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Is Lavender Tea Good For You

Chamomile And Lavender Tea Benefits

Drink A Glass Of Lavender Tea For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body!

When two calming herbs combine, the result can only be a relaxing, well-balanced cup of tea. But, can it help you sleep?

While the chamomile tea has been around for centuries, lavender is still mostly appreciated for aromatherapy and keeping the moths away. If you never tried a lavender tea before, you may expect a strong overwhelming taste. But lavender is delicate, lightly sweet and relaxing. It blends well with sweet notes of chamomile. Add a teaspoon of honey, and you will get a delicious tea that may provide numerous health benefits.

May Improve Skin Condition

The antioxidants and volatile compounds found in lavender might seek out and neutralize free radicals in the body, which are the byproducts of cellular metabolism. These free radicals can cause chronic disease, premature signs of aging, wrinkles, and inflammation, but lavender tea may help relieve those symptoms, improving your skin texture.

Remarkable Lavender Tea Blends You Can Craft Yourself

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Lavender tea is a joy to drink. The aroma and taste are among the best in the world of herbal infusions.

So why add anything to it? Why blend it with anything?

A variety of reasons can be given, of course. Many of you might not like lavender tea by itself. I get that.

There is no tea for all people. You have to find your teas through trial and error, just like the rest of us.

But I would be remiss if I didnt at least try and convince you that lavender tea blends are among the most delicious teas you can craft at home for yourself.

If you are just looking for a great lavender tea blend to try then I recommendArt Of Teas 6 pm Blend. It is a flavorful lavender blend with some other great herbal ingredients mixed in.

So lets dive deep into this extraordinary violet tea and see if we cant come up with some tea blends that you are going to love. And for even more great, herbal flower tea ideas, check out my guide here.

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Lavender Tea For Relieving Pain And Migraines

As lavender gets to work on reducing pain in the body, this also means it can play an important role in helping reduce headaches, muscle pain, backache, and any other issues you have going on. Essential oils have long played a role in helping to naturally treat headaches and in trials and tests, lavender didnt skip a beat and came back as hugely beneficial in soothing an aching head.

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Cup of Lavender Tea? Its Got 8 Benefits!

Also, be sure to look for 100 percent pure, therapeutic-grade lavender when using the herb for medicinal purposes.

When you buy lavender essential oil, proper storage is important for maintaining the shelf life of the herb.

For lavender essential oil, make sure you close the bottle after each use and keep the product stored in a cool, dry place. The same applies for lavender supplements or capsules. Discontinue use once the supplement expires.

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Wait So Is Lavender Tea Not Safe To Drink While Pregnant

Theres not enough scientific evidence to confirm the safety of drinking lavender tea during pregnancy. But, lavender oil is one of the most well-researched essential oils.

Generally, lavender essential oil is said to be safe for pregnancy, and its not on the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapys list of oils to avoid during pregnancy.

A 2016 report touted lavender oil as a useful aromatherapy treatment to promote relaxation, especially during pregnancy. And a 2018 review of studies claimed it could reduce labor pain.

But those studies didnt assess lavender tea, only using lavender for aromatherapy. Ingesting lavender is a different deal entirely.

So use your discretion about trying lavender tea during pregnancy, or ask your doctor if they recommend it.

Health Benefits Of Bay Leaves

Bay leaves add a complex flavor to dishes, and are a key staple in many soups and sauces.Sometimes people use the term “bay leaf” to refer to other varieties of leaves from similar trees.Since the other types of bay leaves come from other tree species, they have slightly different flavors and nutritional properties. .

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Can I Drink Lavender Tea While Breastfeeding

Things appear to be murkier still when it comes to answering the question, can I drink Lavender Tea while breastfeeding? This is because few known studies have yet made a case either for or against its use while lactating.

All that seems to be clear is that the herb has no specific lactation-related benefits. It might be best, then, to err on the side of caution and avoid its use while breastfeeding.

Suppose youre looking for a galactagogue . In that case, your best bet is to drink Fennel Tea. This is a Type of Herbal Tea that has been proven to improve milk volume, its fat content and infant weight gain due to its phytoestrogens.

Yet we need to stress one last time that if you have any worries, reach out to a professional first. The bottom line is, play it safe.

Lavender Tea For Promoting Hair Growth


While more studies are needed to truly nail down these results, preliminary findings have led us to believe that lavender can help your hair to grow. For those suffering from hair loss or anyone who craves long and luscious locks, the results of lavender oil in hair growth and animal studies nod towards potential success.

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Eases Headaches And Migraines

If you get headaches or migraines, its a good idea to have lavender on hand in some form. Lavender calms the nervous system and slows the cardiovascular system down so it can release the constricted blood vessels that end up causing pressure in the head. Sip a cup of lavender tea and rest in a quiet place until the pain is gone.

The Right Water Is A Must Lavender Tea

The first step to getting a proper cup of lavender tea is to use the right water. You want to use bottled spring water or filtered tap water. Your ideal water needs to have a pretty balanced Ph.

You also do not want a lot of minerals in your water. As a result, Bottled mineral water is not a great choice for steeping your lavender tea in.

The extra minerals will add their own flavors to the tea and interact with the natural flavor of the lavender.

So filtered water and bottled spring water are your best bets. Filtering your own tap water is going to use a lot less plastic so if you are concerned with that filtering your own water is the best compromise.

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What Are Possible Health Benefits Of Lavender

Today, lavender is more than just a fragrant plant. As it turns out, this herb is also commonly used for medicinal and therapeutic benefits. So if youre dealing with a few medical issues of your own, and you dont want to risk the unpleasant side effects that come with many over-the-counter and prescription medicines, heres a look at the potential health perks of using lavender.

May Eliminate Sleep Disorders

Lavender Tea Benefits that Give Your Health a Lift

Many people prefer to drink this tea in the evening, as a pre-bedtime beverage, because it has calming properties. If you have insomnia or regular sleep disturbances, a warm cup of lavender tea may grant an undisturbed night of sleep effortlessly!

Other Benefits

Since there are limited studies available on lavender tea, here are some benefits based on the properties of lavender extract:

  • May Improve Digestive health: The essential oils found in lavender tea may have beneficial properties to promote healthy digestion.
  • May Relieve asthma: Research suggests that lavender essential oil might be antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It may be useful as an alternative medicine for bronchial asthma.
  • Aromatherapy: Lavender is used in bath and beauty products and as an essential oil for its pleasant fragrance and soothing qualities.

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Brewing Lavender Herbal Teas

When preparing lavender herbal teas, we recommend using one teaspoon of tea leaves for every six ounces of water in your pot or cup. If the tea is especially fluffy, like our Lavender Lullaby, feel free to use a heaping teaspoon or add a little bit more to your infuser. Heat water to a roiling boil, then infuse your tea for about four to six minutes. Lavender can become too strong when steeped for a really long time, so we recommend sticking to a steep time under six minutes.

Does Lavender Tea Make You Sleepy

An estimated 30% of people experience insomnia, a condition characterised as an often chronic inability to fall asleep. Whats more, those sufferers who do, eventually, manage to nod off may find it challenging to achieve restorative, high-quality sleep.

Doctors often provide prescriptions to combat it. However, not everyone wants to follow such a route. So, does Lavender Tea help you sleep?

Put simply, yes. It should hardly come as a surprise to read that it has a soothing effect on the body. After all, as mentioned previously, many of us have been offered bags of Lavender by our parents to help us get a restful night.

The good news is that, now, researchers at the UK University of Southampton can explain how, exactly, it works. They conducted a study that saw ten adult participants split into two groups.

The first group slept in a room with a diffuser exuding Lavender essential oil, while the second group used a placebo almond oil diffuser. Later in the study, both groups switched places.

The results indicated that the Lavender-scented room improved the quality of sleep in most participants. This was because of it stimulating the release of certain neurotransmitters, which, in turn, offset stress hormones.

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Why You Should Drink Lavender Tea

Mother nature can be a magical medicine cabinet stuffed full of good stuff and lavender tea is certainly part of this mix. Not only will this fragrant floral treat deliver a deeply calming effect and help you to leave sleepless nights behind but it can help your skin to heal, reduce inflammation and pain, and even keep your immune system in check. Delicious, dreamy, and delivering a bounty of health benefits, lets take a closer look at exactly what lavender tea can do for you

May Benefit Your Skin Health

Making Green Tea & Lavender cold process soap (with a modified spin swirl)

Does your skincare routine need revitalising as much as your skin? If so, Lavender Tea benefits might do the trick. This is because of its remarkable anti-inflammatory response, which, apart from fighting headaches, fevers and mild arthritic pain, can keep your skin looking healthy, vibrant and youthful.

The answers come from a 2017 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Essentially, the research found that, when applied topically, this herb could treat acne, eczema and other skin-related blemishes. However, it might be worth speaking to a dermatologist before trying it yourself due to the risk of unforeseen side effects.

The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company will always advocate you talk to a professional before experimenting with ANY Lavender Tea benefits.

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Incredible Lavender Tea Benefits

Sweet, fragrant, and forever soothing, lavender is one of the loveliest scents in the world. Just the very word conjures perfumed fields painting pretty Provence purple. Anyone who has had the pleasure of inhaling deep around lavender knows its instantly soothing effect. This is the reason its distilled down into essential oils, crushed into beauty products, and even turned into culinary products like tea. Lavender tea is lush stuff. Not only is it deliciously caffeine-free and gloriously aromatic, but it also comes with a heap of health properties too. Lets take a look at all the lavender tea benefits and get you brewing up a floral cup of goodness.

Lavender Tea Benefits That Give Your Health A Lift

Lavender has been famous for its vibrant purple shade and pleasant smell. More importantly, behind its wonderful qualities, this well-known flower also provides considerable benefits for you.

The scent, for starters, is regarded as a natural fragrance that can create a peaceful atmosphere.

The flower buds, either fresh or dried, can be turned into beneficial herbal tea which is loaded with healing properties.

Lets explore various lavender tea benefits for your health as well as the right procedure to make this herbal infusion on your own!


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Bay Leaf: Uses Side Effects Dose Health Benefits Precautions

Evaluation of the gastroprotective effect of Laurus nobilis seeds on ethanol induced gastric ulcer in rats.Al Hussaini, R. and Mahasneh, A. M.

Microbial growth and quorum sensing antagonist activities of herbal plants extracts.Influence of phenological stages and method of distillation on Iranian cultivated Bay leaves volatile oil.Awerbuck, D. C., Briant, T.

D., and Wax, M. K. Bay leaf: an uncommon foreign body of the hypopharynx.Beljaars, P. R., Schumans, J.

C., and Koken, P. J.

Quantitative fluorodensitometric determination and survey of aflatoxins in nutmeg.Characterization of the intracellular mechanisms involved in the antiaggregant properties of cinnamtannin B-1 from bay wood in human platelets.A., and Salido, G. M.

Cinnamtannin B-1 from bay wood exhibits antiapoptotic effects in human platelets.Buto, S. K., Tsang, T. K., Sielaff, G.

W., Gutstein, L. L., and Meiselman, M. S.

Bay leaf impaction in the esophagus and hypopharynx.Caredda, A., Marongiu, B., Porcedda, S., and Soro, C. Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and characterization of Laurus nobilis essential oil.Chaudhry, N.

M. and Tariq, P. Bactericidal activity of black pepper, bay leaf, aniseed and coriander against oral isolates.Cheminat, A., Stampf, J.

L., and Benezra, C. Allergic contact dermatitis to laurel : isolation and identification of haptens.Conforti, F., Statti, G., Uzunov, D., and Menichini, F.

P., Greenspan, P., Hartle, D. K., Swanson, R. B., and Hargrove, J. L.

I., and Castilho, P. C.

Brewing Other Lavender Teas

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Brewing other teas with lavender in them largely depends on what other ingredients are in the tea besides lavender. For our Miss Violet Purple Tea, we recommend using one level teaspoon for every six ounces of water. Heat water until it is briskly steaming but not boiling Infuse your tea for three minutes, then enjoy!


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What Does Buddha Teas Lavender Tea Taste Like

The first thing youll want to do when fixing your perfect cup of calming Lavender Tea is this: inhale. And then, inhale again. The subtle scent, reminiscent of a bike ride through Provence, begins your experience with this sublime tea. Though some teas containing lavender overwhelm the tea with floral, Buddha Teas Lavender Tea brings in an element of earthiness most teas dont. If you like the scent of lavender, but dont like drinking a perfumey cup of tea, youre going to love this tea, and likely want to keep it stocked from now on.

Health Benefits Of Lavender

Unsurprisingly, lavender has historically been used mainly for its scent. The Egyptians used it as a perfume and in mummification rituals Medieval and Renaissance France used it to scent laundry and the Romans used it in cooking and bathing.

Over time weve come to understand lavenders effects on more than just the nose, and it can often be seen making an appearance in herbal alternatives to over-the-counter and prescription medication. Its main health-related uses include:

  • Countering insomnia
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Lessens the effects of menopause

As a tea, lavender has been found to be most helpful for reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality.

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Protect Skin From Fungal Infection

Theres a reason that lavender oil is so commonly used in skincare products as the healing potency of this plant brings a bounty of health to your skin. Lavender has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, both of which are awesome at promoting skin healing and keeping you flushed with health. This is why you always see lavender in the active ingredients list for products aimed at acne, psoriasis, and other fragile skin conditions that need a gentle healing hand.

Is It Bad To Ingest Essential Oils

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Essential oils are not safe to consume and can cause significant poisoning even if small amounts are ingested. The use of undiluted essential oils on sensitive skin or in the nostrils can irritate or burn. Susceptible people may also develop an allergic reaction and a skin rash.

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Can It Help With Anxiety And Stress

Anxiety is a common condition best recognised as an often incessant feeling of worry, fear or nervousness. Many will know all too well that it can surface at any time, at any place, including just before or even during bedtime.

It is, perhaps unsurprisingly, one such factor that can cause insomnia. Right now, though, we will look into, does Lavender Tea help with anxiety?

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showcased some promising findings. It discovered that participants who inhaled Lavender oil experienced significantly reduced stress and anxiety levels.

Another 2005 study published in Physiology & Behavior has evidence in support, whereby volunteers awaiting dental treatment found that Lavender reduced anxiety.

Beneficial Against Burns And Scars

There are antiseptic and ant-inflammatory properties present in lavender. Lavender is quite beneficial against the different scars produced on the skin due to this reason. New cells are formed on the skin due to lavender oil which results in the reduction of burns and scars on the skin. Pain is also reduced due to the use of lavender oil because of its antiseptic actions. You have the choice to either drink lavender tea or use lavender oil to get the benefits. Add a few drops of lavender oil in a bowl of water if you want to use lavender oil. Now put the affected area in the water for some time. You can also put lavender oil directly on the bruised area and then put the bruised area in water for about 15 minutes. Serious burns can be treated by lavender oil if such treatment is previously approved by your physician. In case of severe burns you should always see your doctr.

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