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HomeMust ReadHow To Make Essiac Tea Recipe

How To Make Essiac Tea Recipe

Essiac Tea And Cancer

Easy Essiac Tea Recipe

The teas therapeutic properties make it a popular remedy, not only for cancer, but for many other diseases and conditions, among which are diabetes, heart disease, allergies, AIDS, IBS, and diseases of the eye. The tea promotes homeostasis and cellular renewal, purifies the blood, reduces inflammation, boosts detoxification, stimulates healthy immunity, is a powerful antioxidant, halts the growth of cancer, and relieves pain.

The herbs in the tea elevate the enzyme systems within the body, which is particularly notable for those with cancer because the disease derails the function of enzymes. Endocrine and liver function is greatly enhanced, favorably impacting the immune system so the body can more efficiently fight the disease. The antioxidant profile combats oxidative stress and the damage caused by free radicals.

Free radicals contribute to chronic inflammation and cellular instability, possible precursors to cancer. Antioxidants are thought to prevent mutations within the cell, decrease the proliferation of malignant cells, and prevent tumor growth. Each herb is medicinal when used individually , but has a synergistic effect when used in combination with each other.

4. Indian Rhubarb Root :

  • Purges the liver of toxins and waste
  • Neutralizes acids as a result of indigestion
  • Delivers oxygen to all parts of the body
  • Promotes a beneficial and balancing effect on the digestive system

Supports The Immune System

Keeping your immune system healthy is a huge part of fighting off disease. Having a healthy diet and lifestyle is a key part of this, but essiac tea can be a powerful boost as well.

In 2007, one study found that essiac tea exhibited significant immunomodulatory effects. It was also found that essiac tea contains higher antioxidant content than red wine, green tea and cocoa. The high antioxidant effects may be part of the reason why people report such promising health results from taking essiac tea.

Recipe For Essiac Tea Mixture

  • Bring water to a boil, stir in tea and cover.

  • Simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir.

  • Cover and refrigerate for 12 hours

  • Stir, cover, and bring back to boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

  • Strain through a fine mesh strainer & funnel liquid into clean amber glass bottles and cap.

  • Tighten cap after cooling. Refrigerate.

  • This mixture will stay fresh for 2 to 3 weeks if refrigerated.

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Essiac Tea Benefits For Immune Health

Essiac tea appears to be effective in improving several health markers, boosting immune health and treating various diseases, especially cancer. The research so far is limited, on humans anyway – and thatâs unlikely to change anytime soon, mainly due to lack of pharmaceutical incentive . However, existing studies and anecdotal evidence indicate many benefits and mostly positive results.

A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that essiac tea demonstrates potent anti-oxidant properties, effectively scavenging free radicals and protecting DNA. Another study in AntiCancer Research corroborated this and also demonstrated an ability to modulate the immune system. Together, the herbal ingredients in the recipe have been shown to have more powerful anti-oxidant properties than green tea, red wine or cocoa.

These properties alone may go some way towards explaining the reported effects of the tonic. For example, the Canadian Journal of Urology describes the case of a 64-year-old man with prostate cancer who went into remission after using essiac tea as a supplement.

Essiac Tea is a Complementary Treatment, Not a Replacement

Itâs also important to note that essiac tea is not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and if youâre taking any medication, have underlying health conditions or are on chemotherapy, itâs best to consult your doctor beforehand.

To Learn More About Cam

The Cancer Fighting Essiac Tea Recipe

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health facilitates research and evaluation of complementary and alternative practices, and provides information about a variety of approaches to health professionals and the public.

  • NCCIH Clearinghouse
  • Post Office Box 7923 Gaithersburg, MD 208987923
  • Telephone: 1-888-644-6226
  • 6 ½ cups of burdock root
  • 1 pound of sheep sorrel herb powdered
  • 1/4 pound of slippery elm bark powdered
  • 1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root powdered

Mix these ingredients thoroughly and store in glass jar in dark dry cupboard.

Take a measuring cup, use 1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water depending on the amount you want to make.

I use 1 cup of mixture to 8 x 32 = 256 ounces of water. Boil hard for 10 minutes then turn off heat but leave sitting on warm plate over night .

In the morning heat steaming hot and let settle a few minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and sit to cool. Store in dark cool cupboard. Must be refrigerated when opened. When near the last when its thick pour in a large jar and sit in fridge overnight then pour off all you can without sediment.

This recipe must be followed exactly as written.

I use a granite preserving kettle , 8 ounce measuring cup, small funnel and fine strainer to fill bottles.

All together this makes 225g of dried herb tea mix

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What Is The Essiac Tea

The herbal cure Essiac, produced primarily from tea, has been marketed for nearly a century as a cancer treatment. In clinical trials, Essiac didnt cure cancer, and in some cases, it may have even accelerated cancer growth.

As early as the 1920s, reports appeared of an Ontario forest tea that cured cancer. However, its ingredients remained unknown for decades. The only recipe belonged to Canadian nurse Rene M. Caisse, and she protected it until shortly before her death.

According to Caisse, the herbal recipe was passed down from the wife of an English coal miner. Twenty years earlier, an Ontario Native American healer cured her of breast cancer with the tea, according to the wife. Caisses last name is Essiac, and she reportedly gave it away for free to cancer patients.

Additionally, Essiac is associated with government restrictions, toxicity reports, and reported death in connection with its use.

Thousands of cancer patients consume Essiac despite the lack of clinical evidence to help them achieve remission. According to a survey from 2000, 15% of Canadian women with breast cancer use Essiac. Among 5,051 Essiac users surveyed in the U.S. in 2006, 22% had breast cancer.

Human studies of Essiac have not been well regarded in scientific circles.

According to Caisse, Essiac treatment led to an 80% survival rate among all cancers. No scientific evidence has ever been presented to support this claim.

Why Is There Sludge At The Bottom Of My Container Can I Throw It Out

The herbs are important to consume as part of each dose. Therefore, please do not strain and throw out the particles at the bottom after you brew essiac tea. Its important to get some of these particles into each and every dose. The most effective way to do this for most people is to use a large wooden spoon to stir the pitcher before pouring each dose. You can leave the lid off your container to make this more convenient. Stirring tends to work better than shaking especially when the pitcher is full.

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In A Hurry Click Here To Read The Article Summary

TTAC is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since weve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. Its free.

Every year, all over the world, approximately 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer. Its the number two killer in the United States. This year just as in every other year more than half of those 14 million people diagnosed are going to die.

The numbers of survivors in any given year can be misleading since the cancer may simply claim their life in another calendar year. It is a horribly painful truth.

Theres an ongoing information war between conventional cancer treatment and alternative cancer treatments .

Whatever your thoughts on conventional medicine or your personal choice about following standard medical advice, there are available holistic therapies you can use in conjunction with your current cancer treatment to increase your chances of surviving a brutal and unrelenting disease. Saving lives should be everyones goal by any means necessary.


Immune stimulating

All of these herbs are either antioxidant, anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial. They also have immune stimulating properties and when taken together they create a beneficial synergistic effect ie. the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts!

Potential Risks Of Essiac Tea

How to Make Essiac Tea

Generally speaking, essiac tea has been known to cause discomfort. One woman reported symptoms including nausea, anorexia, myalgia , fatigue, and abdominal pain following consumption of essiac tea over the course of six months. According to the manufacturer of the brand Flor essence, other side effects of the tea may include:

  • Increased bowel movements

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How To Dose The Tea

I dose Essiac in two-ounce servings or four tablespoons. It should always be taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes away from food. The daily recommended dose is four ounces. For one dose, add two ounces of the prepared tea to two ounces of boiling water. Be sure to use distilled, spring, or filtered water. Before bed is a good time to sip on the tea.

Drink the tea a minimum of twice per day, ideally three times, if you have cancer. Consuming nine ounces of the tea, three times a day in three-ounce doses, is considered an aggressive regimen for advanced and terminal cancers. Continue on this regimen for at least 5 months or until your cancer tests are normal. The tea will not deleteriously affect cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation, although the treatments can decrease the potency of the tea.

One your tests are normal, you can reduce your consumption of the tea to four ounces daily for maintenance. You can cycle off and on the tea while on a maintenance dose, taking it for 3 to 4 weeks, then taking a break for the same amount of time. This will give your body a break from the detoxification. The tea can be taken indefinitely without adverse effects, and can be safely given to children and pets. In my opinion, it has a pleasant taste.

How To Brew A Gallon Of Essiac Tea

2-Week Supply when drinking Essiac three times per day

1. Bring 132 oz. of pure water to a boil and reduce to a simmer .

2. Add 4 oz. dry weight of the essiac herbs blend. Please actually weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale to ensure you have the correct amount . If you buy our individual 4 oz. packets it means you won’t need to measure anything, but you will need to measure if you decide to purchase bulk 1 lb. bags.

You can see recommended supplies as well as how to purchase an inexpensive kitchen scale here.

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Here Are The Rest Of The Instructions :

3. Turn the heat down to medium and let the tea simmer for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. You may keep a cover on the pan with just a bit of air exposed to reduce evaporation, but it’s not necessary.

4. Turn the heat off, cover the pan completely, and leave the mixture sitting at room temperature for twelve hours.

5. After the 12 hours have passed, stir the tea vigorously to disperse the remnants of the herbs throughout the mixture* and pour it into a container of your choice. Open top containers work well for convenience when you need to stir the tea before pouring each dose to distribute the herbs that have settled. Refrigerate the tea. You can use any type of jar or pitcher that you’d normally use for iced tea.

Limited Research On Effectiveness

The Cancer Fighting Essiac Tea Recipe

Current research on Essiac tea is limited, and most available studies are in animals and individual cells in a lab rather than in humans.

Additionally, though its effects on cancer have been studied, research on other health claims of Essiac tea such as its detoxifying and immune-boosting properties is lacking.

In fact, many of the purported health benefits of Essiac tea stem solely from anecdotal reports.

Furthermore, the product has not been approved for the treatment of cancer or other medical conditions by the FDA .

It may also be associated with numerous side effects, including nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and increased bowel movements .

Therefore, more research on Essiac teas potential effects on health is needed before it can be recommended.


Current research on the effects of Essiac tea is limited to animal and test-tube studies, as well as anecdotal reports.

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Formula Variation And Dosing Based On Caisses Recipe

Caisse dedicated her life to perfecting the herbal formula.Unfortunately, though, much controversy surrounded the true formula because Rene Caisse never published the exact recipe during her lifetime. This was due to concern that lay people would make it incorrectly or that it would be commercially exploited. In her last years, Caisse gave the formula to the Resperin Company under the pretense that it would undergo clinical trials and that several Essiac clinics would be opened. However, the trials did not support Essiacs use in cancer and the clinics were never opened. Essiac therefore did not become a medical therapy and is instead sold as a nutritional or herbal supplement.

And while Resperin, and later Canadian Essiac, sold Essiac from Caisses recipe, several individuals also claimed to have the true Caisse formula despite the fact that Caisse reportedly shared the recipe with very few people. This led to confusion regarding the true formula. In 1994, though, Caisses best friend and helper, Mary McPherson, signed an affidavit confirming the actual formula used by Caisse. This is generally accepted as the true essiac tea recipe.

People will not stick to the dose I give. Theyll decide on their own, if a littles good, a lots better. Thats the way they think.

Amazing Essiac Tea Benefits For Health + Recipe

This post on Amazing Essiac Tea Benefits + Recipe is sponsored by Discount Essiac Tea, but I only recommend products and services that I have personally tried and believe are of value to my readers. All opinions in this post are my own.

There are a number of amazing essiac tea benefits from promoting detoxing to immune support and more. If you are looking to improve your health, youll definitely want to add essiac tea to your daily regimen.

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Essiac Tea Brewing Instructions

IMPORTANT: Use only stainless steel or glass utensils when preparing this tea. Pregnant women consult your physician.

TO MAKE 1 GALLON: Measure 1 gallon of fresh spring or distilled water and 16 level tablespoons of the Essiac Tea.

TO MAKE 1 QUART: Measure 1 quart of spring or distilled water and 4 level tablespoons of the Essiac Tea.

Here Are The Rest Of The Instructions On How To Brew Essiac Tea

How to Make EASY Essiac Tea

3. Turn the heat down to medium and let the tea simmer for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Keep a cover on the pan with just a bit of air exposed to reduce evaporation.

4. Turn the heat off, cover the pan completely, and leave the mixture sitting at room temperature for twelve hours. 5. The following day, stir the tea vigorously to disperse the remnants of the herbs throughout the mixture* and pour it into a pitcher of choice. Refrigerate.

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Clinic Closed By Canadian Government

Caisse provided Essiac to cancer patients at the Bracebridge Cancer Clinic in Ontario starting in 1935. Evidence of a reported death and one report of toxicity caused the Cancer Commission of Canada to investigate the clinic in 1938. Although the Canadian government closed the clinic in 1941, Cassie continued to provide Essiac to cancer patients from her home.

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How To Take Essiac Tea

Once the decoction is made it is not necessary to reheat the tea prior to consuming it. For one serving, mix one to two fluid ounces of decoction with two to four fluid ounces of hot water . Suggested usage is one serving per day. It is not recommended to consume more than two servings per day.

People who consume Essiac tea regularly are encouraged to take time off” . Essiac is best consumed on an empty stomach. Drink it slowly, and wait at least a half hour after you finish your tea before you eat anything.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Easy Essiac Tea Recipe

This is a quick and easy way to make a small batch of essiac tea. This recipe makes about 1 liter or just a tad over a quart. When making small batches, sterility is less of a concern as the tea will most likely be used before it spoils. However if you are making a larger batch, or want to mix your own herbs, see this page for more info.

Final Thoughts On The Use Of Essiac Tea

Essiac Tea â Miracle cure of Cancer â Budwig Protocol

If you have a serious health problem, the use of Essiac tea should be part of a holistic approach to the improvement of your health.

Essiac tea is a great start to better health for many people, but the possibility of success is greater if it is part of a lifestyle approach to health.

If you are dealing with serious illness, your body needs quality foods. Avoid processed foods, sugars, artificial sweeteners, MSG and fried foods. Eat a variety of whole foods. Drink plenty of water.

Get some exercise and sunshine each day. Exercise will improve your mood and sweating helps with detox. Sunshine also helps with mood and the vitamin D is needed for health.

Consider making healing baths part of your health routine. These baths can improve sleep and impart some extra healing.

Have you tried Essiac tea? We would love to hear about your experience!

Breast Cancer, Sinus Polyps

I started giving this tea to my children also and my teenage son had problems with sinus polyps from severe allergies I guess. One day after about a month of drinking the tea only twice a day, he sneezed outI know this will gross some of you outbut he sneezed out 3 polyps. One was the size of a dime..yuck! This tea has been a Godsend for my family.


I have discovered that Essiac Tea, a known cancer cure from the Ojibwa Canadian natives, and cures baldness and gets rid of grey hair in some cases. It causes ones hair to grow back in its original color


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