose running! One great way to get some cayenne is to add it to the classic cold-busting chicken soup. But making into tea, or adding it to your usual tea, can work just as well if not better.

    Cayenne is quite hot and fiery. It turns thick, heavy mucus on your chest or in your nose into a more liquid state, making it easier to blow out and helping you breathe easier. It also can make you sweat out a fever by stimulating sweat glands, youll perspire more and thus cool your body down quicker. ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper plus a squeeze of lemon or honey, is the best way to make this tea.

    How Do You Get Rid Of A Cold In 24 Hours

    Even though the length of time you experience symptoms might vary, a lot of individuals are curious about how they can recover from a cold in only 24 hours or even overnight. Gargling with salt water, drinking plenty of fluids, resting, using an over-the-counter medicine, gargling, and humidifying the air are the most effective ways to combat a cold as quickly as possible.

    Read Also: What Do Green Tea Do For Your Body

    Home Remedies For Colds And Flu Shopping List:

    Garlic anti-viral, antibiotic, and antiseptic.

    Onion great for coughs and raw onion keeps the respiratory tract open.

    Ginger antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. In addition to treating cold/flu, ginger is excellent for nausea and vomiting.

    Sage carminative, antiseptic, and astringent the mouth and throat plant. Used for sore throats and cough. Also used for sinus congestion. Sage should not be used when pregnant or breast feeding.

    Thyme antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant, and astringent. Thyme is great for respiratory infections and coughs. It is also good for the stomach and relieves gas.

    Cayenne powder stimulant, anti-microbial, analgesic, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Cayenne can help prevent a cold or flu as well as shorten the duration of a cold or flu. It brings heat to the body, which can help dispel coldness.

    Honey raw, local honey should ideally be purchased either at a farmers market or at Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Honey is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic. Do not give honey to children under 1 year old.

    Lemon high in vitamin C, lemon may helpdecrease the strength of the cold and flu virus in the body and reduce phlegm. Many folks use lemons to build resistance to cold and flu, and speed up healing.

    What Kind Of Tea Is Good For A Cold

    Immune Booster: 2 Minute Lemon Ginger Tea

    People who are getting over the common cold have long relied on chamomile tea and peppermint tea as their go-to beverages of choice.It is important to keep in mind that drinking chamomile tea while pregnant is not a good idea.A cough may be suppressed, discomfort and soreness can be soothed, and phlegm can be loosened up by adding a little honey to your favorite herbal tea and stirring it in.

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    Hot Soups For Cold And Flu

    Like hot liquids, hot soups work to clear congestion, soothe membranes, and deliver important nutrients to help your body fight an illness. Chicken noodle soup is a worldwide classic but try these hot soup variations as natural remedies against colds and flu.

    • Congee ChinaCongee is a traditional Chinese soup made from water or stock and rice, but with the option to add many different ingredients. Most people eat it for breakfast, but it is believed to be a healing food any time of a day.
    • Vegetable soup CambodiaA simple broth with vegetables and a little spice.
    • Lugaw PhilippinesLugaw is a rice porridge cooked with ginger and chicken and is the comfort healing food of the Philippines.
    • Chicken and vegetable soup ZambiaThis Go, Grow, Glow soup can be made vegetarian but either way offers protein and foods to boost energy and protect from disease.

    I remember when I was young, when I got a cold, my dad cooked vegetable soup for me and he encouraged me to have it while it was still warm. It made me sweat. I felt so much better and gained energy after having it.Ratana Lay, World Vision staff and mother, Cambodia

    Sore Throat Antidote Herbal Tea

    Alright, youre fully sick now and your throat is on FIRE. It hurts to eat, to drink, and to talk. This herbal tea is your friend. Sage is a classic remedy for painful throats, and both licorice and marshmallow root are classic mucilaginous herbsmeaning they make the same gooey stuff that flax seeds and chia seeds makewhich helps to soothe, coat, and protect your inflamed throat tissue. This particular tea tastes delicious , and Ive been known to make it a half gallon at a time and constantly sip on it during the sore throat phase.

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    More Chamomile Tea Help

    If youre an avid tea drinker, then youll love my tea course. Its designed to fast-track your tea knowledge and experience without sitting numerous exams. Allowing you to become the tea connoisseur in your family or circle of friends.

    Take the fast track to become a tea connoisseur

    Whether for enjoyment or considering a career as a tea sommelier. This course has everything you need to enhance your tea knowledge and tea tasting skills.

    This course keeps it simple with step by step tea tasting, and easy reference guides

    For pleasure, or as a precursor to a career in the tea industry. Find out what a tea sommelier actually does, career paths, and what they earn.

    Find out more about the Teahow Tea Sommelier Course!

    Benefits Of Tea For A Cough

    Cold Season Tea

    Drinking tea when you have a cough may provide several benefits that can help you feel better. This includes the ability to:

    • Soothe a sore throat. The warmth of a cup of tea can help to soothe a throat that feels raw or sore from coughing.
    • Loosen up mucus. Warm fluids like tea can help to loosen or break up mucus. This can make it easier to cough up mucus.
    • Provide other health benefits. The natural components in tea may have their own specific health benefits. These can include things like anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial properties.

    Based on scientific evidence, the following seven teas may be especially helpful for easing your cough and the symptoms that go along with it.

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    Six Best Teas For Fighting The Flu

    Cold and flu season is upon us. That means, as colder weather approaches so do the dreaded cold and flu symptoms. But do not fret- we have you covered. Weve gone ahead and curated a list of the best tea ingredients to look for when choosing a tea for flu as well as some of our personal favourite tea remedies. Not only will these teas help boost your immunity but they will also help you cope should you fall sick.

    Tea For Colds: What Is The Best Tea For A Cold

    Especially in the autumn and winter, many people are plagued with colds and the flu. But with plenty of bedrest and the right choice of tea, youll be back on your feet in no time. Whatever is ailing you, nature often has the best medicine. Tea for colds can be made from various medicinal plants, each of which will target specific symptoms or sets of symptoms. Well show what tea is good for a cold and which plants provide relief for which problems.

    You can mix all the herbs presented here according to your needs. Thats why theres no one best tea for a cold: Choosing the tea mixture that is right for you will depend on what stage of your cold youre in, and what symptoms youre experiencing. You can either inhale the steam from the tea to treat your symptoms, or you can drink it.

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    Is Chamomile Tea Good For Colds

    Chamomile tea has traditionally been used to help people sleep but now there is some scientific evidence to back up the theory that it could help here. A study involving people with chronic insomnia found that those who received chamomile extract twice a day for 28 days fell asleep approximately 15 minutes quicker than the control group who did not receive any chamomile.1 Also, it was found that those who had the chamomile extract woke up fewer times in the night than those who did not consume the herb.

    Chamomile has a relaxing effect on the nervous system which is likely to explain these results. This helps to ease stress and promotes better sleep which is of particular benefit when suffering from a cold as the likes of a blocked nose or cough often prevent us from getting good quality sleep.

    Ways To Avoid Getting Sick In The First Place

    THE BEST ICED TEA | how to make cold brew iced tea

    This might sound redundant but this is of extreme importance: avoid getting the flu bug in the first place. Remember to:

    • avoid people who are sick or have recently been sick
    • get healthy sleep get enough rest get enough sunlight
    • eat quality foods that provide your body with vitamins engage in moderate exercise to boost immune system response.
    • Be sure you are getting enough rest, be it by sleeping for proper periods of time or taking up yoga, which can double as a way to relax and also help with colds.
    • Eat foods that are high in zinc. Zinc’s effectiveness hasn’t been clinically confirmed but many alternative medicine practitioners recommend it. Zinc supplements have not been shown to work, however. Some foods known to have high amounts of zinc include whole grains, shellfish, nuts, peas, beans, pork, beef liver.
    • Do not smoke cigarettes ever because smoking will damage your body’s immune system response considerably. This means don’t breathe in second-hand smoke either!
    • Exercise regularly. Exercise boosts the immune system so treat this like an important part

    To stop cold before it begins, opt for warm drinks that will loosen mucus, like herbal teas and green tea, instead of caffeinated sodas. When you do catch a cold, avoid fatty/oily foods and stick to cooked veggies, toast with avocado , boiled eggs and chicken noodle soup while drinking plenty of water.

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    What Is The Best Tea For A Cold Or Flu

    The 9 Best Teas to Drink When You Have a Cold or the Flu

  • Tea with Peppermint. Peppermint is a calming plant that does not contain caffeine and has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of cold symptoms and speeding up the recovery process.
  • Tea Made with Chamomile
  • Du Citron Dans La Tisane Pour Une Sant De Fer

    Riche en vitamine C, le citron est un bon produit à incorporer dans votre tisane contre le rhume. Pressez un citron bio ou laissez infuser des écorces de citron quelques minutes. Avec son activité antioxydante, la vitamine C contribue au fonctionnement normal du système immunitaire. Elle aide aussi à combattre la fatigue de lhiver. Si vous trouvez linfusion trop acidulée, rajoutez une cuillère de miel. Le miel sucre naturellement votre tisane contre le rhume. Le citron se marie aussi à merveille avec le gingembre.

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    Say Yes To More Fluids

    If youve got cold symptoms or feel the flu coming on, a doctor will no doubt recommend more fluids. Dehydration may occur if you dont compensate for water loss from runny noses and sweating.

    Drinking plenty of water can help speed up your recovery. And hot drinks such as herbal tea can assist, too. The warm liquid soothes your throat and helps reduce congestion. It also contains antibacterial properties that help relieve cold symptoms.

    So, although research hasnt established that drinking tea can completely cure a common cold or flu, theres evidence that tea mitigates some symptoms.

    Whether you have little ones in school, or your trip to work consists of traveling on a train with hundreds of sneezing commuters, cold and flu germs are everywhere this time of year. But that doesnt mean you have to succumb! In honor of National Hot Tea Month, weve rounded up six teas that can help wean off winter colds, and keep you healthy during the rest of the season.

    Yogi Teas Throat Comfort

    Sure, having a raspy voice may appear sexy for a little while, but not when the source of it is a cold. Yogi Teas organic Throat Comfort is packed with soothing herbal ingredients like slippery elm bark and wild cherry bark to ease minor throat irritation. Plus, the added licorice gives it a sweet and subtle flavor boost. $4.99 for one box

    Republic of Teas Get Wellness

    Tazo Rest

    How Does Tea Help With Cough And Cold

    Cold Formula Tea

    Drinking tea has shown to be beneficial when suffering from a cough. Research indicates that tea helps the immune system naturally recover and make it more effective when dealing with problems such as these.

    Relieves sore throat- Tea helps to soothe a sore throat and provides immediate relief from coughing. In some cases, it has been more effective than prescription drugs.

    Releases mucus- Drinking tea helps the bodys system to remove any mucus buildup that may have been causing discomfort.

    Medicinal benefits- Tea is known for its medicinal benefits and anti-inflammatory quality that makes it effective in fighting a cough and cold.

    Here is the list of best teas to treat your cold and cough

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    Side Effects Of Cough Medications

    There are over-the-counter medications you can try for the relief of your coughing. However, they may cause you side effects. For that reason, ginger can be a better way to deal with your coughing caused by a cold. You should be aware of the side effects of common cough medications.

    Cough-Suppressants The ingredients of these medications may cause drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, and nausea.

    Dangerous Complications There are many conditions for which cough medications can cause serious side effects. These conditions include heart disease, pregnancy, asthma, enlarged prostate, and glaucoma. You should always check with your doctor before taking a cough medication if you have any of these conditions. There is a possibility that you may be allergic to one of the cough medications. You should always read the label of a cough medication carefully.

    Expectorants These medications can loosen your congestion and break up the mucus, causing you to cough. However, you should be aware of the fact that these medications may cause you to experience dizziness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, and drowsiness.

    Serious or Life-Threatening Sometimes, a cough medicine can be habit-forming. Always follow the doses recommended on the label of the medication. It is possible to overdose. A child younger than 2 should never be given a cough medication.


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