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HomeWhat Is The Best Tea For Menopause

What Is The Best Tea For Menopause

Best Teas For Aches And Pains


Joint and bone health become increasingly important as we age, and deteriorating health in these areas can cause a lot of pain. Chronic pain is a condition that affects a growing percentage of the population, with arthritis also becoming a concern for women over 50. With the help of a few teas, though, you can kick that chronic pain to the curb.

Meadowsweet, commonly touted as natures aspirin, is a great herb that can be made into a tea to help reduce pain and inflammation in the joints and other areas of the body. According to Adelmann, meadowsweet contains aspirin-like chemicals called salicylates, which work to ease aches and pains in the body. Many herbalists use meadowsweet specifically for arthritis and joint pain. This may be because in addition to its anti-inflammatory character, meadowsweets salicylic glycosides contribute to its action as a diuretic, which may help to remove uric acid from the system.

There are several different ways to incorporate meadowsweet tea into your diet, and Adelmann says that the addition of turmeric can help combat aches and pain. She elaborates, many herbs such as turmeric scavenge free radicals and help to reduce or prevent damage and inflammation that the free radicals cause.

Best Teas For Menopause And Perimenopause

If youre desperately looking for relief from those stubborn perimenopause and menopausal symptoms, weve got just the answer for you. Herbal teas like ginseng and chasteberry are helpful for hormonal symptoms. However, Adelmann has reservations, claiming that they are not effective as simple herbal infusions , because they require a 20-or-so-minute simmer in order to extract the useful plant constituents.

Instead, she suggests that women looking for relief form hormonal symptoms try sage. Sage is a common garden herb, and Adelmann says it offers support to women experiencing hormone-related changes associated with perimenopause and menopause, including changes in libido, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, and night sweats, as well as more mental and emotional symptoms of brain fog and depression. And science backs the benefits of sage for menopause. She adds, In a 2011 clinical trial, the number and severity of hot flashes per day significantly decreased in women given sage extract. Sweet relief!

Lets Explain: What Is Menopause

Menopause is a natural body process that occurs typically for women between the ages of 40-55 years old, and it involves the menstrual cycle coming to an end. The actual period of menopause normally lasts for around a year, but there are two additional stages that are linked with menopause, known as perimenopause and postmenopause.

With these 3 primary stages of menopause, some symptoms are more likely to occur during particular periods, while others can take place throughout all of the phases.

Perimenopause is a time when signs start to appear that a woman will soon be entering menopause. The ovaries begin producing less and less estrogen, which can bring about some strange and uncomfortable symptoms. It can last anywhere from a few months to more than 10 years it simply depends upon the individual.

4 years is the overall average, so most women can expect their perimenopause to last about this long. A woman officially exits perimenopause and enters menopause once she has not had her period for at least 12 months. Some symptoms of perimenopause include a lower libido, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, hot flashes, irregular periods, fatigue, breast tenderness, and more.

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Teas For Menopause Relief

Drugs can help balance the hormonal changes that occur during perimenopause. Hormones arent the best choice for many women. If youre looking for more natural remedies, teas may be a healthy and less expensive option.

While a womans levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone drop during menopause, tea can help to lessen the symptoms of these changes.

Follow package instructions for each serving:

What Is The Best Diet For The Menopause

Menopause Herbal Tea for women

The best way to approach this is to look at foods that will help to balance oestrogen levels within the body. Here are a few top tips:

  • Cruciferous veggies:;Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage contain several powerful nutrients that help metabolise oestrogenic molecules. Read more on the importance of eating plenty of;nutrient-dense, phytonutrient-rich foods.
  • Healthy fat-rich foods:;These are foods that are rich in saturated and omega-3 fatty acids. It includes plant-based fats such as coconut oil, hemp seed oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocados. Raw nuts and seeds contain oestrogen balancing plant sterols.
  • Allium family:;The alliums include garlic, onions, scallions, chives and leeks – all of which are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids that both help the liver detoxify and reduce the production of oestrogen.
  • Herbal teas:;Green tea;and;licorice;specifically balance oestrogen levels.
  • Lentils:;All lentils contain beneficial amounts of phyto-oestrogens that help to balance oestrogen-progesterone levels. Soy is well known for this, but all pulses are helpful.

What lifestyle changes can help ease menopausal symptoms?

One of the primary influencing factors on the severity of symptoms of menopause is stress. Increased severity of symptoms can often be correlated with;individuals undergoing external stress.

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What Foods Should You Eat During Menopause

One of the changes in the redistribution of body fat, so a good diet is essential to prevent health problems. In a healthy diet for menopause:

Eat more vegetables and less meat.

Opt for plant-based sources of calcium.

Replace the whole dairy.

Reduce salt and sugar intake.

Drink fewer fluids before bed.

Avoid coffee, alcohol, and tobacco.

What Are Hot Flashes

Hot flashes, as mentioned earlier, can occur during all three stages of menopause; perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause.

They are defined by a sudden heightening of body temperature, which can be coupled with redness of the face, neck, and chest.

Some women sweat so profusely during hot flashes that they need to change their clothes, while others do not experience any sweating at all. Sometimes, after a lot of sweat has been released, cold chills will follow as a result of the body trying to cool itself down. Hot flashes normally occur very quickly and can arise out of nowhere.

Although cannabis may be able to help with hot flashes, removing layers of clothing when you feel a hot flash coming on, keeping a fan close by, and avoid certain triggers , all can also assist with minimizing hot flashes. With hot flashes, it is important to create a containment system that works best for you so that they are not as frustrating to manage when the time comes.

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Foods To Avoid During Menopause

If you have menopausal symptoms, the reduction or elimination of the following foods and substances can go a long way to helping you feel better.

  • Caffeine One study showed that menopausal women who consumed caffeine were more likely to have hot flashes than women who didnt consume caffeine. Caffeine can also fuel sleeplessness, which is another common symptom that can additionally lead to low mood. Try limiting your coffee consumption to a few times a week to start, or switch to decaf or green tea. Skip caffeine-laden sodas and energy drinks.
  • Alcohol-Excessive drinking is like pouring Miracle-Gro on your symptoms, disrupting sleep and increasing hot flashes, anxious feelings, low mood, potential weight gain, and the likelihood of a host of other health issues. Bottom line: drink alcohol moderately, or not at all.
  • Spicy foods- Hot begets hot! Spicy foods like hot peppers, jalapenos, and cayenne can increase hot flashes. Avoid them.
  • Fatty foods and refined carbohydrates- Try to keep fat-laden foods to a minimum. Also, stay away from white bread and processed cookies, cakes, and snacks that are high in refined carbohydrates as much as possible. Unhealthy fats can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, which are associated with menopause. Also, spiking blood sugar with refined carbohydrates can add to moodiness.

How Can I Increase My Estrogen Naturally

My 5 favourite herbal teas for menopause

Not only will estrogen production be decisive in its effect on the body, its concentration in tissues most affects the bodys cells.

Estrogens are beneficial and take care of the health of the brain, liver, bones, heart but excess estrogen can increase your risk of diseases such as uterine and breast cancer, so its so important to regulate your levels.

Heres how you can regulate your estrogen naturally with these five foods.

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    Nettle Red Raspberry Leaf And Spearmint Tea


    2 tbsp dried nettle leaf

    2 tbsp dried red raspberry leaf

    2 tbsp dried spearmint leaf

    1.5 tsp dried, green stevia leaf

    6 cups boiling water

  • Place the herbs into a tea infuser
  • Pour the boiling water over the herbs.
  • Allow to infuse for at least 30 minutes.
  • Store in the fridge and drink within 72 hours.
  • Drink 2 to 3 cups per day.
  • NOTE:

    • Chamomile also tastes really great with this blend.
    • When making herbal tea, always use a ratio of 1 tsp dried herb for every cup of water.
    • For a stronger tea, use the same quantity of herbs and reduce the water by 1 cup.

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    Black Cohosh: Help For Hot Flashes

    Black cohosh is one of the most well studied supplements for menopause. It’s made from the root of the North American black cohosh plant. Several studies have found it helps — especially with hot flashes — when compared to placebo . But other studies haven’t found a benefit. One warning: Don’t use it if you have liver problems.

    Herbs To Help Menopausal Mood Issues And Brain Fog

    5 Best Teas for Hot Flashes.

    Oestrogen helps memory and learning, plus it also supports the happy hormone serotonin. When oestrogen levels drop in perimenopause, many women report feeling low mood, increasingly anxious and brain fog. Antidepressants are often prescribed as a first-line medical treatment; however, many women are reluctant to take them.

    Herbal medicine has good evidence supporting mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Ongoing or severe mood issues should always include medical treatment as part of your care plan.

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    Tea Options For Hot Flashes

    Making – and more significantly, maintaining – the lifestyle changes deemed necessary for alleviating menopause symptoms can be tricky. However, there’s one remedy for hot flashes that can appear as more of an indulgence than a chore: the regular drinking of tea.

    The complex question of “to tea or not to tea,” however, arises amid sometimes contradictory menopausal guidance. Some women following advice that hot drinks;trigger hot flashes;might avoid tea altogether, while others may have heard that herbal infusions can alleviate symptoms.

    Stay Lifted Throughout The Winter Season

    Make tea time a boost for your hormones and neurotransmitters.

    While most herbal or green teas you choose are likely to be a nourishing treat, look for the following herbs that are especially effective for hormone and neurotransmitter support. Enjoyed as yummy teas, they will keep you warm, hydrated, and balanced all winter long.

    What’s the best thing about the holidays? Certainly not shopping, traveling, or annoying holiday articles! Being with friends and family of course. Sharing tea is a time-honored, cross-cultural ritual that you can introduce into your holidays. Pouring another’s tea is considered a blessing to both parties. Offering these herbal tea options is a healthy gift you can give while spending time together, and a gift for your hormones at the same time!

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    How Long Will I Need To Take Them For

    When taking herbs to support a perimenopause transition, I find the majority of my clients dont need to take them ongoing. They use them to help get over a hump and then a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle habits support ongoing wellness and vitality.

    Have you used herbs to manage your perimenopause symptoms? What did you use and how did it go? Let me know in the comments.

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    Natural Remedies For Menopause

    The BEST Insulin Resistance Diet Plan for Menopause!

    In addition to diet, there are many natural remedies that have been used by naturopathic doctors for centuries ;to help offer women menopausal relief. Researchers recommend using maca root, for example, which allows the endocrine system to better regulate mood, metabolism, and energy levels all of which can serve to alleviate pesky irritations caused by menopause. Though its unclear exactly how maca works, experts believe it may suppress the follicle-stimulating hormone , which is important, because low estrogen levels and high FSH levels may cause hot flashes.;

    Root herb black cohosh, flaxseed, red clover, and evening primrose oil have all been shown to help quell hot flashes, while plant extract kava, which can help with generalized anxiety, and St. Johns Wort, which treats mild to moderate depression, are sometimes used to help control mood swings.;

    If you need some help beyond what your diet and natural remedies can provide, it may be time to take a supplement. Read on for Womans Worlds picks for the best menopause supplements for women over 50!;

    Note: Before taking any herbs, supplements, or vitamins, its imperative that you first talk to your doctor, as some herbs are not compatible with other medicines, and/or medical conditions, such as liver disease.

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    Best Tea For Blood Sugar

    Diabetes is a major health concern in the United States today, so it becomes increasingly important to pay attention to our blood sugar levels as we age. Holy basil, also known as tulsi, is one of the best herbs for blood sugar according to many herbalists. Adelmann agrees, claiming that holy basil is a delicious tea herb related to the basil that we use in pesto and spaghetti sauce. It is commonly used to regulate blood sugar in folks with type 2 diabetes, as well as modulate cholesterol levels. The saponins and flavonoids that are in holy basil leaves may also ease aches and pains due to inflammation, so there is a lot of benefit to drinking this yummy tea!

    And there are plenty of holy basil tea varietiest available for purchase. Try this one from Organic India .

    What Helps With Menopausal Weight Gain

    Losing weight after menopause can become a difficult task.

    This stage of our lives can cause unexpected changes in womens figure.

    For that reason, it is important to know that something can be done about it.

    As this study rightly points out, during menopause there is a much higher prevalence of obesity.

    This is due to the increase in visceral fat that occurs due to the hormonal changes that our body is undergoing.

    This stage of changes that womens body experiences during menopause comes with one more symptom and is that our metabolism slows down. This means that even if we feed ourselves in the same way as always, we will tend to get fat.

    For this reason, lets see what you can do to lose weight after menopause and that kilos dont become a concern.

    However, lets keep in mind that we will have to make some lifestyle changes and pay more attention to what you eat.

    Dont eat a strict diet.Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.Reduce salt.Exercise.

    According to a publication in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, physical activity is a powerful tool for health promotion and disease prevention in perimenopausal women.

    Even when women spend time exercising from before they reach this stage, they are more likely to ensure a menopausal transition and healthy aging.

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    Green Tea Is Great But Matcha Green Tea Is Even Better

    As studies show, green teas antioxidant compounds help relieve inflammation and stress two triggers for menopause symptoms. Green tea also helps improve memory and cognition, keeps your bones healthy and strong, and boosts metabolism. All that makes it easier to stave off weight gain during menopause. Theres also evidence that green tea may even reduce risk for breast cancer and diabetes.

    Now, imagine if you could take all of these amazing benefits and multiply them by 10. Thats exactly what happens with matcha green tea, powdered green tea made from shade-grown tea leaves. Cup for cup, matcha green tea provides an estimated 10 times as many antioxidants as standard green tea. Plus, matcha contains vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium, all of which are key vitamins and minerals that support hormonal balance.

    In its loose-powder form, matcha is easy to make, too. Just add ½ teaspoon of matcha to 1 cup hot, but not boiling, water and whisk until dissolved. For an easy coffee alternative, add matcha to heated almond milk instead of water, and whisk until its frothy.

    Other Treatments For Menopause

    Prince of Peace Menopause Tea

    If you begin to notice perimenopausal symptoms, speak with your doctor, who can help guide you on the best treatment plan.

    Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment option for many women. With this option, your doctor will prescribe you the hormones in the form of pills, patches, gels, or creams. These can help balance your levels. Depending on health and family history, however, HRT may not be right for you.

    Vaginal estrogen, which is applied directly to the vagina with a cream, tablet, or ring, can help fight vaginal dryness and discomfort. For women who cant use estrogen therapy, gabapentin can be an effective way to reduce hot flashes.

    Alternatively, essential oils may also relieve the symptoms associated with entering menopause when applied to various parts of the body.

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