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Is Tea Tree Oil Good For Nail Fungus

Oregano Oil For Nail Fungus Reviews

Tea Tree Oil Toenail Fungus Home Treatment [Doctor Cure!]

If you want to treat the toenail fungus with essential oregano oil, then you must find the best product.

In the market there are different oregano oils are available. Some of them are specified for topical use, while others are designed to be taken as a topical solution.

The choice of product depends upon the health condition of the user. For the pregnant women, and kids under 2, oral intake is not recommended however, it is better to consult the physician.

As far as the topical oregano oil for nail fungus is concerned, it is fine for everybody as long as a good carrier oil is added.

Why Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is yellowish and is extracted from the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree. They are a native of Australia but are also found in other regions. Tea tree oil is well known for its antiseptic properties that aid in fighting against ailments like skin infections, burns, and much more. They are found to be useful as clotrimazole, a type of fungal medication used for the treatment of nail fungus. Applying tea tree oil regularly to your nails can cure fungal infections. They can also improve the appearance and health of nails at a rapid pace.

Do You Have To Dilute Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil should never be applied to the skin in its pure form. It is essential to dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil, or even sesame seed oil. Tea tree oil should be diluted with 12 drops of a carrier oil for every one to two drops of tea tree oil. Additionally, exercise caution while using tea tree oil in the vicinity of the eyes.

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Tea Tree Oil And Orange Oil For Toenail Fungus:

Orange oil has fungicidal properties which means it does not allow fungus to enter at any place.


  • 1 tsp tea tree oil
  • ½ tsp of orange oil
  • Cotton ball
  • Mix tea tree oil and orange oil
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and hold it against the effected nail
  • Remove cotton ball and let the nail dry

Note: The ball should be place on the nail for 3 minutes and repeat this activity daily.

Best Time to apply: At leisure.

Strut Health Treats Toenail Fungus Online

Kerasal Plus Tea Tree Oil Nail Renewal Fungal Nail Repair Solution ...

Here at Strut Health, we treat stubborn toenail fungus with an expertly blended cream of topical antifungals, and steroids.

Our cream is compounded with a proprietary base blend with DMSO that helps the active ingredients penetrate deep into the nail.

Treating toenail fungus is hard, but our cream takes the guesswork out of the situation.

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When Can I See Results

I know you are excited to finally rid this annoying fungus, so I can tell that you start noticing improvements immediately. Because your toenails will look more alive. The itchiness will be soothed. And within the first weeks you should be noticing new healthy pink nails growing out to replace the damaged areas. But I can tell you the biggest change will be in your confidence seeing yourself finally beat this thing that has been haunting you for so long.

Precautions To Take For Preventing Or Treating Nail Fungus

  • Maintain short and clean nails as it helps to prevent bacteria getting clogged up under the nails. Use a manicure kit to maintain clean nails.
  • Make sure to wear shoes or sandals in public places like swimming pool, gym, and others. As nail fungus is contagious, it can easily spread in these places.
  • Prefer wearing sandals instead of shoes if it is not necessary. Shoes create a warm and dark environment which can lead to fungal growth.
  • Make sure to wear ventilated socks which restrict moisture buildup and promote air circulation.
  • Wear preventive gloves while cleaning clothes or washing dishes. It helps to avoid any further complications and also keeps your hands dry.
  • If nail fungus persists even after trying home remedies for more than 8 weeks then consults a podiatrist.
  • Instead of normal nail polishes, it is better to use medicated ones.

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Best Ways To Treat A Nail Fungus

Nail fungus can cause thick, discolored nails, and, for some patients, it can even be painful. An Internet search will bring up plenty of ways to treat the condition, but which ones are best? Dermatologist Dr. Christopher Hull discusses what nail fungus actually is, why its so hard to get rid of, and which treatments work best.


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How Long Does Tea Tree Oil Takes To Work On Toenail Fungus

The DANGER with using TEA TREE OIL FOR TOENAIL FUNGUS: Avoid Hurting Youself.

Ive read somewhere that tea tree oil has antifungal properties and when applied to the toenails, it seems to help clear them up. Does this work on toenail fungus? Well, the best way to answer that question is to say that it doesnt work on toenail fungus. It might have some effect, but its not very good. I suppose if you used a different type of remedy for your toenail fungus then it wouldnt hurt to give it a try, but if youre like me you dont want to waste your money or your time.

Another question that someone might ask about tea tree oil is, does it contain any side-effects? Well, theres one major side effect and thats it can make your nails grow in a different way. You see, tea tree oil basically acts like an antiseptic and helps kill off the fungus thats causing your problem.

Other things that it may help with is, if you have a fungal infection in your toenails then you can also use it. Its been known to help soothe cuts and sores. So, now you know how long does tea tree oil take to work on toenail fungus? It depends on the type of fungus that you have. The better informed you are, the better youll be when it comes to choosing the right treatment.

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What Is Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of the evergreen Melaleuca alternifolia tree, native to Australia. Also called ‘melaleuca oil,’ tea tree oil can be colorless to pale yellow while giving out a fresh camphor-like odor.

Tea tree oil is one of the important essential oils that are made from plant extracts and used to boost well-being. The term ‘essential oil’ denotes the fact that the ‘essence’ of the plants is captured in the oil through steam distillation methods.

In Australia, tea tree oil has been used as herbal medicinefor centuries by the aboriginal people to treat colds, coughs, wounds, and skin infections. It is also used to complement conventional treatment in burn care, surgery, and dental care.

Dosage And Toxicity Levels:

Topical tea tree oil is not recommended for oral use however, in rat models, a 50% lethal dose occurred within a range of 1.9 2.6 ml/kg. Tea tree oil lethal toxicity levels have not been tested in humans, of course, but human poisoning has occurred with full recovery.

For lowering the risk of dermal toxicity, it is widely recommended to use tea tree oil at a diluted dosage of 10% or less. During a patch-test study involving human participants, the results revealed dermal irritation at a mean score of 0.25, indicating that tea tree oil should never constitute 25% of a dilution formulation. Allergic reactions occur mostly due to oxidated oil from either natural age factors or a lack of proper storage precautions.

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Treatment Options For Nail Fungus


Dr. Hull:


Dr. Hull:

Most of my conversation is usually discussing medical therapy, so things that are available by prescription only. And those come in two main forms, which are topical antifungal medications, and then oral antifungal medications. There are other surgical or procedural options, so you can remove nails as well. And then there’s starting to be more interest in technologies like lasers for nail fungus.


Dr. Hull:


Dr. Hull:


Dr. Hull:

How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Toenail Fungus

Tea tree oil for toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is a common problem which is difficult to deal with. Nail fungus does not look attractive. When your feet or hands become infected your nails become yellowed, thickened and brittle, it can be embarrassing and sometimes even painful. Knowing how to dilute tea tree oil for toenail fungus can give you relief. Tea tree oil has become a popular essential oil owing to the powerful anti-fungal it contains. Its a popular treatment for many conditions, including toenail fungus.

Toenail fungus is often caused by the trapping of moisture in warm conditions where the fungus thrives in. Leaving toenail fungus untreated may lead to the cracking, splitting and even complete loss of toenail. With dietary and lifestyle changes, supplements and certain essential oils, you can treat and eliminate the cause of toenail fungus. Getting rid of toenail fungus can take some patience and requires time to fully heal. Learning how to dilute tea tree oil for toenail fungus and getting rid of the underlying cause of nail fungus is the only thing that will keep the infection from coming back again.

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Easy Home Remedies For Summer Toenail Fungus

In the midst of toe-baring sandal season, fungal nails are the last thing anyone wants to see! Toenail fungusalso known as onychomycosisis a common summer infection featuring yellow, white, or brown discoloration on one or more or your toenails. Though commonly thought of as a cosmetic issue, nail fungus can become painful and inhibiting, causing toenails to thicken and crack.

Fortunately, there are a number of easy home remedies that may help you to treat and prevent the development of toenail fungus.

Coconut Oil

The fatty acids in coconut oil are natural warriors against toenail fungus, breaking down the fungal membrane by inserting themselves in its lipid layer. Simply rub a dime-sized dollop of coconut oil into the affected area 2-3 times a day.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil contains a special antibacterial ingredientthymolthat is key to fighting toenail fungus. To disinfect and treat your toenail fungus, apply a few drops of oregano oil to a cotton ball or swab and gently dab it over your nails.

Tea Tree/Olive/Orange Oil Rub

Heres a great recipe for a 3-part disinfectant made from tea tree, olive, and orange oil. Mix together:

  • 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of orange oil

As with the oregano oil, apply this antiseptic rub to your nails using a cotton ball or swab.

Olive Leaf Salve

Baking Soda Soak

  • 4-5 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cups of warm water

How Do I Know If My Toenail Fungus Is Healing

Because of the lengthy time it takes for nails to grow out and the fact that nail fungus can be resistant to treatment, it may be necessary to wait many weeks or even months for an infection to be completely cleared up.If you observe the growth of a new nail that is in good health from the base of the infected nail bed, you will have evidence that the therapy is effective and that the infection is getting better.

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Studies To Support Oregano And Tea Tree Oils For The Treatment Of Toenail Fungus

When a study was conducted by a group of researchers, they discovered that oregano and tea tree oils are an effective and safe option for topical therapy of onychomycosis.

The research proved how oregano oil can prevent the growth of various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Regular application is very powerful as it completely destroys the fungi. Also, the study proved how tea tree oil penetrates deep down the nail bed and fights fungi. When used together, they work well as a Toenail Fungus Treatment.

Should You Try Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil for Fingernail Fungus

It might be worth trying tea tree oil for athletes foot, toenail fungus, or acne. But skip tea tree oil products marketed to combat bad breath, tooth plaque, and gum disease. In fact, says Krant, donât use tea tree oil for any oral conditions it may be unsafe to eat or drink. And if you use it on your skin, stop the treatment immediately if you notice that itâs causing irritation or a rashsome people are allergic to tea tree oil.

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Tea Tree Oil And Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains antifungal properties which help to combat fungus causing the infection. It also helps to speed up the healing process.

  • Mix 1 part of freshly extracted aloe vera gel and 3 parts of tea tree oil.
  • Apply the mixture on the infected finger or toenail.
  • Gently massage for few minutes and leave it to dry completely.
  • Repeat the process once in a day.

Does Tea Tree Oil Work

Results from scientific studies supporting the use of tea tree oil to treat nail fungus are mixed. Some of the research points to tea tree oils potential as an antifungal, but more studies are needed.

According to a 2013 study, tea tree oil was effective in reducing growth of the fungus Trichophyton rubrum in nail infections. T. rubrum is a fungus that can cause infections such as athletes foot and nail fungus. Improvements were seen after 14 days.

This study used an in vitro model, which is sometimes called a test-tube experiment. In in vitro studies, the experiment is done in a test tube instead of on an animal or human. Larger human studies are needed to expand on these findings.

Combining tea tree oil with standard medicated creams is also an option. A small 1999 study found that participants were able to successfully manage toenail fungus by using a cream that contained butenafine hydrochloride and tea tree oil.

After 16 weeks of treatment, 80 percent of participants who used this cream cured their toenail fungus with no relapses. No one in the placebo group cured their nail fungus. Further studies are needed to determine which of these ingredients is most useful in treating nail fungus.

Results of a 1994 study found pure tea tree oil was equally as effective as the antifungal clotrimazole in treating fungal toenail infections. Clotrimazole is available both over the counter and by prescription.

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How To Treat Nail Fungus With Tea Tree Oil

Nail fungus is a fungal infection that attacks the nail and the skin underneath and around the nail.

Nail fungus usually starts as a yellow or white spot under the tip of the fingernail or toenails.

As the nail fungus grows, it can cause the nails to discolor, thicken and eventually crumble away.

The good news is that you can easily get rid of your nail fungus without costly medications.

Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal that is gentle enough to use on the skin but strong enough to kill even the fungus thats resistant to most other antifungals.

It can be used externally for nail fungus treatment or internally if you have an athletes foot bad case.

How To Cure Toenail Fungus With Tea Tree Oil

Purely Northwest Toenail Fungus Treatment with 16 oz Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil that has a promising effect on fungus. The benefits of tea tree oil are that it has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

Tea tree oil is an option for those who are worried about side effects from traditional medicinal toenail fungus treatment. With tea tree oil usage, the most common side effects are redness, itchiness, and slight stinging where applied, but there are ways to reduce these effects.

Using tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil – which also has antifungal properties – helps diminish the harshness of the highly concentrated tea tree oil.

To apply to your toenail fungus, mix a bit of coconut oil with several drops of tea tree oil. Then, rub on your toenail fungus. It’s important not to add to the moisture of your foot, so make sure all oil has been wiped off before putting on any socks, shoes, or tights.

After applying this mixture, you can see how your skin tolerates tea tree oil. If you seem to be tolerating it well, you can lessen the amount of carrier oil so that you have a more potent effect on your toenail fungus.

It’s important to note that tea tree oil is not a simple solution and can take several weeks to fully treat toenail fungus. Staying consistent with your application ensures you that, down the line, you can cure toenail fungus.

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How Long Does It Take For Tea Tree Oil To Work On Ringworm

It depends on the type of ringworm you have. Tea tree oil effectively kills both dermatophytes and yeast infections when used consistently for several weeks so that it will work on any ringworm you attempt to treat with it.

  • If you are using tea tree oil topically, apply it to the affected area for several weeks.
  • If you are using it as an oral supplement, then it will take longer than that because your internal organs must absorb it first before getting into your system and circulating the body.
  • The length of time will depend on how severe your case of ringworm is. However, if you are using it consistently, then the tea tree oil will affect your ringworm.

See 5 Steps To Support Good Nails and Hair

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