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The Difference Between Cappuccino And Latte

Variations Of The Cappuccino

Latte VS Cappuccino, what’s the difference? ⢠Barista Training

Outside of Italy, its common for cappuccino to use coffee, milk, and foam in a 1:1:1 ratio. Variations between the ratio of milk and foamed milk are how baristas create a dry or a wet cappuccino. A wet cappuccino has more hot milk, while a dry one has more milk froth. In many places, cappuccinos are dusted with cocoa powder.

The flat white is another milk coffee drink, which lacks the traditional cap of foam and often has slightly less milk than a traditional cappuccino.

What Are The Similarities Between Them

People often get cappuccinos and lattes mixed up because they share a lot of similarities. These include:

  • They both feature shots of espresso.
  • They both contain steamed milk.
  • They are both topped with microfoam.
  • You can make both of them at home.
  • You can make latte art on both of them.
  • They both are of Italian origin .
  • You can get iced variations of both drinks. These drinks are popular in the summer due to their cooling nature.

What Is In A Latte

Espresso, steamed milk and foamy milk the same ingredients that are used in cappuccino.

However, caffe latte is made with much more milk as the espresso-to-milk ratio can vary from 1-3 to 1-9.

While the layer of milk foam on top is super thin, unlike foamy milk used in cappuccino. And this is the typical latte recipe:

  • 1 espresso shot
  • 5 to 6 oz. of steamed milk
  • Dash of milk foam

Note that the thin layer of foamy milk on top is added for the visual effect if anything.

Thats because any skilled barista can actually create stunning drawings using the milk foam.

When it comes to latte variations though, theres something that I want to point out chai latte has nothing to do with a regular latte!

In fact, Starbucks chai latte drink is made of milk, water and chai tea it doesnt have any coffee in it.

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What Is A Mocha

A mocha is a coffee drink which includes hot chocolate or chocolate syrup. The name comes from the Red Sea port of Mocha, source of some of the finest coffee beans in the world. Because coffee from this region tends to have notes of cocoa and caramel on the palate, coffee houses began making drinks combining chocolate with brewed coffee and called the combination mocha. Heres where we compared mocha and latte.

Is A Cappuccino Healthier Than A Latte


Well, that depends. If youre looking at a traditional cappuccino or latte, theyre both pretty similar in terms of calories and fat.

However, the difference is significant if youre looking at a big chain cappuccino or latte. Big chain coffee drinks are often loaded with sugar, which can add a lot of extra calories and carbs.

Additionally, the type of milk used can affect calorie and fat content. For example, a latte made with whole milk will have more calories and fat than a latte made with skim milk.

So, if youre looking for a healthy cappuccino or latte, be sure to pay attention to the ingredients list. And opt for skim milk whenever possible.

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This Is The Difference Between Coffee Latte And Cappuccino

I know, its super easy to get lost in the seemingly endless sea of coffee drinks. There are so many similar-sounding names, variations of the same drink or even different coffee drinks that actually share identical ingredients. And guess what? Cappuccino and latte are two brilliant examples of almost 100% identical coffee drinks. So, what is the difference between coffee latte and cappuccino?

The only difference between these two coffee drinks is the amount of steamed milk and foam that they use.

Cappuccino uses less milk and more milk foam, while latte uses more milk and less milk foam on top.

Other than that, caffe latte and cappuccino share the exact same ingredients espresso, steamed milk and milk foam.

Although they contain the same amount of espresso , they have different steamed milk-to-milk foam ratios.

But to give you an even better idea of the differences between cappuccinos and lattes, were going to check exactly how each is prepared.

After all, theyre both espresso-based drinks, so they cant be THAT different from each other.

Speaking of espresso-based drinks

All of these rely on espresso and milk as their base ingredients.

Sure, some coffee drinks are made with other ingredients like sweetened condensed milk or even ice cream.

While others utilize different espresso-to-milk ratios.

Regardless, if something has espresso and milk in it, you can bet your life that its an espresso-based drink!

What About The Difference Between Cappuccino And Macchiato

The difference between macchiato and cappuccino is that macchiato doesnt have milk in it.

While a cappuccino consists of espresso, steamed milk and milk foam, a macchiato is just a shot of espresso with a dollop of foam on top.

Its safe to say that macchiato is the closest that youll get to pure espresso.

Cappuccino is a whole different story though.

The addition of milk between the espresso and heaps of milk foam makes for a more diluted and creamy flavor.

In my opinion, the macchiato is ideal for people who like the strength of espresso but with a touch of extra crema on the first taste.

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What Is A Macchiato

Macchiato literally means marked, as it is an espresso marked with a spoonful of foamed milk on top.

Nowadays you can find countless different variations of the macchiato including the caramelly Starbucks one and a tall macc with so much milk that it is basically a miniature latte. Technically, however, a macchiato is simply an espresso with a tiny dash of milk.

Outside Italy, you might want to order an espresso macchiatoto make sure you get the right drink.

Watch Steven from Home Grounds explain all the most popular espresso drinks, including the latte, macchiato, and cappuccino, in this video:

The Real Difference Between A Latte And A Cappuccino

All Espresso Drinks Explained: Cappuccino vs Latte vs Flat White and more!

So, what’ll it be: a latte or a cappuccino? Have you tried both? While the ingredients are the same, the way the two drinks are prepared and served is the key distinguishing factor. Ed Moffatt, a specialty coffee expert and co-founder of Common Room Roasters, weighs in on the differences between a latte and a cappuccino so you never confuse the two coffee drinks again.

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How To Make A Latte

First, gather what youll need to make lattes at home:

  • Latte cup or mug
  • Espresso machine

Step 1: Preheat Cup

This may seem like an arbitrary step you can breeze past, but trust us, preheating your cup is a game changer. A warm cup prevents your espresso from going cold while steaming your milk.

Step 2: Pull Espresso

We typically use a double-shot of espresso for our lattes but feel free to drop down to a single shot if you prefer a weaker cup.

Pour the espresso into your preheated mug or glass and set it aside.

Step 3: Steam Milk

Using the steamer wand on your espresso machine, froth about 6 ounces of your milk of choice.

Hold your cup at an angle, with the end of the wand close to the side of the cup, submerged about half an inch. Allow the milk to swirl without interfering too much.

Use a thermometer to determine when the milk is ready. If you rely on sight only, you may risk burning the milk. We like to steam to about 150 degrees and never above 155.

Dont have a steamer wand? No problem. Check out our tips for how to froth milk without a frother.

Step 4: Pour Milk

Give the pitcher of milk a few firm taps on the counter to pop any larger bubbles on the surface. Use a spoon to give it a quick swirl before pouring.

Slowly pour the milk into your mug, allowing the milk to flow first and the foam last. Go slowly here, holding your cup at an angle as you pour. Stop when youve reached your desired amount of foam.

How Is Cappuccino Foam Created

The foam in a latte, macchiato, or cappuccino is created by mixing milk and air. With a macchiato, the milk foam is poured right into the center of the coffee. With a latte, it is mixed in evenly. With a cappuccino, it is poured toward the center to create a ring of coffee mixed in even thirds.

Milk foam is made by infusing hot, steamy air into cold milk. The milk can be whole, skim, 2% fat, or even half & half . Using a steaming spout attached to the espresso machine, milk froth is created. This froth can be used to make latte art as well! When the desired amount of frothy foam is made, it can then be streamed to the desired temperature.

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Latte Vs Cappuccino: What’s The Difference

Maybe you have fallen into a cycle of ordering the same thing at your local coffee shop out of habit. Or maybe you’re trying to learn how to make a few of your favorite drinks at home. No matter what brought the question to mind, chances are you realized that there is very little difference between lattes and cappuccinos. But that certainly doesn’t mean that the two kinds of espresso drinks are the same.

There are actually a few things that separate lattes from cappuccinos. From the amounts of some ingredients to the way it is presented, you might be surprised at just what the two drinks have in common. Keep in mind that lattes can also be ordered with added flavors and aromatics like lavender, peppermint, and mocha. But once you understand why the two types of coffee drinks are actually different, you likely won’t make the mistake of confusing them again.

How To Make A Flat White


Prepare an espresso and pour the steamed milk into your cup. The proportions are about: 1/3 espresso and 2/3 milk. The steamed milk must have a micro foam layer, but must not have a stiff foam layer like you use for a latte or cappuccino. Many baristas claim that a flat white has a stronger taste than a cappuccino because of a perfect blend of milk and espresso. Others indicate that a cappuccino is the best drink to perfectly combine milk with espresso. For some it is only the differences between the servings in different cups. Perhaps you should try them both to choose your favourite and taste the difference.

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The Latte With Flavor And Style

The latte is often one of the most customizable coffee options.

A latte is at the very top of the coffee food chain . A latte can be tailor-made to your tastes, with added flavors.

Think fall and the ever-popular pumpkin spice latte. This latte is one of the highlights of the season. Other favorite flavors include classic vanilla or tree nuts such as almond or hazelnut.

The top of a latte will often contain coffee art made by the talented barista, with extensive levels of milk inside.

So, if you are after that perfect instant shot of your morning coffee, go for the latte! The coffee latte has even progressed to become a frappe style drink. Think the iced latte!

The possibilities with its simple recipe are endless.

Best Latte And Cappuccino Recipes

The basic recipe for a latte involves steamed milk, espresso, and flavoring if desired. Heres how to make a 12 oz latte.

Traditional Latte Ingredients:

  • Coffee beans in an espresso grind
  • Metal steaming pitcher
  • Espresso machine with steaming apparatus
  • Flavoring if desired

Latte Instructions:

Step 1: Turn on your espresso machine so it begins heating up.

Step 2: As your espresso machine heats up, pour 10 oz of milk into a metal pitcher with a pour spout or other heat-resistant container .

Step 3: Begin steaming your milk

Step 4: As your milk steams, pull 2 shots of espresso

Step 5: When the milk reaches 140°F, position the pitcher so that the steaming wand is now in the center to create the desired foam thickness texture.

Step 6: In a mug or cup, pour the espresso. Add flavoring if desired

Step 7: Pour milk into the espresso and flavoring in a circular motion to mix evenly.

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The Difference Between Cappuccino And Latte Drinks

Fundamentally, lattes and cappuccinos are defined by aspects like texture, foam, and coffee-to-milk ratio. Cappuccinos usually have more foam than lattes. In fact, by volume, a cappuccino will have up to 50% more foam. In mathematical terms, cappuccinos are made with 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk, and 1/3 foam. Alternatively, of a latte will be a combination of coffee, flavoring, and milk, with only the top 8th being foamy.

Milk Froth and Coffee Ratio

To break it down even further, lattes are usually made with gently steamed milk and just a splash of foam on top. With a latte, there is usually only enough foam to sip initially. This foam is the perfect place for a sprinkle of cinnamon or a dollop of whipped cream. From there, you’ll enjoy the smooth combination of mixed steamed milk, espresso, and any flavoring if desired.

On the other hand, the foamy top third of a cappuccino is good at insulating the warm milk and coffee below. Simultaneously, the foam complements the flavor and temperature of the other ingredients. So, although cappuccinos are also made with coffee, milk, and foam, the foam is more of a prominent feature that serves a different purpose.

Ordering a Cappuccino or Latte

If you want a foamier cappuccino, you can try ordering a “dry” cappuccino, which should be airier and come with more foam. Depending on how sophisticated the coffee shop is, you may have to explain this to the barista.

Latte Vs Cappuccino: What Is The Difference

Cappuccino vs Latte: Ratios Of Espresso To Steamed Milk

How in the world do you tell the difference between a Latte and a Cappuccino? It can be difficult right?

Trying to tell by just looking at them can be harder than it sounds. Well after serving quite a few of both to customers, I have written it down to share with you. So, read on to find out how to tell the difference between the two.

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Do You Need Special Brewers For An Espresso

Espresso has to be brewed through a machine because of the pressure required to push the water through the machine. The entire premise of an espresso lies in the machine that produces it. The first espresso machine was built by Angelo Moriondo in 1884 it used steam to brew espresso in large quantities rather than in single servings as we have in machines today.

Coffee shops have specialized espresso machines to brew this kind of coffee, mainly because they need it as a base for all other preparations. For home use, you can also get an espresso machine that can be pretty cheap up to hundreds or thousands of dollars for a fully-automatic espresso machine. Espressos on their own have become a popular way to drink coffee, so manufacturers have made it easier and easier for consumers to brew their own coffee at home. There is a wide variety of machines you can get in the market to produce espressos at home. The techniques used to make espresso vary from the kind of machine you have and some do a better job than others.

What Are The Ratios Of Milk Vs Coffee In Cappuccino Vs Latte

Espressos do not contain any milk, even though they have a layer of light-colored foam on top which is called crema. This foam is created by the three-step process that occurs when the pressurized water is pushed through the ground coffee. The first occurs with the emulsion of water droplets through the oil that is present in coffee, second is the suspended solids in the hot water and the third is, as the process finishes, a layer of gas bubbles are produced by the machine.

Next, it does become a little confusing. If you look at a cappuccino vs latte then the difference is the milk ratios. While the pure espresso has no milk, both cappuccino and latte have varying amounts of steamed milk and foam.

Cappuccinos are espresso drinks that contain a small amount of steamed milk which is topped off with milk foam. It starts with a single or double shots of espresso, then steamed milk, and finally a thick layer of airy foam. The proportions are broken into 1 part of each. 1 part coffee, 1 part steamed milk, and 1 part of foamed milk. A flat white, similar to the cappuccino contains a small amount of steamed milk but is then topped off with a thin microfoam layer.

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Whats A Latte Macchiato

Last but not least: the latte macchiato. Known for its’ three distinctive layers of milk, espresso and milk foam, the latte macchiato is loved in many countries. The difference between a latte macchiato and a latte is the order of pouring the coffee into your cup or glass. With a latte macchiato you first steam your milk and then you add the espresso to the milk. With a latte you will add the milk to your coffee.

What Is The Difference Between A Latte And A Cappuccino

Latte Vs Cappuccino: What Is The Key Difference?

Fundamentally, these drinks are defined by their texture, which is determined by the ratio of ingredients: A cappuccino has more foam by volume than a latte does. A latte tends to comprise mostly of gently steamed milk with a kiss of foam on top, just enough so that its mostly gone after a sip or two, though it informs the overall mouthfeel of the entire delightful drink.

One really easy way to remember this is to translate the word latte from the Italian to the English: It simply means milk.

The term cappuccino has disputed origins, but many repeat the legend that the drink is named for the Capuchin monks, an order of Catholic brothers who wore brown cowls and shaved their heads bald. If you look down on a properly poured cappuccino, it has a design on it called a monks head, a ring of brown espresso circling a thick white ball of foamjust like an aerial view of one of these monks, or so it goes. Ideally, or traditionally speaking, a cappuccino is meant to be a perfect ratio of the components: 1/3 espresso coffee, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam.

You might like one or the other, or you might like bothheres how to enjoy either at home.

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