Prove All Things Hold Fast That Which Is Good
The FOUNDATION of Mormon beliefs is the ROCK OF REVELATION. 10 for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The Bible has been a primary source of Gods relationship with His people, laws of God, and beliefs. PILLARS of Mormon beliefs are Gods holy PROPHETS. There have never been a people that God recognized as His own without communicating with them. The Bible offers us 4,000 years of the association of God with His people. Yet, outside of this one church none have ever had a prophet to assure the people they are walking on the path of light and life.
The CHURCH OF CHRIST exists only when there is a prophet of God on earth to stand at the head. When the church was first organized by Joseph Smith on April 6, 1830according to the law of the land: freedom of religionit was organized by a prophet of God who was called of God and ordained to that office under the hands of angels. The church was soon organized with the same officers of the Melchisedec Priesthood as was the Church of Christ throughout time including under Jesus. 11 And he gave some, apostles and some, prophets and some, evangelists and some, pastors and teachers 12 FOR the perfecting of the saints, FOR the work of the ministry, FOR the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 TILL we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
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Members Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter
Age distribution among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
% of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are ages
15% | 543 |
3% | 543 |
56% | 556 |
3% | 547 |
88% | 552 |
15% | 493 |
10% | 639 |
12% | 552 |
50% | 553 |
< 1% | 556 |
< 1% | 556 |
< 1% | 556 |
< 1% | 556 |
< 1% | 556 |
2% | 556 |
2% | 556 |
3% | 556 |
3% | 556 |
< 1% | 641 |
< 1% | 556 |
4% | 556 |
2% | 556 |
13% | 556 |
22% | 556 |
3% | 556 |
4% | 556 |
1% | 641 |
3% | 556 |
3% | 556 |
6% | 641 |
6% | 556 |
7% | 641 |
Mormon Involvement In National Politics
Mormons and the women’s suffrage movement
In 1870, the Utah Territory had become one of the first polities to grant women the right to voteâa right which the U.S. Congress revoked in 1887 as part of the Edmunds-Tucker Act.
As a result, a number of LDS women became active and vocal proponents of women’s rights. Of particular note was the LDS journalist and suffragist Emmeline Blanch Wells, editor of the Woman’s Exponent, a Utah feminist newspaper. Wells, who was both a feminist and a polygamist, wrote vocally in favor of a woman’s role in the political process and public discourse. National suffrage leaders, however, were somewhat perplexed by the seeming paradox between Utah’s progressive stand on women’s rights, and the church’s stand on polygamy.
In 1890, after the church officially renounced polygamy, U.S. suffrage leaders began to embrace Utah’s feminism more directly, and in 1891, Utah hosted the Rocky Mountain Suffrage Conference in Salt Lake City, attended by such national feminist leaders as Susan B. Anthony and Anna Howard Shaw. The Utah Woman Suffrage Association, which had been formed in 1889 as a branch of the American Woman Suffrage Association , was then successful in demanding that the constitution of the nascent state of Utah should enfranchise women. In 1896, Utah became the third state in the U.S. to grant women the right to vote.
Mormons and the debate over temperance and prohibition
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Church Releases Muslims And Latter
The new Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles, left, and a screenshot of the Arabic version from
The new Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles, left, and a screenshot of the Arabic version from
Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles is a new 35-page pamphlet that was released Jan. 19, 2022, and previewed by Elders David A. Bednar and Gerrit W. Gong at an October 2021 BYU conference.
Screenshot of the Arabic version of the new Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles, available on
Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speak at the final session of the two-day BYU conference The Islamic World Today: Issues and Perspectives on Oct. 19, 2021. The session was in the auditorium of the Joseph Smith Building.
Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speak at the final session of the two-day BYU conference The Islamic World Today: Issues and Perspectives on Oct. 19, 2021. The session was in the auditorium of the Joseph Smith Building.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has released a new 35-page pamphlet designed to enhance understanding between those of Muslim and Latter-day Saint faiths.
Pamphlet sections note some of the shared beliefs:
The Book Of Mormon Is The Second Sacred Text Of Mormons
Next to the bible, the LDS church believes in the Book of Mormon. Mormon prophets who lived from 600 BC to AD 400 wrote the book. As we touched on above, the Prophet Joseph Smith translated the ancient book by what he called a revelation from God.
It has since been translated into more than 80 languages and more than 150 million copies have been printed. According to the book, Christ established his church in the Old World, or ancient America. People lived in unity for nearly 200 years after Jesus. Later, people abandoned Christs teachings and a war of extermination occurred.
The book refers to Jesus almost 4,000 times. The LDS church calls it another testament of Jesus Christ.
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Events At The Organization
By later accounts, the April 6 organizational meeting was a charismatic event, in which members of the congregation had visions, prophesied, spoke in tongues, ecstatically shouted praises to the Lord, and fainted. At this meeting, the church formally ordained a lay ministry, with the priesthood offices of deacon, teacher, priest, and elder. Smith and Cowdery, according to their 1831 account, were each ordained as an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church. This account was edited in 1835 to state that Smith was ordained the First Elder, and Oliver Cowdery was ordained the Second Elder.
Criticism Of Response To Internal Dissent
The Ostlings say that the LDS Church retaliates against members that publish information that undermines church policies, citing excommunications of scientist Simon Southerton and biographer Fawn M. Brodie. They further state that the church suppresses intellectual freedom, citing the 1993 excommunication of the , including gay LDS historian D. Michael Quinn, and author Lavina Fielding Anderson. The Ostlings write that Anderson was the first to reveal the LDS Church keeps files on Mormon scholars, documenting questionable activities, and the Ostlings state that No other sizable religion in America monitors its followers in this way.
The American Association of University Professors, since 1998, has put LDS Church-owned Brigham Young University along with twenty-six other universities on its censured list of universities that do not allow tenured professors sufficient freedom in teaching and research.
Richard Abanes lists the following as church members excommunicated or censured for views unacceptable to the church hierarchy:
- Anthropologist David Knowlton
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The Founder Joseph Smith Jr
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. and five associates on April 6, 1830, in Fayette, New York.
When Smith was fourteen years old, he claimed to have had a religious experience, in which both God the Father and Jesus Christ spoke to him and instructed him not to affiliate himself with any denomination. Three years later, he reported being visited again by a heavenly angel named Moroni who told him that a book written on gold plates had been buried and Smith had been charged with its protection.
Smith allegedly retrieved the gold plates in 1827 and began the process of translating their engravings. On March 26, 1830, when his dictation was complete, Smith published the work as the Book of Mormon. Shortly thereafter, on April 6, 1830, Smith also founded the first Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints church.
To avoid conflict and persecution encountered for his claims, Smith and his followers moved to Kirtland, Ohio early in 1831. Here the churchs first temple was built and some Mormons believed erroneously that Jesus Millennial reign had begun. However, the controversy and mob violence that had plagued Smith followed him to Kirtland and in early 1832, Joseph was dragged from his bedroom in the dead of night, tarred and feathered, and left for dead.
In February, 1844, Smith announced his candidacy for President of the United States, with Sidney Rigdon as his vice-presidential running mate.
Succession After Smith’s Death
Smith left ambiguous or contradictory succession instructions that led to a crisis in the early church. Several church members claimed rights to leadership.
An August 8, 1844 conference that established Brigham Young’s leadership is the source of an oft-repeated legend. Multiple journal and eyewitness accounts from those who followed Young state that when Young spoke regarding the claims of succession by the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, he appeared to look or sound like the late Smith. Although many of these accounts were written years after the event, there were contemporary records.
Most Latter Day Saints followed Young, but some aligned with other various people claiming to be Smith’s successor. One of these was Smith’s own son, Joseph Smith III, who in 1860 led the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now called the Community of Christ church. Many of these smaller groups were spread throughout the Midwestern United States, especially in Independence, Missouri. Reverberations of the succession crisis continue to the present day.
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Church Has Been Committed To The First Amendment Principle Of Religious Freedom
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Church or LDS, has always been committed to the principle of religious freedom.
This commitment is found in one of their books of scripture called Doctrine and Covenants: We believe that religion is instituted of God and that men are amenable to him, and him only, for the exercise of it, unless their religious opinions prompt them to infringe on the rights of others…that the civil magistrate should restrain crime, but never control conscience should punish guilt, but never suppress the freedom of the soul .
The eleventh Article of Faith states, We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
The LDS Church recognizes the necessity of government for holding people accountable for their actions and promoting the good and safety of society. The twelfth Article of Faith affirms the duty of citizens to obey the rule of law. Indeed, Mormons believe that God had a hand in the development of the U.S. Constitution.
Although the Mormons believe in religious freedom and the divine origin of the Constitution, they fared poorly early on in their relations with the government and fellow citizens.
It Takes Good Deeds To Be Saved
The Bible does not claim that God is extraterrestrial, that he is married to a goddess, or that anyone can become a god. In response, the Mormon Church claims that the Bible is not entirely reliable, that the true faith was lost, and that its leader, Joseph Smith, has revived the purportedly true Christian faith. There would not have been salvation if Joseph Smith and the restoration had not occurred.
Jesus was the first spirit to be born in heaven . Following Jesus, the Devil was created as a spirit in the morning of pre-existence. It takes good deeds to be saved.
Without acknowledging Joseph Smith as a divine prophet, there is no salvation. Mormonism is obviously not Christian. One of the many false teachings of the Mormons and, to some extent, also the Jehovahs Witnesses, is that Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers.
Satan is a fallen angel who was made by God for Gods purposes, whereas Jesus is God in the flesh. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that Jesus is fully God, not a kind of deity that is less than God, as the Mormons and other cults hold. It is abundantly clear from John 1:15 that Jesus is not a creature and that He alone created everything.
Only the relationship between the sinful created being, Satan, and the just Judge, Jesus Christ, can be said to exist between Satan and Jesus. These groups have no chance of being saved unless they turn from their sins, comprehend who the one true God is, and begin to worship him.
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Myth : Mormons Aren’t Really Christians
In the 1980s, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints debuted a new logo with the words “Jesus Christ” in a much larger font. The Book of Mormon was also given a subtitle, “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.” Both of these moves were in response to the persistent myth that Mormons aren’t Christians.
Bowman says that at the heart of this misunderstanding is a legitimate question: What does it mean to be a Christian?
“The broadest and most inclusive definition of a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ,” says Bowman, and by that definition Mormons are clearly Christians.
The earthly ministry and eternal role of Jesus Christ as the savior of mankind are the focus of Mormon doctrine and worship, and faithful members strive to cultivate a personal relationship with Christ through scripture study and prayer.
But there are also narrower definitions of Christianity where Mormon beliefs can be problematic. In Catholicism and mainline Protestantism, for example, there’s the belief of the Trinity as a single Godhead manifested as three persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In Mormon teachings, based on the Book of Mormon and other revelations and visions received by Joseph Smith, the Godhead is not a Trinity, but rather three separate and distinct beings acting with one will and purpose.
What Is The Difference Between The Catholic Religion And The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter
This is one of the many questions we get asked as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! So, what is the answer? Here below we will cover a few of the main differences and similarities. If you have any more questions or insights, please contact us!
1. First of all, we are both Christians! Both churches believe in Christ as their saving Redeemer! However, Latter-Day Saints believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings, one in purpose. The Catholic church believes in the Trinity, which are these three beings, but only as one person. They believe that Jesus Christ has all power as well but is a spirit and does not have a physical body.
2. Baptism
Members of our faith can be baptized at age 8 and older. We perform baptisms only by full immersion in the water by a male figure in the church, who is a worthy holder of the Priesthood, the power and authority of God. Members of the Catholic church can be baptized at any age by way of sprinkling, pouring, or full immersion in the water, done by the Priest.
3. Scriptures
4. Personal Revelation and Church leaders
5. The Sacrament
While reading, you probably noticed that there are lots of similarities! Although many religions have significant differences, we shouldnt let these differences keep us from being united. We are all brothers and sisters, children of our loving Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for reading and dont forget, GOD LOVES YOU!!
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