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Jesus Of Latter Day Saints Church

What Is The Position Of The Church Regarding Race Relations

The Goal: A Story of Faith, Friendship and Forgiveness

The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone. The Book of Mormon states, Black and white, bond and free, male and female all are alike unto God . This is the Churchs official teaching.

People of all races have always been welcomed and baptized into the Church since its beginning. In fact, at the end of his life in 1844, Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, opposed slavery. During this time some black males were ordained to the priesthood. At some point the Church stopped ordaining male members of African descent, although there were a few exceptions. It is not known precisely why, how or when this restriction began in the Church, but it has ended. Church leaders sought divine guidance regarding the issue and in 1978 extended the priesthood to all worthy male members. The Church immediately began ordaining members to priesthood offices wherever they attended throughout the world.

The Church unequivocally condemns racism, including any and all past racism by individuals both inside and outside the Church. In 2006, then Church president Gordon B. Hinckley declared that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ. Let us all recognize that each of us is a son or daughter of our Father in Heaven, who loves all of His children .

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

MormonismChurch of Christ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Official logo since 2020 featuring the Christus statue
  • Restored Church of Jesus Christ
Official website .org

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often informally known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church, is a nontrinitarian, Christian church that considers itself to be the restoration of the original church founded by Jesus Christ. The church is headquartered in the United States in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has established congregations and built temples worldwide. According to the church, it has over 16.8 million members and 54,539 full-time volunteer missionaries. The church is the fourth-largest Christian denomination in the United States, with over 6.7 million US members as of 2021. It is the largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement founded by Joseph Smith during the early 19th-century period of religious revival known as the Second Great Awakening.

The church has been criticized throughout its history. Modern criticisms include disputed claims, treatment of minorities, and financial controversies. The churchs practice of polygamy was also controversial until officially rescinded in 1890.

What Are Some Of The Rituals Of The Faith What Are The Restrictions And Prohibitions

  • Read the comments of historians, scholars and Mormons on .

The rituals of the Mormon faith include ceremonies performed in the temple — endowment, baptism of the dead, celestial marriage and family sealings — plus several ceremonies that take place in Mormon chapels. The naming and blessing of infants — performed by a priesthood holder, often the baby’s father — takes place in the chapel. Baptisms are held in the chapels when Mormon children turn 8 years old or when an adult converts to the faith. Family and friends generally attend both of these rituals. The Latter-day Saints also have a practice of annointing and blessing the sick if an ill individual so desires.

Like other Christians, Mormons celebrate Christmas and Easter as their two most important religious holidays. The Latter-day Saints also observe Pioneer Day on July 24, marking the date the first Mormon pioneers arrived in Utah’s Salt Lake Valley in 1847. It is around the time of this holiday that the church presents its elaborate history pageant at the Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, N.Y., where Joseph Smith found the golden plates.

Mormons are advised not to get tattoos and to limit body piercings to a single pair of plain earrings for women. They also follow a general dress code that teaches that modest dress not only shows respect for one’s own body and for God, but also has a positive effect on spirituality and behavior.

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They Are Loved By The Fbi And Cia

While the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints place in the American purview is still a little muddy, one thing that is broadly familiar is their moral code. This, in turn, has led to somewhat of a partnership with law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and CIA, who recruit Mormons pretty regularly, and have for quite some time, according to Atlas Obscura. Apparently, ever since the inception of the FBI, Latter-day Saints have been well represented therein, and the CIA’s connection to Mormonism popped up around the time of Watergate.

There are several examples, per Atlas Obscura, of the prevalence of Mormons in the CIA, including a Mormon-owned PR firm purchasing office space outside of America to allow their followers to have safe houses. Then there’s the Utah-based, Brigham Young University professor in the 1980s, who admitted that they had never had any difficulty when placing Latter-day Saints who applied to work for the CIA.

Both the CIA and FBI still actively recruit at BYU, according to Atlas Obscura. So much so, in fact, that a spokesperson at the university admitted that the recruitment is so prevalent that it’s difficult to even put a number on it. Given the secrecy of these intelligence agencies, it’s remarkable that one particular religion has become so sought after.

Now You Can Find The Church On Spotify And Other Music Streaming Services

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Quotes. QuotesGram

Search for the artist Church of Jesus Christ for uplifting Christian pop and instrumental music

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Since youre already listening to music on your favorite music streaming app, you may have wondered how to find songs from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Uplifting Christian pop and instrumental music from the Church are now available in the apps you already love.

The Church is now featured as an official artist on streaming channels called Church of Jesus Christ on Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora. You can find music produced by the Church and recorded from live events that are perfect for creating playlists for Sunday listening or inviting a peaceful feeling into your home.

Some of the initial albums being released on Church accounts include a selection of hymns and the soundtrack from season one of the Book of Mormon Videos series. In the album Praise! Live from the Studio you can find hymns sung by popular Latter-day Saint artists like Nik Day, Jennifer Blosil and City of Enoch.

Playlists will soon be added for more specific circumstances, like getting ready for church on Sunday or when you need to be reminded of Gods love.

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  • Find soundtracks, instrumental versions of hymns, Face to Face event music and other song collections, including ones you may not have known about
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What Are The Core Tenets Of The Mormon Religion

  • Read the comments of historians, scholars and Mormons on and .
  • Read the comments of historians, scholars and Mormons on and the .
  • Read the comments of historians, scholars and Mormons on .

Many of the central concepts of the Mormon religion are laid out in the Articles of Faith, a 13-point list of the Latter-day Saints’ most important beliefs.

These key elements of the faith include belief in God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit belief in modern prophets and continuing revelation belief that through Christ’s atonement all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of Christ’s Gospel belief in the importance of repentance and baptism by immersion for the forgiveness of sins and belief in the right of all people to worship God as they please. The Articles of Faith also affirm a belief in the Bible as the word of God, insofar as it is correctly translated, and in the Book of Mormon as an equally important scriptural source.

They Weave Aliens Into Their Faith

Most religions, particularly Christians, have a difficult time on the subject of aliens. Given the Christian doctrine stating that salvation is only possible to those who accept Jesus , it’s hard to then work in where aliens fit into the picture, assuming that Jesus didn’t live a double life on some faraway planet and die for their sins too.

Mormons, however, don’t have as much trouble making sense of extraterrestrials, even going so far as to embrace them. According to LDS Living, aliens aren’t just out there, they were also made by the same God who created us, and they made regular visits to Earth throughout history. While it may appear that Mormons conflate aliens with angels, their primary evidence of extraterrestrials is indeed through angelic interventions as described in the Bible, like Daniel in the lion’s den, or the angels circulating during the birth of Christ. That said, this doesn’t necessarily mean little green aliens with giant eyes, as explained, “Obviously, God’s sons and daughters would be of his species, would resemble him. Consequently, people on other worlds would be like us, because we are all his children.”

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Chapel And Temple Services

Weekly worship services, including sacrament meetings, are held on Sundays, in meeting houses, also referred to as “chapels” or “stake centers.” All people, regardless of belief or standing in the church are welcome to attend. The Sacrament, similar to Communion or the Eucharist in other churchesconsecrated bread and water in remembrance of the body and blood of Christis offered weekly.

The primary Sunday service is sacrament meeting and attended by the combined congregation. The foremost purpose of sacrament meeting is the blessing and passing of the Sacrament to members of the church. After the Sacrament, the service usually consists of two or three “talks” prepared and delivered by members of the congregation. Once a month however, usually on the first Sunday, instead of prepared talks, members are invited to bear their testimonies about gospel principles. Hymns are sung throughout the service.

During the other two segments, the congregation divides into smaller groups based on age and/or gender. The church publishes manuals for each type of class, usually including a teacher’s manual as well as a student booklet for youth and adult classes.

Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

Nearer, My God, to Thee

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, widely known as the “LDS Church” or the “Mormon Church,” is the largest and most well-known denomination within the Latter Day Saint’s movement. Founded in the United States by Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1830, the Latter-day Saints regard Christ as the head of their church and count themselves as Christians, but do not consider themselves part of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant traditions.

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What Is The Latter

For Latter-day Saints, mortal existence is seen in the context of a great sweep of history, from a pre-earth life where the spirits of all humankind lived with Heavenly Father to a future life in His presence where continued growth, learning and improving will take place. Life on earth is regarded as a temporary state in which men and women are tried and testedand where they gain experiences obtainable nowhere else. God knew humans would make mistakes, so He provided a Savior, Jesus Christ, who would take upon Himself the sins of the world. To members of the Church, physical death on earth is not an end but the beginning of the next step in Gods plan for His children.

They Believe Satan And Jesus Are Brothers

Whenever a nonmainstream Christian belief comes up in the Book of Mormon, you have to compliment the church for being upfront in their explanations and not trying to hide it. One such belief is the notion that Satan and Jesus are actually brothers. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints highlights the split when Lucifer became a different being, now called Satan. He was not created evil, but was created good, alongside Jesus, before his fall from Heaven.

The fact that they are brothers comes from scripture interpretation that, since Jesus and Lucifer were both created by the Heavenly Father, they must therefore be spiritual brothers. The Church points out that Jesus was with God from the beginning, as was Lucifer, and there are a few references to Lucifer being a son of God. One is from the book of Moses, chapter four, when Lucifer presents a plan to God, saying, “Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ scripture also mentions him being “a son of the morning” in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 76.

Also Check: Presidency Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints

Mormonism Came Out Of A Movement From Joseph Smith

Reports indicate that at 14 years old, Joseph Smith was confused about religion and went to the woods to pray. In 1823, Joseph Smith said the angel Moroni visited him. The angel told him about an ancient record that detailed Gods work with the former inhabitants of America. Smith said he found those records and translated them into what would become the Book of Mormon. In 1830, he organized the first Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and became its first president. He is believed by the church to be a prophet.

He is credited with establishing thriving cities in Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri, and also with growing the church from just six members to some 26,000. He also helped organize the building of church temples. However, he was persecuted by those who opposed him and was killed by a mob in 1844.

Restorationism And Prophetic Leadership

Doors open for newly built church

The LDS Church teaches that, subsequent to the death of Jesus and his original apostles, his church, along with the authority to act in Jesus Christ’s name and the church’s attendant spiritual gifts, were lost, due to a combination of external persecutions and internal heresies. The restorationas represented by the church began by Joseph Smithrefers to a return of the authentic priesthood power, spiritual gifts, ordinances, living prophets and revelation of the primitive Church of Christ. This restoration is associated with a number of events which are understood to have been necessary to re-establish the early Christian church found in the New Testament, and to prepare the earth for the Second Coming of Jesus. In particular, Latter-day Saints believe that angels appeared to Joseph Smith and a limited number of his associates, and bestowed various priesthood authorities on them.

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Criticism Of Response To Internal Dissent

The Ostlings say that the LDS Church retaliates against members that publish information that undermines church policies, citing excommunications of scientist Simon Southerton and biographer Fawn M. Brodie. They further state that the church suppresses intellectual freedom, citing the 1993 excommunication of the “”, including gay LDS historian D. Michael Quinn, and author Lavina Fielding Anderson. The Ostlings write that Anderson was the first to reveal the LDS Church keeps files on Mormon scholars, documenting questionable activities, and the Ostlings state that “No other sizable religion in America monitors its followers in this way”.

The American Association of University Professors, since 1998, has put LDS Church-owned Brigham Young University along with twenty-six other universities on its censured list of universities that do not allow tenured professors sufficient freedom in teaching and research.

Richard Abanes lists the following as church members excommunicated or censured for views unacceptable to the church hierarchy:

  • Anthropologist David Knowlton

Alleged Distortion Of Its Own History

An analysis of B. H. Roberts‘s work History of the Church, when compared to the original manuscripts from which it is drawn, “more than 62,000 words” can be identified that were either added or deleted. Based on this analysis, Jerald and Sandra Tanner contend that the church distorts its history in order to portray itself in a more favorable light. Specifically, they allege that there was a systematic removal of events that portray Joseph Smith in a negative light.

D. Michael Quinn responded to these charges by pointing out that methods by Roberts used in creating History of the Churchwhile flawed by today’s standardswere not uncommon practices in the nineteenth century, even by reputable historians.

FARMS responds to the “author and proprietor” charge by arguing this title conformed to the governing copyright laws in 1830.

The Ostlings consider other omissions to be distortion, noting that the widely distributed church manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young omits any mention of Young’s polygamy, and that the book’s chronological summary of Young’s life includes the date of his first marriage, the date of the first wife’s death, and the date of the second legal marriage, but omits mention of Young’s dozens of other marriages.

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