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HomeNewsTea Tree Oil Allergic Contact Dermatitis Treatment

Tea Tree Oil Allergic Contact Dermatitis Treatment

May Cause Hormonal Side Effects

Seborrheic Dermatitis || Dandruff : Natural Treatment

Tea tree oil was found to cause breast growth in adolescent boys. Tea tree oil might act as a potential endocrine disruptor and cause this to happen. According to a report published by The New England Journal of Medicine, gynecomastia was resolved in most cases post the discontinuation of the use of tea tree oil .

Similar findings were published in a report by the National Institutes of Health .

How Do You Apply Tea Tree Oil For Eczema

Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil before applying it to the skin. For every one or two drops of tea tree oil, use 12 drops of the carrier oil.

Once diluted, apply liberally to the affected area using your fingers or a cotton ball. Watch for any signs of irritation.

If you feel burning, stinging, or irritation, remove the oils using a warm, wet washcloth.

Ways Tea Tree Oil Fights Eczema

Eczema is a health condition that is characterized by itchy, dry and inflamed patches of the skin, which may blister, weep or peel off sometimes. It is an inflammation of the skin and often results in reddish spots that have a persistent sensation of itching.

Eczema is not a single condition it describes several skin conditions that include contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, stasis eczema, hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema, and neurodermatitis.

The disease often occurs among infants and young children, but even adults can suffer from it at any time of their life. The Eczema symptoms typically lessen as the children mature, and in some instances, the victims may outgrow the condition.

In some cases, however, eczema may show an on and off the pattern in some people throughout their life. Eczema causes discomfort to the patient and can be so severe that it disrupts sleep and normal life.

While no definite cure is yet known, there are natural remedies that help to prevent future recurrence of eczema, as well as manage the discomfort when there is an eczema flare.

One of the most famous natural treatments for the ailment is the tea tree essential oil. People in Australia and other parts of the world have been using the tea tree oil for eczema treatment for centuries.

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What Are The Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Eczema Treatment

The tea tree essential oil is an effective alternative to the chemical treatments for eczema. Numerous research reports are documenting the effectiveness of the tea tree oil. Here are some benefits of the tea tree oil treatment as a remedy for eczema.

Reduction of Inflammation of the Skin

The tea tree oil has powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics which explain its ability to alleviate the irritation, swelling, and redness that is typical of eczema.

According to a 2013 research review article published in the International Journal of Dermatology, the anti-inflammatory properties are attributable to terpinen-4-ol, a significant component of the tea tree oil that makes the plant extract useful in eczema treatment.

Irritation and swelling are severe symptoms of eczema, and when they are managed, the patient experiences a significant sense of relief.

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Reduction of Allergic Reactions on the Skin

Allergens, which irritate the skin often cause eczema. The hypersensitivity of the skin to allergens and irritants such as nickel results in swelling, reddening, and itching of the skin. The application of the tea tree oil for eczema helps to reduce the allergic reactions of the skin to various allergens.

Who Gets Allergic Contact Dermatitis To Essential Oils

Allergic Contact Dermatitis Due to Tea Tree Oil

Allergic contact dermatitis to essential oils occurs more commonly in people with occupational exposure to essential oils :

  • Aromatherapists
  • Older patients
  • Women.

As a result of increasing use of essential oils in the home, there have been cases of airborne contact dermatitis caused by fragrance diffusers .

Essential oils are used in many countries such as Iran, India, China, and Thailand as a traditional topical therapy for stomach-ache and flatulence in infants. Localisedeczematous reactions have been observed in the abdominal region of infants exposed to this therapy .

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Naturally Occurring Antimicrobial Materials

Melaleuca alternifolia oil, also called tea tree oil, has demonstrated promising efficacy in treating wound infections. Tea tree oil has been used for centuries as a botanical medicine, and has only in recent decades surfaced in the scientific literature as a promising adjunctive wound treatment. Tea tree oil is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, and has demonstrated its ability to activate monocytes. There are few apparent side effects to using tea tree oil topically in low concentrations, with contact dermatitis being the most common. Tea tree oil has been effective as an adjunctive therapy in treating osteomyelitis and infected chronic wounds in case studies and small clinical trials.45

It is reported that, of the various naturally occurring antimicrobial compounds, tea tree oil is effective against skin infections honey can be used for wound infections mastic gum can be used for Helicobacter pylori gastric ulcers and cranberry juice for urinary tract infections. Many infections may prove amenable to safe and effective treatment with non-antibiotic naturally occurring compounds.46

Huma Jafri, … Iqbal Ahmad, in, 2019

The Tea Tree Oil Heals Wounds

People with eczema often have small wounds on their skin. The wounds may be a result of scratching of the itchy patches. Blisters and swollen skin may also degenerate into grievous wounds. In a 2013 study by Karen Chin and Barbara Cordell, and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, showed that the tea tree essential oil healed wounds faster than the alternative treatments used in the study.

Although further research is recommended to ascertain the effectiveness of the tea tree treatment, the findings in the study suggest that the essential oil has additional benefits. The efficiency of the tea tree oil is attributable to the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that have been documented in previous studies.

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Is Tea Tree Oil Safe

Tea tree has been found to be poisonous if taken internally. Since it is a refined composition of numerous naturally occurring chemicals, its misuse might be hazardous.

According to an Australian study, the ill effects of tea tree oil can be minimized by avoiding ingestion. Using diluted oil for topical applications and using only the oil that has been stored properly can further help reduce the risk of side effects .

Though tea tree oil is possibly safe when applied to the skin, it might cause allergic contact dermatitis in certain individuals . As per anecdotal evidence, the oil can also cause swelling, skin irritation or itching, and skin dryness.

Tea tree oil is likely unsafe if taken orally. It might cause confusion, unsteadiness, inability to walk, and, in severe cases, coma. However, these effects are yet to be backed by solid research.

In the following section, we will explore the side effects of tea tree oil more elaborately.

What Are The Clinical Features Of Allergic Contact Dermatitis To Essential Oils

Vid #41: ACV/Tea Tree Oil Rinse for Seborrheic Dermatitis

The most common symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis are skin itching, redness, and scaling . These symptoms usually occur at the site of contact with the essential oil but can extend outside of this area.

In aromatherapists, the hands and forearms are most commonly affected with possible involvement of the face, neck, and legs . Spread to other areas has also been reported . Symptoms usually improve with time spent away from work.

People who have been exposed to airborne essential oils can also have widespread involvement .

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Is Tea Tree Oil Good For Seborrheic Dermatitis

Even though seborrheic dermatitis is not a fungal infection, tea tree oil is a useful and effective topical treatment for it. The active ingredient in tea tree oil, terpinen-4-ol, has potent antifungal and antimicrobial activity that kills Malassezia yeast and other unwanted bacteria residing on your skin surface.

Tea tree oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the inflammation on your skin.

If you are looking to treat seborrheic dermatitis naturally, then tea tree oil is your best bet.

Was The Cure Worse Than The Disease Allergic Contact Dermatitis From Tea Tree Oil

Amber Stonehouse, MD

The sudden appearance of a pruritic confluent erythematous rash on the anterior neck and upper back prompted a 30-year-old woman to seek medical attention. She had recently started applying 5% tea tree oil to the area to treat chronic, recurrent tinea versicolor. An herbal specialist had recommended this therapy.

Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported in about 5% of those who use tea tree oil.1-3 The cutane- ous reactions range from a mild contact dermatitis to a severe blistering rash. Patients with a history of allergy to benzoin should not use tea tree oil because of cross-reactions.2 There is one report of severe subepidermal blistering in a patient with linear IgA disease who had contact with tea tree oil.2

Tea tree oil has gained popularity as a topical antibiotic and antifungal agent. Thus, physicians need to be aware of the potential allergic reactions to tea tree oil and advise patients to discontinue use at the first signs of sensitivity.

This patient was told to apply hydrocortisone 1% cream to reduce the inflammation and pruritus and use cool compresses as needed. The rash completely resolved within a week after the tea tree oil was discontinued.

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Systemic Allergic Contact Dermatitis Caused By Tea Tree Oil In A Cream For Treatment Of Molluscum Contagiosum

Department of Contact Eczema and Immunoallergic Diseases, Dermatology, Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada, Spain


Department of Contact Eczema and Immunoallergic Diseases, Dermatology, Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada, Spain


Funding Information: No funding has been received.

When Shouldnt It Be Used

Seborrheic Dermatitis and Tea Tree Oil

Avoid using tea tree oil if you have eczema, as it could make your condition worse. Also, use caution with inhaling the oil if you have asthma, as it may worsen your symptoms.

Generally speaking, its a good rule of thumb to consult your doctor if youre considering using tea tree oil but have questions or concerns. This is particularly true if you:

  • are pregnant

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The Tea Tree Oil Fights Off Viruses

The tea tree oil has antiviral properties, which make it a useful solution for viral infections. When a person is suffering from eczema, their skin is prone to a wide range of infectious agents. Often, dermatitis causes breakage of the skin. Sometimes, the blisters and weeping sores provide quick points of infection.

The antiviral ability of the tea tree oil comes in handy in killing any viruses that may infect the itchy patches in the skin. Considering that viruses cause a wide range of ailments depending on the type of virus, the antiviral characteristics of the tea tree oil shield the patients from suffering from the possible viral infections.

The tea tree applications have preventive and curative effects. In a person who suffers from eczema but has no viral infections yet, the oil prevents potential infections. Where the viral infections are already in the skin, the tea tree oil fights the viral agents and neutralizes them.

Side Effects Of Tea Tree Oil For Seborrheic Dermatitis

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to treat seborrheic dermatitis. When it comes to tea tree oil, it is important to be aware of the side effects that can occur. This oil is safe to use topically, but it can be toxic if ingested. Individuals with sensitive skin might experience irritation when using tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is often used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, but it can cause irritation or allergic reactions. It should not be used undiluted on the scalp because of the risk of hair loss.

Further reading: Does seborrheic dermatitis hurt?

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What Is Allergic Contact Dermatitis To Essential Oils

Allergic contact dermatitis to essential oils is a form of dermatitis that develops as a result of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction when essential oils contact the skin .

A number of essential oils are known to be allergenic. Essential oils that commonly cause allergic contact dermatitis include :

  • Ylang-ylang oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Narcissus absolute oil.

Safety Considerations When Using The Tea Tree Essential Oil


The tea tree oil is generally safe for topical use, but certain precautions should be considered when using it to optimize the results and prevent adverse reactions. First, expectant and lactating mothers should not use the tea tree oil applications, except with the guidance of their physicians.

Also, there is no conclusive research evidence that the tea tree oil is safe for use by infants. Moreover, the tea tree oil for eczema treatment should not be used orally. When the oil is ingested, it causes rashes, drowsiness, hallucinations, diarrhea, confusion, and loss of motor control.

Different people react differently to various treatments. It is imperative to seek the input of a doctor before taking or administering the tea tree oil applications for the treatment of eczema.

Generally, the tea tree oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat eczema, among other skin complications. There is a growing body of research that shows that the tea tree oil applications are effective in reducing the itchiness of the skin, preventing and alleviating fungal, viral, and protozoan infections, and treating allergic reactions. When used with proper precautions, the tea tree oil can be a powerful remedy for eczema.

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May Lead To A Bad Aftertaste

In a UAE study involving mouthwashes , the CPC mouthwash was found to have a better antigingivitis effect. Tea tree oil had also induced a bitter aftertaste in one individual . The study concludes by stating that more research is needed to understand the antiplaque properties of tea tree oil.

In another study, the ingestion of tea tree oil by a 4-year-old had lead to unresponsiveness. Hence, tea tree oil must not be ingested by children .

The Importance Of Diluting Essential Oils

According to the essential oils brand Doterra, you may be able to apply an essential oil directly to your skin without a carrier oil. Those oils, which are categorized as neat and do not need a carrier oil, include lavender and sandalwood. Yet others, such as cinnamon, thyme, and oregano, must be diluted with a carrier oil such as almond, coconut, or jojoba. The website also advises diluting oils such as peppermint, ginger, and black pepper before using them on sensitive skin, which is a common concern for people who are managing eczema.

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis Due To Tea Tree Oil On Lips And Toenails


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  • The Plant The Oil And Their Uses

    Allergic Contact Dermatitis Due to Tea Tree Oil

    M. alternifolia is a tall shrub or small tree up to 15âm high with a bushy crown and papery bark. This tree is native to Australia it occurs naturally in the northern coastal region of New South Wales, bordering Queensland. TTO, which is obtained from the leaves and terminal branchlets by steam distillation, has been reported to have multiple biological activities, such as bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, analgesic, insecticidal and acaricidal activities -. It is seen by many as a remedy for several skin diseases, including acne, eczema, skin infections such as herpes simplex and warts, wounds, burns, insect bites, dandruff , and nail mycoses . It is marketed as a ânaturalâ topical antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent , . In a monograph by the European Medicines Agency , TTO was considered to be suitable for the treatment of small superficial wounds and insect bites, small boils , itching and irritation in cases of athlete’s foot, and minor inflammation of the oral mucosa . The product is present in many different formulations, including pure oil, ointments, wart paint , acne treatments , , and household products such as fabric softeners, detergents, and cleansers , , . The oil is also used in many types of cosmetic products , , , and in aromatherapy for skin diseases, diseases of the respiratory system , genitourinary diseases , fever, and infectious diseases such as colds, influenza, and chickenpox .

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    What Is Contact Dermatitis

    Inflammation of the skin is commonly called ‘eczema’ or ‘dermatitis’. Contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes into contact with something that makes it red and inflamed.

    There are 2 types of contact dermatitis:

    • Allergic contact dermatitis this is caused by an allergen . Each time you come into contact with the allergen, the skin gets inflamed.
    • Irritant contact dermatitis also known as contact dermatitis, this is when your skin gets inflamed when its exposed to an irritant, usually for a long period of time.


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