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HomeNewsWhat Tea Is Good For Hot Flashes

What Tea Is Good For Hot Flashes

Green Tea Is Great But Matcha Green Tea Is Even Better

Sage Tea Benefits – Sage Tea for Hot Flashes

As studies show, green teas antioxidant compounds help relieve inflammation and stress two triggers for menopause symptoms. Green tea also helps improve memory and cognition, keeps your bones healthy and strong, and boosts metabolism. All that makes it easier to stave off weight gain during menopause. Theres also evidence that green tea may even reduce risk for breast cancer and diabetes.

Now, imagine if you could take all of these amazing benefits and multiply them by 10. Thats exactly what happens with matcha green tea, powdered green tea made from shade-grown tea leaves. Cup for cup, matcha green tea provides an estimated 10 times as many antioxidants as standard green tea. Plus, matcha contains vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium, all of which are key vitamins and minerals that support hormonal balance.

In its loose-powder form, matcha is easy to make, too. Just add ½ teaspoon of matcha to 1 cup hot, but not boiling, water and whisk until dissolved. For an easy coffee alternative, add matcha to heated almond milk instead of water, and whisk until its frothy.

My 5 Favourite Herbal Teas For Menopause

I love a nice cup of herbal tea, not only as a comforting drink but also because of the health benefits they offer. So, this week on A.Vogel Talks Menopause I thought I would tell you about my 5 favourite herbal teas and let you know how they can help you during menopause.

Eileen Durward

Are There Any Possible Risks Of Tea For Menopause

Many women wonder whether all herbal teas for menopause are safe. Its a very important and reasonable question. Indeed, almost all the teas weve mentioned are capable of inducing definite problems. Thus, there are certain contradictions on combinations with other medicines, warning against surgeries that should take place soon, etc. If you apply certain kinds of teas and combine with contraindicated substances, you risk feeling health issues that are manifested by various adverse effects. Therefore, we strongly recommend consulting a specialist who will surely determine whether the chosen tea is safe for you or should be replaced.

As you can see, each of 10 variants is good for your health. If you apply tea for menopause with caution, you risk nothing at all to secure your health. These teas should not be ignored if they are tolerated. They are tasty and pleasant to relieve various health complications.

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Surprising Hot Flash Triggers

If you suffer regularly from hot flashes, what you do during the day can unintentionally launch them from the way you style your hair, what you choose to drink, or even the time of day you exercise. Here are 11 common hot-flash triggers you might want to stop doing right away…

We all know the tell-tale signs of a hot flash the prickling of hairs on our skin, the roaring flush on our faces, the sudden perspiration along our hairlines.But we dont always know what triggers them.Different women have different triggers, says Margery Gass, MD, executive director emeritus of the North American Menopause Society . It could be what you eat or drink, how you style your hair, or even a strong emotion, she says.Do you know what really burns you up? And how to keep from overheating both inside and out?Read on for 11 surprising hot flash triggers, plus simple tips for avoiding those embarrassing menopausal moments…

Hot Flash Trigger #1: Red WineYep, that red wine youre enjoying on the patio with friends may be just whats turning you the color of cabernet.Why red wine: All alcoholic beverages cause some vasodilation, or expansion of blood vessels, which makes you feel warmer, Dr. Gass says. Thats when your skin flushes, or a full-blown hot flash occurs.Hot flash triggers differ from person to person, but drinking alcohol, especially red wine, is a common one, Dr. Gass explains.Fix it: Skip the wine and toast your friends with a fruity, iced beverage instead.

Dont Eat These Hot Flash Trigger Foods

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If your current diet is high in white sugar, white bread, pasta, or processed foods you may inadvertently be fueling more hot flashes and night sweats. Leave those foods on the shelf, at least for now.

Other hot flash trigger foods to avoid include:

  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Fried foods
  • Spicy dishes

When it comes to preventing hot flashes and night sweats, its really important to know how different foods affect your body. Everyones different and certain foods may set off the chain of events that end in a blazing hot flash.

For a few weeks, you can keep a journal of what and when you eat and drink, and how you feel afterward. If you notice a connection between a certain food and your hot flashes take it out of rotation temporarily.

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Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes

Vasomotor symptoms, or hot flashes and night sweats, are the most common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

Perimenopause is the period before menopause when these symptoms begin and peak. This period lasts on average for 4 years but can last for much longer.

Menopause is the time in a womans life when she has not had a period for at least a year. She may continue to experience hot flashes and night sweats, but they will probably occur less often.

The details of exactly how hot flashes work are still not fully understood. However, most research suggests that a lack of estrogen interferes with the bodys ability to control temperature.

While hormone replacement medications can help treat severe cases, natural remedies may lessen the intensity and frequency of hot flashes.

Recommended lifestyle tips that may help reduce hot flashes include:

Identifying trigger points and avoiding them

The factors that increase the frequency and severity of hot flashes vary from woman to woman. Common triggers include:

  • warm weather
  • spicy or hot foods and beverages
  • alcohol

Most women do not need to avoid trigger points entirely, but knowing which specific factors worsen hot flashes allows women to deal with them when they occur.

Stopping smoking

Smoking may speed up the onset of menopause and increase the severity of symptoms, especially hot flashes.

Losing weight

Carrying cool water at all times

Staying hydrated may also help steady body temperatures.

The Helpers: Licorice And Ginger

Ginger tea and licorice tea each have properties that make them helpful for menopausal women. Ginger supports adrenal function, so its great if youre feeling exhaustedit gives you energy. Licorice relieves pain and soothes indigestion, heartburn, gastritis and ulcerative colitis. Its fine to have a single-ingredient tea with either one, but they are also great ingredients in a tea blend. Heres why: They add sweetness and flavor to make almost any other tea taste better. So look for tea blends that contain some licorice or ginger or bothor if youre making your own teas, try adding a little bit to make your own blends. You can grate a little fresh ginger into your tea or sprinkle in some dried ginger powder. The same with licoriceuse fresh grated root or sprinkle on some powdered licorice root.

You dont need to use both ginger and licorice rooteither one is good.

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This Natural Ingredient Is Known To Stop Hot Flashesbut Is It Safe

Here’s what you need to know about this now-controversial root.

Love it or hate it, licorice could be the secret to easing your menopausal symptoms. Studies show licorice roots contain compounds that activate estrogen receptors to boost levels of the hormone in the body. During menopause your estrogen levels dip, triggering hot flashes, so this influx can help counteract such uncomfortable symptoms.

Not a fan of licorice candies? Not a problem. It’s the root itselfnot the sugary treats flavored with itthat are thought to be effective against menopausal symptoms, so taking supplements is just fine. A 2012 study of 90 women found that those who took capsules containing licorice extract reported decreased frequency and severity of hot flashes. And another conducted in 2014 found that women who took licorice supplements reported shorter duration of hot flashes.

Before you hop on the licorice bandwagon, though, take note of the latest findings: New research on the root as a treatment for menopausal symptoms has found that it may also contain compounds that interfere with prescription drugs if taken together.

In a presentation for the American Chemical Society, Richard van Breemen, PhD, director of the UIC/NIH Center for Botanical Dietary Supplements Research, found that three types of licoricetwo North American species, Glycyrrhiza uralensis and G. inflata, and a European species called G. glabrainhibited liver enzymes that help you metabolize drugs.

The Bottom Line

What Is The Best Diet For The Menopause

Menopause Support & Flashes Herbal Tea Recipe for Women

The best way to approach this is to look at foods that will help to balance oestrogen levels within the body. Here are a few top tips:

  • Cruciferous veggies: Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage contain several powerful nutrients that help metabolise oestrogenic molecules. Read more on the importance of eating plenty of nutrient-dense, phytonutrient-rich foods.
  • Healthy fat-rich foods: These are foods that are rich in saturated and omega-3 fatty acids. It includes plant-based fats such as coconut oil, hemp seed oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocados. Raw nuts and seeds contain oestrogen balancing plant sterols.
  • Allium family: The alliums include garlic, onions, scallions, chives and leeks – all of which are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids that both help the liver detoxify and reduce the production of oestrogen.
  • Herbal teas: Green tea and licorice specifically balance oestrogen levels.
  • Lentils: All lentils contain beneficial amounts of phyto-oestrogens that help to balance oestrogen-progesterone levels. Soy is well known for this, but all pulses are helpful.

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Black Cohosh: Help For Hot Flashes

Black cohosh is one of the most well studied supplements for menopause. It’s made from the root of the North American black cohosh plant. Several studies have found it helps — especially with hot flashes — when compared to placebo . But other studies haven’t found a benefit. One warning: Don’t use it if you have liver problems.

Ways To Cool Hot Flashes

Summer can be a really hellish time when you’re coping with hot flashes and night sweats. If hormone therapy isn’t right for you, I’ve found that these natural remedies will give you the chill you crave.

First, breathe deep. A 2013 Mayo Clinic study showed that doing slow, deep, abdominal breathing reduces the number and severity of hot flashesand personally, I’ve found this pretty effective. I’d take three or four slow breaths whenever I felt the heat coming on, and the hot flash just faded away. Practicing calming meditation also helpsscientists are finding that stress hormones aggravate menopausal symptoms.

Add aromatherapy. Clary sage and Roman chamomile essential oils help balance mood swings, while peppermint can chill hot flashes. To make your own cooling mist , mix the following ingredients in a 4-ounce dark-glass spray bottle:3 ounces distilled water1 ounce witch hazel extract8 drops each of peppermint, clary sage, and Roman chamomile essential oils

Sip some sage. This is my favorite herb for reducing flashes and night sweats. Because sage may have estrogen-like effects, avoid therapeutic amounts if you’ve had breast cancer or could be pregnant. To brew a cup of this delicious tea: Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoon fresh sage leaves or 1 teaspoon dried. Steep, covered, 5 minutes, and then strain. Add a little honey or lemon, if you’d like. Have a cup two or three times a day.

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Best Teas For Anxiety And The Nervous System

If youre having trouble with anxiety, a relaxing herbal tea could be just what you need to calm those nerves and even help promote deep, restful sleep. According to Adelmann, Nervines are herbs that specifically help support the nervous system, and any of these herbs used in a tea will help calm nerves and promote general relaxation, relieving stress, and encouraging sleep.

A few of her favorite nervine herbs include lemon balm and milky oat. Lemon balm is a gentle nervine, promoting a sense of calm, and reducing nervous tension, neuromuscular spasms, and pain. The volatile oils that give lemon balm its lovely lemony aroma have a direct effect on the nervous system and trigger relaxation, Adelmann said of the effects of the herb. The way that milky oat works on the nervous system, however, is a bit different. Milky oat, she says, is rich in B vitamins and magnesium to nourish and strengthen the nerves, soothe anxious states, mellow the mood, combat the effects of daily stress, and resolve sleeplessness. She suggests that If you feel wired and tired, turn to milky oat to restore your frazzled nervous system. It has deep, sustaining nutritive benefits.

Potential Risks Of Hibiscus Tea

Herbal Teas: 8 Ways to Get Relief from Menopause Symptoms

While hibiscus tea may provide health benefits, it may also present some risks. These risks include:

Hibiscus and Mallow Allergies

If youre allergic or sensitive to hibiscus flowers , you should avoid drinking hibiscus tea.

Medication Interactions

Hibiscus tea may interact with certain medications. It can decrease the effectiveness of the malaria drug chloroquine. If you take medications for high blood pressure or diabetes, it can cause a significant drop in blood pressure. The plant also contains phytoestrogens that may decrease the effectiveness of birth control medication.

Pregnancy Concerns

The phytoestrogens in hibiscus tea may cause complications during pregnancy. For instance, they may trigger preterm labor. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to avoid hibiscus tea or look for an alternative.

Liver Damage

Some research points toward high concentrations of hibiscus extract potentially causing liver damage.

Most of the current research on hibiscus tea is limited to animal and test-tube studies. More research is needed to fully understand the true benefits and risks the tea has to offer.

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Black Cohosh Actaea Racemosa

Family: Ranunculaceae

For centuries, Native North American women have used black cohosh for menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms.

Black cohosh is the most extensively researched of all herbs used for managing menopausal symptoms, and is available in many different formulations, which vary in quality and efficacy. Many of the clinical studies of black cohosh have used the commercially available product Remifemin®, or the extract Ze 450 .

It is not clear how black cohosh acts on the body. It does not appear to act like the female hormone oestrogen, but may be involved in modulating oestrogenic pathways in the body. It may mimic the actions of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

Precautions: black cohosh should be taken only for as long as your menopausal symptoms persist. It is generally well tolerated, although can cause headaches in some women. Headaches usually stop if the dose is reduced for a while, then gradually increased again.

Black cohosh is often used in early menopause brought on by cancer treatments, especially breast, ovarian or endometrial cancer. Of all the herbs, black cohosh has the most research about its safety in support of its use. It appears to be safe in breast cancer patients, although further research is needed. Women with breast cancer or other hormone-dependent tumours should always talk to their doctor before taking black cohosh.

What Herbs Can Help During The Menopause

One of the very best herbs for supporting hormonal change throughout a womans cycle is shatavari. The name shatavari is derived from the Sanskrit words shat, which means 100 and vari, which means root. The word vari can also mean husband, which may explain why Shatavari is often referred to as she who has a hundred husbands. A reference to the traditional uses of the root, which for centuries has been used to treat and nourish womens health.

Shatavari is a renowned tonic for the female reproductive system and contains natural precursors to female hormones that help to balance hormones and reduce menopausal symptoms. It is also naturally cooling and moistening to the reproductive tract, making it perfect for the hot, dry symptoms of menopause whilst also boosting libido.

This plant is also classed as an adaptogen, tonifying a weakened system exacerbated by stress and undergoing change.

Its also worth considering cooling and calming plants that will soothe the nervous system as well as the heat. Roses are a wonderful example and can be made into ice teas or you can try refreshing rose water sprays for the skin.

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A Special Relationship With Sage

I wasnt expecting to have a special relationship with sage herbal tea. Ive been having the menopause for the last 2 or 3 years, and even though my hot flashes are quite severe I didnt really want to take any medication for my menopause lately Ive been wanting to learn more about sage properties when it comes to menopausal symptoms.

At first I wasnt sure if I was going to make sage herbal tea for menopausal symptoms. But as I wrote the different posts around sage I decided it was time for me to explore sage more in depth.

It was the benefits of sage article that pushed me further. The article deals with sage benefits but what really did it for me was the way in which the books I used for the research spoke about the herb almost as if it had magical powers and since I ADORE my herbal books and totally trust its authors, I also knew they were in awe of sage because of many wonderful reasons, which they exposed.

Im finally taking sage tea for hot flashes seriously and decided to make the powerful sage tea for the next few years of my menopause. What I wasnt expecting was to have a spiritual connection with this herb You see, both the aroma and taste of sage when infused into hot water instantly do something to my mind, body and spirit. When the scent enters my nostrils and the liquid goes through my throat, something magical happens. I start to heal!


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