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HomeTreeWhat All Can You Use Tea Tree Oil For

What All Can You Use Tea Tree Oil For

Tea Tree Oil For Healthy Hair


This essential oil is often added to shampoo in various potencies to help relieve an itchy scalp, as well as restore hairs natural luster. Some studies show tea tree oil used in combination with other essential oils like lavender oil may provide young women with relief from mild hirsutism, the growth of coarse, dark hair in areas where women typically grow fine hair or no hair at allTirabassi G, Giovannini L, Paggi F, et al. Possible efficacy of lavender and tea tree oils in the treatment of young women affected by mild idiopathic hirsutism. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 2013 36:50-4. . Additional research suggests tea tree oil can be beneficial in treating dandruffSatchell AC, Saurajen A, Bell C, Barnetson RS. Treatment of dandruff with 5% tea tree oil shampoo. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2002 47:852-5. .

Soothes Minor Insect Bites

The rich antibacterial and antiseptic ingredients in tea tree oil makes it a useful balm for minor insect bites. Its effective for cleaning out wounds, while the skin-soothing properties help you feel relieved after application. Just make sure you clean your wounds with water before applying this oil.

Dilute and store tea tree oil to a spray bottle to drive away bugs or take tea tree oil in cream and apply directly on skin.

Clean Your Toothbrush And Retainer

Take it one step further by also using this miracle oil to disinfect your toothbrush and retainers. Due to tea tree oil’s ability to kill bacteria, it is a great natural way to keep these products clean and bacteria-free. Mix five to 10 drops of the oil in with water and soak your oral products for a few hours to fully clean.

As cold and flu season persists, its the perfect time to put your essential oils to work. Enjoy the air-purifying benefits of tea tree oil by combining it with lavender and adding it to a vaporizer or diffuser. This diffuser from Serene House is the perfect size for any bedroom or living room.

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Treat Cuts And Scrapes

Because of its capacity to fight fungus and bacteria, tea tree oil is an ideal choice for treating minor scrapes and wounds. Apply directly to clean skin two to three times daily to try to speed the healing process.

K. Goldenberg states, “Tea tree oil is great for cuts and scrapes for two reasons. Firstly, it has antimicrobial properties that help prevent infections of open wounds. Secondly, tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help the wound heal faster. It helps reduce redness and swelling. Small amounts of oil can be applied directly on the skin.”

“Remember to not use Tea tree oil instead of conventional therapies but in addition to since there is not enough evidence to show that tea tree oil is as effective as medical therapies. It has been shown to accelerate healing though,” Kristina Goldenberg warns.

How To Use Tea Tree In Your Hair

Tea Tree Oil for Hair Growth: 11 Best Uses for Long Hair (Edited 2019)

Tea tree essential oil is used in hair care, as it is excellent for purifying, cleansing and toning your scalp! It helps you to combat with oily hair, dandruff and itchy scalp.

Oily Hair

3 drops of tea tree essential oil, 3 drops of Himalayan cedar essential oil, 3 drops of palmarosa essential oil. Pour the essential oils into a bottle of mild shampoo and mix.


Add 2 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of geranium to your usual dose of shampoo to fight dandruff.


Dandruff and itching of the scalp1 drop of tea tree essential oil + 1 drop of Atlas cedar essential oil to be diluted in a small amount of your usual shampoo, 2 to 3 times a week.

Hair Lotion

Mix the oils with the mother tincture and the alcohol. Rub in every day for three weeks, stop for a week, then repeat if necessary every two to three days. This preparation is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with kidney problems, etc.

To find out how to choose the most suitable essential oils for your hair type, we advise you to read this article.

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Sensitive Skin And Blemish Breakouts

From spots and insect bites to skin conditions, when applied to sensitive skin, tea tree oil can help to calm redness and itchiness.

Although it may take longer to act than other more aggressive treatments for example, benzoyl peroxide on spots it can be a gentler option for delicate facial skin.4

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Why Is Tea Tree Oil Bad For Dogs

According to Pet Poison Hotline, ?as little as 7 drops of 100 percent oil has resulted in severe poisoning, and applications of 10-20 ml of 100 percent oil have resulted in poisoning and death in both dogs and cats.? The terpenoids in the oil that effectively fight against bacteria and fungi are also easily absorbed ?

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Tea Tree Oil Can Treat Dandruff

Itchy, dry scalp and dandruff can be pretty embarrassing especially if youre noticeably shedding. And, its also just really uncomfortable.

“Tea tree oil is helpfulfor treating dry scalp and dandruff helps moisturize and soothe the scalp by clearing blocked pores and preventing dryness, Batra says.

It also fights. Dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of yeast, so tea tree oils antifungal properties are great for treating it, she explains.

For both dry scalp and dandruff, massage a few drops of the diluted solution into your scalp and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing. You can also add a few drops of the oil to your shampoo and conditioner using about 10 drops for every eight ounces of product.

Allow the shampoo and conditioner to sit in your hair for a few minutes before rinsing. Products that already have tea tree oil in them can be just as effective at treating these scalp conditions, she adds.

Clean Your Toothbrush Or Retainer

Tea Tree Oil For Acne, Don’t Make These Mistakes!

Your toothbrush can harbor bacteria, especially if its stored wet in a dark cabinet. Christine Allmer of Desert Essence, which makes essential oil-based personal care products, recommends placing a single drop of tea tree oil on the bristles when you are done brushing your teeth each night to help control the growth of bacteria on your toothbrush. You can also give your toothbrush and your retainer a tea tree oil soak once a week. Simply add a drop of tea tree oil per ounce of water in a jar and let the toothbrush sit in the liquid for 10-15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly and air-drying.

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Freshen Up Your Garbage Can Or Diaper Pail

Instead of letting the smell linger or holding your nose and blindly dumping baking soda into it, thoroughly clean your garbage can with tea tree oil. Mix up a multipurpose cleaning spray with tea tree and wipe down the entire inside of the pail. Once you have all of the debris out, spray down the can and allow it air-dry completely each time you take out the trash.

Safety Precautions To Keep In Mind

While essential oils can be a great addition to your skin care routine, it is important to understand all the precautions before using the highly concentrated oils. Here are some safety considerations to keep in mind when using Tea Tree Essential Oil:

  • Tea Tree oil is for external use only, do not ingest it.

  • Tea Tree oil should not be applied directly to the skin. It is important to dilute it with a carrier oil such as Argan oil, Rosehip Seed oil, or Olive oil.

  • Be careful when using essential oils around the eye area. Exposure can cause redness and irritation.

  • Before applying to a large area, it is important to do a patch test to make sure your skin does not react negatively to Tea Tree oil. As with any new skin care products, sensitivities and reactions may occur.

  • Pregnant women or people with hormone-sensitive cancers should avoid using Tea Tree Essential oil.

    Learn more about Tea Tree essential oil at the Aromatherapy Press.

Products with Tea Tree Essential Oil

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One Easy Way To Incorporate Tea Tree Oil Is Using Products Containing It

If youre interested in trying out tea tree oil, a good way to incorporate it into your routine is by choosing a product that already has it in its formulation. Not only does this lower the chance of a DIY disaster, but your skin will reap other benefits too. Some products will formulate tea tree oil with other complimentary ingredients that gently exfoliate the skin to help eliminate dead skin cells and unclog the poresa common problem for those with acne, furthers Dr. Garshick.

Here are five medicine cabinet must-haves:

Get Rid Of Nail Fungus

Below The Waist: Oil it up

Fungal nail infections are quite common. Although they arent dangerous, they can be unsightly. There are medications that can treat nail fungus, but some people may prefer a more natural approach.

Tea tree oil has been shown to help get rid of nail fungus when used alone or in combination with other natural remedies, with fewer side effects than traditional medications .

In a controlled study, people with nail fungus used straight tea tree oil or an antifungal medication for 6 months. At the end of the study, about 60% of people in each group experienced partial or full resolution of the fungus .

You can use a few drops of tea tree oil alone or mix it with an equal amount of coconut oil and apply it to the affected area. Be sure to wash your hands immediately after applying in order to avoid spreading the fungus to other areas.


Tea tree oil appears to be as effective against fungal nail infections as antifungal medications applied to the area.

22 ).

One study found that tea tree oil was more effective against plaque-causing bacteria than chlorhexidine, a common disinfectant and oral rinse. Whats more, its taste was found to be less objectionable .

A 2020 study found that a tea tree oil mouthwash was an effective treatment to reduce the inflammation of gingivitis .

To make your own chemical-free mouthwash, simply add a drop of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water, mix thoroughly, and swish in your mouth for 30 seconds or so.

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Relieve Itchy Bug Bites

Early studies show that tea tree oil can play an essential role in decreasing the severity of allergens and irritants that come into contact with the skin.

Dabbing a small amount of tea tree oil, diluted with coconut oil or other carrier oil, onto a bug bite can reduce the initial reaction while soothing the burning and itching sensation that tends to be unbearable.

Keep Your Mitts Clean

Lets take our current love of handwashing and turn it up to 11. Tea tree oils antibacterial properties might give your favorite hand cleaner a boost.

Tea tree oil is antimicrobial, which means it can inhibit the growth of viruses and bacteria like the flu virus and E. coli .

A few drops can be added to hand wash or an alcohol-based sanitizer for optimum cleanliness. Plus, since it helps hydrate, your already overwashed hands will thank you.

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Tea Tree Oil Clears The Skin

Tea tree oils natural antibacterial properties make it a great acne spot treatment, Batra says. “You can mix a drop of tea tree oil with 12 drops of a carrier oil such as rosehip or argan oil, and use a cotton ball to dab the mixture onto pimples.”

A little goes a long way about five percent tea tree oil can do the trick. Studies have shown that tea tree oil reduces both inflamed and non-inflamed lesions associated with acne, Batra says.

Allow the solution to stay on your skin for a few hours or overnight then rinse your face with warm water,” she recommends. “This treatment can be repeated daily and should help stop breakouts.”

If you want to make a mask instead, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with clay powder, yogurt, and honey. Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Other uses of tea tree oil for acne include adding a few drops to your moisturizers and creams, your bath, or your face scrubs, Batra advises.

Tea Tree Oil For Improving Circulation

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne: Important! See Description!

According to naturopathic physician and founder of Wise Woman Herbals Sharon Maire Tilgner, tea tree oil can also be helpful for people with skin wounds, ulcers and bed sores.

Tea tree is specifically indicated for external use in areas with decreased circulation and stagnation. Many people with diabetes, for instance, use tea tree oil neat on non-healing wounds with miraculous results, she says. I believe this is due to a mix of antiseptic activity and the increase in local blood flow to the area. Decubitus ulcers or bed sores, another condition related to inadequate blood flow, are also quick to respond to tea tree oils healing action.

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Make Natural Insect Repellent With Tea Tree Oil

Last but not least, tea tree oil is effective in repelling insects. When added to an emulsifier like beeswax or rice bran wax or carrier oil, it has proven to be more effective than many popular commercial insect repellents. As a bonus, in the event that you a pesky black fly, mosquito, or biting midge slips through, you can use tea tree oil to soothe the bite.

How to use

Add tea tree oil other insect-repelling essential oils to your favorite carrier oil to chase away pests. Heres one of our favorite mixes:


  • 2-3 drops of pennyroyal oil*
  • 2-3 drops of rosemary oil
  • 2-3 drops of lavender oil


Mix the ingredients together in a jar or bottle with a lid and shake gently. Rub the oil on your skin when you plan to spend time outdoors, where mosquitos and other flittery-fluttery biting critters are present.

Note: Absolutely DO NOT use pennyroyal* if you are concerned about young children accidentally ingesting the insect repellent. Pennyroyal oil is a great topical product, but highly toxic internally.

And if the little pests still get you, try a double duty pain relief and itch cream like CBDMEDICs Itch, Rash, & Pain Medicated Ointment to soothe your skin.

Make A Homemade Hand Sanitizer With Tea Tree Oil

To the same end, tea tree oil also makes an excellent ingredient added to any hand sanitizer. Look for all-natural hand sanitizers with tea tree oil as the main ingredient, or make your own.

How to use


  • 3 tablespoons aloe vera gel .
  • 7 drops tea tree oil
  • 1 tablespoon water


To make, combine all the ingredients in a small pump or squirt bottle and shake well.

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How Is Tea Tree Oil Extracted

Each Tea Tree leaf contains tiny sacs that secrete the oil, and Tea Tree Essential Oil is extracted through the steam distillation of the biomass consisting of Tea Tree leaves and twigs. In the distillation facility, the biomass is saturated and cooked with steam inside sealed chambers. The remaining biomass from which the oil is extracted is sometimes recycled back to the harvesting field. Due to its purity in terms of being free of contaminants and weed seeds, it is also sold as mulch. This practice allows the maintenance of the environmental balance, which preserves future plant resources.

Clean Your Washing Machine

Humco, 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil, Aromatherapy, 1 fl oz ...

Get rid of the musty smell and mildew thats growing inside of your washer. Clean out your machine by adding two teaspoons of tea tree oil before running it on an empty self-cleaning or hot cycle. Leave the door open to allow the washer to dry completely when youre done and at the end of every load to help prevent mold and mildew growth.

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How To Use Tea Tree Oil In Your Garden

Gardening can be an enriching and fulfilling activity. However, the unwelcome presence of persistent pests can keep you from stepping foot in your garden.

If these nuisances are destroying your garden, you might want to consider using tea tree oil to get rid of them. Tea tree oil is a natural and relatively easy to use solution for ridding your garden of unwanted pests.

Are Essential Oils Safe For Dogs To Smell

There are a wide variety of essential oils available on the market, and not all of them are safe for dogs to smell. Some essential oils, such as lavender oil, are considered to be relatively safe for dogs and can provide a calming effect. Other oils, such as peppermint oil, can stimulate circulation and deter insects. However, there are some essential oils that can be toxic to dogs if inhaled, so it is important to do your research before using any type of essential oil around your pet.

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