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HomeGreenIs Green Tea Good For Prostate Cancer

Is Green Tea Good For Prostate Cancer

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

6 Cups of Green Tea for Prostate Cancer

This great tea is packed with many nutrients that make it an excellent superfood. Experts say that consuming at least one cup per day or at least 150 mg in supplements has many health benefits.

However, there is evidence that suggests that even higher doses have some truly incredible benefits for your prostate. Moreover, I have included 500mg of green tea extract is one of my most popular supplements. But more about that later.

First off, green tea contains caffeine, but at very low levels. If properly processed, it typically contains half the caffeine of regular coffee. This is great news for people who love coffee but get wound up with too much caffeine. Drinking this tea effectively speeds up our metabolism.

It also helps us lose weight, and improves our brain function, reduces your risk of a heart attack or a stroke.

A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that drinking this tea reduces the death rate due to cardiovascular disease. This includes heart attack, stroke, and diseases of blood vessels.

The study was done in Japan and followed over 40,000 participants for 11 years. The participants who consumed at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a much lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who consumed less than one cup of tea per day. It is also packed with polyphenols and flavonoids.

Polyphenols are a large group of plant chemicals that include catechins.

Green Tea Can Fight Several Chronic Diseases

Green tea offers several health benefits such as – fighting indigestion, obesity, increasing metabolism, fighting mental illness, reducing risks of cardiovascular disease deaths, and even cancer. But, always remember – only drinking green tea can not help you fight off the diseases and the health risks. One must follow a healthy lifestyle which should include – balanced diet and a proper exercise routine.

Data Sources And Searches

We conducted this study based on the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology . We performed database searches of Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Sciencedirect Online from the date of database inception to February 2016 for all relevant papers published with the following keywords in combination with both medical subject headings terms and text words: green tea or polyphenol or catechin or -epigallocatechin-3-gallate plus prostate cancer or prostate neoplasm or prostate tumor or prostate carcinoma. There was no limitation on language. Reference lists of the included studies were manually checked to identify additional articles.

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Can Drinking Alcohol Affect Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Although the link between heavy drinking and prostate cancer is unclear, the dangers of heavy drinking are not.

Drinking heavy amounts of alcohol is a sign of alcohol abuse, which can lead to dependence and addiction. This can have negative effects on a persons health throughout the body and the brain, with consequences such as:

  • heart disease
  • swelling of the legs or feet
  • shoulder, thigh, or hip pain
  • bone pain

Green Tea Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Green Tea Benefits For Prostate Health

By Debjani Arora | Published : September 5, 2018 4:53 PM IST

Prostate cancer is diagnosed in an estimated 80 percent of men who reach age 60 and is the second most common type of cancer in men. Research has shown that this herbal tea can reduce risk of developing prostate cancer in men. Sipping a cup or two of green tea through the day can keep you off cancer, especially for men. Green tea capsules that contained the potent catechin responsible for preventing the cancer. Researchers led by Nagi B. Kumar of the Moffitt Cancer Center found that an active component in decaffeinated green tea prevented prostate cancer development in men who have premalignant lesions. Prostate cancer forms in tissues of the prostate . Most cases could be slow growing and may even go undetected and not cause any problem. Some could be aggressive and can spread to other parts of the body and are difficult to treat. It usually presents with difficulty and pain during urination, blood in the urine along with sexual dysfunction. Advanced cases may present with bone pain in addition to the urinary symptoms. Studies say that drinking green tea regularly can help to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in men.

Image source: Shutterstock

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Questions And Answers About Vitamin D

  • What is vitamin D?

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin found in fatty fish, fish liver oil, and eggs. Vitamin D may also be added to dairy products.

    Vitamin D has many actions in the body, including the following:

  • See the Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies section of the health professional version of Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements for information on laboratory and animal studies done using vitamin D.

  • Have any studies of vitamin D been done in people?

    Population studies and clinical trials have been done to study the effects of vitamin D on prostate cancer. The results of these studies have been mixed. Some studies have shown a link between Vitamin D levels and prostate cancer, and others have not. There is not enough evidence to know whether giving vitamin D can prevent prostate cancer.

    Combined studies

  • A 2008 review of 45 studies found no link between taking vitamin D and prostate cancer risk.
  • A 2009 study found that men with low levels of sun exposure had an increased risk of prostate cancer and advanced disease.
  • A 2011 review of 25 studies found no link between either vitamin D in the diet or blood levels of vitamin D and the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Population studies

    Clinical trials

    Green Tea And Prostate Cancer

    Men with prostate cancer who drank green tea had less prostate tissue inflammation, linked to cancer growth, and other changes than those who didn’t drink it, says Susanne M. Henning, PhD, RD, adjunct professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.

    ”We were able to show the green tea polyphenols reached the prostate tissue and they did modify inflammation of the prostate,” she says. Polyphenols are antioxidants that protect against cell damage.

    Henning’s team assigned 79 men with prostate cancer scheduled to undergo surgery to drink either six cups of brewed green tea or water daily. They did so for three to eight weeks, depending on when their surgery was scheduled.

    Before and after the study, Henning obtained urine and blood samples. She collected samples of prostate tissue after the surgery.

    She reported on the 67 men who finished the study. Levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, were lower after the study in those who drank green teas. Higher levels of PSA, a protein produced by the prostate gland, may reflect prostate cancer.

    An indicator of inflammation, called nuclear factor-kappaB, was also reduced in those who drank green tea compared to those who didn’t, Henning found. Inflammation is linked to cancer growth.

    “We were not able to inhibit tumor growth,” she says. But the study length may not have been long enough to show that a longer-term study is needed, she says.

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    Teas Value As A Cancer Therapy Is Steeped In Uncertainty

    A reviving cup of tea is one of lifes pleasures a tonic for the problems of daily life. But some people think that this refreshing beverage could have much greater restorative properties: there is evidence that tea, or some of its chemical components, can guard against cancer. The prospect is tantalizing, but after decades of population-based health studies, and even clinical trials in cancer patients, the scientific community is still far from a clear-cut answer.

    Early hints of the potential of tea green tea in particular as a means of cancer prevention come from observations of geographical differences in cancer incidence, and efforts to identify lifestyle factors associated with these differences. Population studies clearly show that the rates of clinically evident prostate cancer are much lower in Asian countries especially in Japan and China, where 35% of the worlds tea is consumed, says Nagi Kumar, a cancer-prevention researcher at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Those were the initial studies that got us started.

    Using Green Tea For Health Benefits

    Green Tea and Prostate Cancer

    Whatever the health reason for someone consuming green tea, it is essential to continue taking required medications, eating a diet high in vegetables and fruit, exercising, and making regular visits to a doctor.

    There are a variety of treatments for BPH, and which procedure is used depends on the severity of the condition, what the individual finds tolerable, and the associated side effects.

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    Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider About Cam

    When considering complementary and alternative therapies, patients should ask their health care provider the following questions:

    • What side effects can be expected?
    • What are the risks related to this therapy?
    • What benefits can be expected from this therapy?
    • Do the known benefits outweigh the risks?
    • Will the therapy affect conventional treatment?
    • Is this therapy part of a clinical trial?
    • If so, who is the sponsor of the trial?
    • Will the therapy be covered by health insurance?

    Effective Against Prostate Cancer

    Studies have shown that this miraculous tea is effective in treating prostate problems. The powerful antioxidants and other few compounds in green tea reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement.

    The antioxidants also slow down prostate cancer growth and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The catechins in green tea have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They can stop the growth of bacteria, which can induce prostate swelling.

    Prostate cancer is also related to high hormone levels. More than 50 epidemiological studies were done between green tea consumption and prostate cancer risk. Results show that green tea can control abnormal hormone levels, and this helps reduce the risk.

    A meta-analysis published in 2017 reveals that prostate cancer risk may be reduced by higher green tea intake.

    Data from this analysis found a reduction of prostate cancer risk in men who drank green tea. The more green tea men drank, the lower their prostate cancer risk based on linear analysis.

    When this study evaluated green tea polyphenol intake, there was an associated 62% reduction in prostate cancer risk based upon three randomized controlled human trials.

    In addition, green tea helps control excess urination. Since coffee is not good for the prostate, it is a good substitute for it. It has a milder diuretic effect. So drinking green tea daily is a great home remedy for the prostate.

    According to the researchers:

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    Additional Treatments For Bph

    When an enlarged prostate starts to impact someones quality of life, theyll likely turn to a doctor for relief. There are numerous medications that can help treat BPH.

    Surgery is also an option. Surgery for BPH typically removes tissue pressing against the urethra. This surgery is possible using a laser, entrance through the penis, or with an external incision.

    Far less invasive are lifestyle measures that may assist in managing BPH. Avoiding alcohol and coffee, avoiding certain medications that can worsen symptoms, and practicing Kegel exercises may relieve BPH symptoms.

    Questions And Answers About Vitamin E

    Popular Herb To Cure Prostate Cancer Is Green Tea
  • What is vitamin E?

    Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may help protect cells from damage. Vitamin E also affects how signals are sent within cells and how the cell makes RNA and proteins.

    There are eight forms of vitamin E: four tocopherols and four tocotrienols . Alpha-tocopherol, the form of vitamin E used in dietary supplements, is found in greater amounts in the body and is the most active form of vitamin E. Most vitamin E in the diet comes from gamma-tocopherol. Food sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, nuts, and egg yolks.

    • Vitamin E and selenium.
    • Two placebos.

    SELECT results published in 2011 showed that men taking vitamin E alone had a 17% increase in prostate cancer risk compared with men who did not take vitamin E.

    Several factors may have affected study results, including the dose of vitamin E.

    Clinical trials

  • Have any side effects or risks been reported from vitamin E?

    In the Physicians Health Study II and the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group, there was a higher number of strokes caused by a broken blood vessel in the brain in men who took vitamin E than in men who took a placebo.

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    Does Green Tea Help The Prostate

    Green tea is a terrific superfood. A Chinese proverb says that its better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one.

    Thats how the Ancient Chinese regarded this healthy food, and we can benefit a lot from embracing their wisdom.

    Back then, people believed that a sip of green tea cures many ailments. And today those beliefs are backed by evidence and scientific research.

    Can You Drink Beer With Prostate Cancer

    Takeaway. Scientists still need to carry out more research on the potential links between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer risk. However, it is possible that heavy drinking increases a persons risk of developing the disease. For people with prostate cancer, drinking in moderation is generally safe.

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    Is It Harmful To Drink Alcohol If You Have Prostate Cancer

    Drinking alcohol while undergoing cancer treatment can be risky and may cause greater discomfort throughout the treatment process.

    The most concerning risks of drinking while undergoing treatment can include:

    • worsened side effects of radiation therapy
    • masking symptoms of metastatic prostate cancer
    • increasing other health risks
    • greater risk for prostate cancer-related death

    These risks can be even greater for people who are drinking heavy amounts of alcohol or are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol abuse and addiction can wreak havoc throughout the body, and lead to other struggles commonly experienced by people with cancer such as depression and anxiety.

    Heavy drinking is a serious concern that can pose severe dangers for people with or without prostate cancer. If you are struggling with alcohol abuse or addiction, the best way to prevent or treat serious health concerns is to seek professional treatment.

    Catechins May Reduce Iron Absorption

    Green Tea and the Epigenetics of Prostate Cancer

    The catechins in green tea may reduce your ability to absorb iron from foods (

    36 ).

    While regularly drinking green tea isnt a concern for most healthy individuals, those at risk of iron deficiency should consider drinking tea in between meals and waiting at least one hour after eating before drinking tea .

    Infants, young children, women who are pregnant or menstruating and individuals who have internal bleeding or are undergoing dialysis are all at an increased risk of iron deficiency.

    The catechins in green tea can also interfere with certain medications and decrease their effectiveness.

    For example, studies indicate that green tea may inhibit the effectiveness of certain heart and blood pressure medications .

    Drinking green tea may also decrease the effects of certain medications used to treat anxiety and depression .

    Toxic effects are most common when people take green tea supplements, which have a much higher concentration of catechins than green tea itself .

    Summary: When consumed in moderation, green tea is safe for most people. You may want to limit or avoid it if you have iron deficiency or are pregnant, nursing or taking medications for anxiety disorders or heart conditions.

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    Characteristics Of Included Studies

    Using database search strategy, a total of 1474 records were retrieved from Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Sciencedirect Online. After reviewing the titles and abstracts, 1447 articles were excluded and 27 articles were further assessed by reviewing the full-text. Finally, 10 articles about the relationship between green tea and PCa risk were included, consisting of 4 cohort studies, 3 casecontrol studies, and 3 RCTs.Figure shows the search process. The observational studies which investigated the association between green tea intake and PCa risk included 1435 cases among 96,332 individuals and the 3 RCTs studied the relationship between EGCG and PCa incidence included 87 volunteers in EGCG arms of 179 individuals. Most of the included studies were performed in Asia including 1 from Singapore, 4 from Japan, and 1 from China. The rest studies were from other regions including 2 from Europe, 1 from North America, and 1 from Africa.Tables and described details of the included studies.

    Flowchart of literate searches.

    Is Wine Good For Prostate

    A new study shows men who drink four or more glasses of red wine per week have a nearly 50% lower risk of prostate cancer than non-drinkers. In addition, researchers found that red wines protective effects appear to be even stronger against the most dangerous and aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

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    Foods Linked To Prostate Cancer

    American men get prostate cancer more often now than they did in the past. Why?

    To see if diet plays a role, Jan L. Colli, MD, and colleagues at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, compared changes in the American diet with changes in prostate cancer over the 71 years between 1930 and 2000.

    Overall, the foods linked to prostate cancer were red meat, added fats and oils, ice cream, margarine, salad/cooking oil, and vegetable shortening.

    This country shifted from animal fats and went to vegetable fats because we thought this would be better for the heart, Colli said, at a news conference. That never panned out. And now it seems it might be worse for prostate cancer.

    Questions And Answers About Green Tea

    Is Green Tea Beneficial to Prostate Health?
  • What is green tea?

    Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The way tea leaves are processed determines whether green tea, black tea, or oolong tea is made. Green tea is made by steaming and drying the leaves.

    The health benefits studied in green tea are thought to be from compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols are a group of plant chemicals that include catechins . Catechins make up most of the polyphenols in green tea.

    Catechins in green tea can vary widely, depending on the source of the tea leaves and the way they are processed. This makes it hard to identify most of the chemical factors linked to the health benefits of green tea.

    Some studies suggest that green tea may protect against heart and blood vessel disease.

  • How is green tea given or taken?

    People usually drink green tea or take it as a dietary supplement.

  • Have any laboratory or animal studies been done using green tea?

    See the Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies section of the health professional version of Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements for information on laboratory and animal studies done using green tea.

  • Overall, population studies suggest that green tea may help protect against prostate cancer in Asian populations. Prostate cancer deaths in Asia are among the lowest in the world.
  • Clinical trials

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