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What Tea Helps With Allergies

Herbal And Green Tea For Allergies

Herbal Tea for Allergies + Recipe

There are many way to address seasonal allergy symptoms. People who suffer from asthma are also sensitive to allergies because many times, certain allergies can trigger asthma episodes.

Luckily, you can drink certain teas that contain natural compounds to help your body with these allergic symptoms of sneezing, running nose, itchy and tearing eyes.

  • Fennel Seeds. Fennel is a natural antispasmodic, which is helpful when used with the intent of relieving allergies. The airway closes off or narrows, in many cases, due to excessive muscle spasm in the bronchial passages.
  • Licorice. Licorice has been used with effectiveness for thousands of years to treat a number of respiratory conditions. These conditions do include bronchitis, common cough, and asthma. The active natural chemicals present in licorice act as an anti-inflammatory and may effectively soothe swollen airways. It also may act as a histamine, which will inhibit coughing, making it easier to take deep breaths.
  • Green Tea for allergies Tea is rich in antioxidants, and is a natural anti-inflammatory. One compound is quercetin, found in many leafy vegetables and also found in tea. It helps block the immune reactions caused by pollen, dust and animal hair.
  • Chamomile. Chamomile contains a high concentration of natural anti-histamines, which fight off allergic reactions. Plus it helps calm and relax you, especially if you want a good nights sleep.
  • What Herbs Are Good For Allergies

    The following herbs help alleviate the symptoms associated with allergies. All these ingredients can be found in our Organic Allergy Tonic tea.


    Rooibos is a naturally caffeine free herbal tea from South Africa. It has smooth, full bodied, and slightly sweet flavor that makes it a popular beverage. South Africans have used Rooibos for centuries for the treatment of a variety of ailments, including allergies, cramps, colic, insomnia, and eczema.

    Rooibos contains two bioflavonoids called rutin and quercetin. These compounds block the release of histamine, a chemical the body produces in response to allergens. These compounds work both inside and outside of the body. A tea infusion can be consumed to prevent and relieve allergies. As used in South African hospitals, infusions can also be rubbed on the skin to treat irritations.

    Check out our Rooibos Teas

    Yerba Mate

    Yerba Mate is an herbal shrub or tree thats found in places such as Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Yerba Mate stimulates the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids. This helps suppress overactive immune system responses to allergens, suppress inflammation, and creates more oxygen flow by opening the respiratory passages. It is important to note that Yerba Mate contains caffeine, which may keep people awake at night if consumed too late in the day.

    Check out our Yerba Mate


    Check out our Ginger Teas

    Lemon Balm

    Check out our Lemon Balm teas

    Other Herbs:

    When to drink your herbal tea:

    Home Remedies For Allergies #10 Herbs

    Herbs have a long history in providing relief fromallergy symptoms, including the awful sneezing, runny nose and constant itching. Some are very good remedies for hay fever and otherseasonal allergies, while others are not so good. Here are the ones that havebeen found to work the best

    Stinging Nettle: This is probably the best herb fortreating allergy symptoms and really does work a treat! Its a powerful naturalantihistamine and doesnt cause drowsiness or dry mouth likepharmaceutical antihistamines do. Take 300 mgs of stinging nettle extract dailyfor best results.

    Butterbur: Butterbur blocks antihistamine and naturallyreduces inflammation. Studies have found this herb to be effective at relievingthe most common allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, sinus congestionand headaches. In fact, a British study found butterbur to be just as effectiveas Zyrtec for relieving the symptoms of hay fever, but without the sideeffects. A word of caution though, because butterbur is part of the ragweedfamily, its recommended anyone allergic to ragweed or chrysanthemum avoid thisherb.

    Nettle Leaf: This herb is also an excellent naturalantihistamine. You can either make up a nettle tea to drink twice daily or takenettle leaf capsules.

    Green tea: Builds up the immune system strongly andblocks the production of histamine. Either drink 4-6 cups of green tea daily ortake green tea extract.

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    Word Of Warning For Those Allergic To Ragweed Pollen

    While anecdotal evidence and the Indian study described above suggest that chamomile may be good for hay fever sufferers in general, those who develop symptoms when exposed to ragweed pollen might have to be careful with chamomile tea. Chamomile has proteins that are similar to proteins found in ragweed, and therefore, chamomile tea may cause oral allergy syndrome in some individuals allergic to ragweed pollen . The oral allergy symptoms associated with ragweed-chamomile cross-reactivity may include itching or swelling of the tongue, lips or roof of the mouth.

    Sip A Cup Of Green Tea

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    “Tea, especially green tea, with or without caffeine, is very good for people with allergies,” says Murray Grossan, MD, an ear, nose, and throat doctor in Los Angeles. Tea contains natural antihistamines, he says, which makes it a great addition to your diet to reduce allergy symptoms. Histamine is a chemical that your body releases during allergic reactions. Grossan especially recommends a morning cup of hot tea just when you get up to help prevent morning sneezing.

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    Teas For Respiratory Problems

    Best choose good teas for respiratory problems, because nothing beats a hot cup of tea when you are in bed with a terrible cold.

    Rest back against your pillows, get warm under your blankets and let the tea help you heal.

    And a good herbal infusion can help with congestion, which is caused by hay fever or spring allergies.

    Give your nose a break! Feel the comfort and soothing action of a cup of tea.

    So Is Green Tea For Allergies A Real Solution

    Needless to say, the discovery that green tea has a real effect on allergies is exciting. The problem, however, is that theres no good research on the effect of EGCG in human allergies. Though its very likely that it has a similar effect, no one knows how much tea youd have to drink to achieve real results.

    Overall, the answer to whether or not tea can help with allergies is maybe. Since it has no calories and offers a wide range of proven health benefits, theres nothing at all wrong with drinking a cup or two of piping hot green tea the next time youre suffering from seasonal allergies. To be safe, though, you should also be using an air purifier, which can keep allergies at bay all year long. A high-quality HEPA air purifier provides proven, reliable protection from allergens of all sorts in your home air.

    Have questions about what an air purifier can do for your health? Feel free to contact us directly for answers and personalized product recommendations.

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    Natural Allergy Relief Options

    What helps relieve allergies fast? Watching what you eat, getting plenty of fresh air and drinking enough water are some of the natural remedies that can relieve allergies by improving functions of the immune system.

    It may take several weeks for your symptoms to subside, but they are likely to be better kept under control when you tackle the root causes. Here are nine ways to get natural allergy relief.

    1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory, Alkaline Diet

    First and foremost, start eating an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce your risk for allergies and many other health problems. Caring for your body with nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, bringing it back into balance so it can fight off common allergies in your environment.

    Here are some of the best foods and ingredients to incorporate into your diet to help you beat allergies:

    Although its not abundant in many foods, vitamin D is also important for immune function and may help manage allergy symptoms. In fact, certain studies have shown that children who live farther from the equator are more likely to develop allergies and suffer higher rates of hospital admissions due to allergic reactions.

    You can get enough vitamin D by spending about 15 minutes in the sun most days without sunscreen and by eating foods like whole milk and some mushrooms for natural allergy relief.

    2. Local Raw Honey

    3. Apple Cider Vinegar

    4. Quercetin

    5. Neti Pot

    6. Stinging Nettle

    • Ginger
    • Horehound

    8. Probiotics

    Consider A Mediterranean Diet

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    There is some research to support the idea that adhering to a Mediterranean diet increases a person’s chance of controlling their asthma, according to a 2013 report in the Journal of Asthma. This diet includes lots of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, fish, and olive oil, with a lesser amount of meat.

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    Use These Home Remedies For Allergies And Be Free From Hay Fever For Life

    Well that ends this article on natural remedies for allergies.We firmly believe you now have every bit of information you need to finally kickyour allergies in the proverbial butt! Naturally, you need to put thisinformation into practice for it to work, but we’re confident you will.


    Becausehay fever and other allergies just plain suck right?

    Anyway, try and utilize and use as many of the homeremedies we list as possible for best results. And at the end of the day, justremember your gut thats the key to curing your allergies for good!

    Good luck and all the best.

    P.S. Because allergies and sinus infection usually gohand in hand, we suggest you take the time to read our natural remedies forsinus infection article. You can click on the link below to go there.

    What Is The Best Herbal Tea For Asthma

    Asthma is a chronic or lung respiratory disease that causes difficulty breathing. It can be both, allergic and non-allergic, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. When it comes to allergic asthma, inhaling pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or other irritants can trigger an asthma attack. In that case, the immune system causes inflammation.

    Besides medication, many people use herbal teasto improve their asthma symptoms, along with other lifestyle changes like losing weight or quitting smoking.

    According to many people, peppermint tea is the best herbal tea for asthma, acting as a decongestant and providing anti-inflammatory effects. Whats more, drinking it while hot can treat symptoms of the common cold and stuffy nose.

    For others, the best herbal tea for asthma is ginger tea. Thats because it helps improve the effects of common medications used for asthma called bronchodilators. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help relax the smooth muscles in the lungs, thus reducing constriction. This is why its also known as a good herbal tea for inflammation.

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    Natural Remedies For Allergies #5 Hot Peppers

    If you regularly eat these foods then youll already knowthat nothing cleans out the whole respiratory system quite like some hotpeppers! Hot chilli peppers , hot mustard andhorseradish are all excellent natural decongestants and sinus clearers. Mypersonal favourite though is cayenne pepper. This stuff works like magic toclear up sinusitis and just about every respiratory problem you may encounter.Italso boosts the immune system very strongly and is extremely good for yourheart. You can either buy it in powder or capsule form to have internally, or you can find it in some allergy relief nasalsprays combined with horseradish. Just remember, these peppers are hot so ifyou dont eat them regularly, its a good idea to start off small and work yourway up.

    Home Remedies For Allergies That Work A Treat

    Drinking Green Tea May Help Treat Food Allergies

    Heres someof the most potent home remedies for allergies youll ever come across. Useeach of these amazing natural remedies for hay fever and enjoy fast, long termrelief from those dreaded allergy symptoms

    Article by Troy Sawyer

    Spring is such a beautiful time of year. The plants andtrees are blossoming and bursting to life after their winter hibernation. Thebirds are singing, the bees are buzzing. And, unfortunately, the pollen countis also sky high. So for anyone withan allergy problem, spring is not a beautiful time of year its a nightmare!

    Thehigh pollen count then continues on during the summer period, which causes grass allergies for many people, then the pollen count increases once again duringlate summer and autumn when the weed pollen count rises. So for seasonalallergy sufferers, theres really not much joy to be had during the warmermonths of the year, which is probably why most prefer winter.

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    Use Herbal Infusions To Treat Allergies

    Allergies can be very irritating and even dangerous, and often allergic symptoms might end up ruining your day.

    Sometimes, after waking up, I start sneezing right away, and have an itchy and runny nose and red eyes. That really isnt a good start for a day.

    The great thing is, that in addition to being tasty and providing numerous health benefits, I have found that herbal teas are a great way to relieve mild allergies like hay fever.

    Now that you know what are the best herbal teas for allergies, I think its a good idea to at least try if they could help with relieving your symptoms.

    So instead of always taking an antihistamine pill, try drinking some of these herbal teas daily for at least a few weeks, and see if it helps.

    I really hope you can find a natural relief to your allergic symptoms from these herbal teas!

    Allergy Symptoms And Triggers

    Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, develops when the bodys immune system recognizes and overreacts to something in the environment that typically causes no problems in most people. It can be seasonal or perennial.

    Seasonal allergies occur in spring, summer, and early fall. During these times, airborne mold spores or pollens from trees, grass, and weeds can trigger symptoms like sneezing and congestion. Perennial allergies occur year-round and are caused by many factors, including cigarette smoke, perfume, diesel exhaust, dust mites, pet hair or dander, cockroaches, or mold.

    Symptoms of hay fever may include:

    • Fatigue because of a decrease in sleep quality due to nasal congestion
    • Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
    • Sneezing
    • Stuffy nose
    • Rash

    Some people may also have a condition called pollen food allergy syndrome associated with pollen allergy or hay fever. Symptoms to the mouth are immediate, and may include itching, irritations, and swelling of the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth, and throat, but go away as soon as the person stops eating. To avoid this type of reaction, only eat vegetables and fruits that are cooked.

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    What Should You Do When You Have An Allergic Reaction

    If you notice any signs of green tea allergy mentioned above, stop drinking green tea right away. It is highly recommended that you consult a doctor and follow the prescriptions to ease the symptoms.

    In the future, you should avoid consuming green tea in any form. Its absolutely okay if the tea is not for you.

    Best Herbal Tea For Pollen Allergies

    Allergy Relief Tea – Honeysuckle

    Pollen may be crucial for plant growth, but its one of the most common causes of seasonal allergies in the US. Its the reason why your nose runs, your eyes water, and sneezes keep coming. Many people use teas for allergy relief, but what is the best herbal tea for pollen allergies?

    There are many teas that have been shown to offer pollen allergy relief, each one providing a positive effect on allergy symptoms. So, its best to try them out and see which of them is the best herbal tea for pollen allergies for you.

    Before giving you the list of some of the best teas for this purpose, here are a few important things you should know about pollen allergy.


  • 8 Conclusion
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    Are There Different Types Of Tea Allergies

    Teas are categorized as either herbal or nonherbal. You may be allergic or sensitive to components found in either or both types.

    If you have an allergy to any component found in tea, you should avoid it completely. If you have a sensitivity to these compounds, you may be able to tolerate them in small amounts, particularly if your tea is only lightly brewed.

    Other Herbs You May Want To Try


    This is a great herbal tea for those suffering from hayfever as it is very good for all the usual symptoms of a runny nose and sneezing and relieving those sore, itching and watering eyes too.


    Peppermint can help to ease the congestion of the sinuses and nose that often come with allergic rhinitis. In addition, peppermint’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action can help to prevent a secondary infection that can be a problem if blood vessels get damaged after repeated nose blowing. For these reasons, it is often used in combination with nettle .


    This South African tea is naturally caffeine free and has a natural sweetness that makes it a very good first introduction to herbal tea drinking as some teas can be quite bitter and something of an acquired taste.

    As a tea for allergies, Rooibos works by inhibiting histamine production in the body. The ingredients in the tea responsible for this effect are the bioflavonoids quercetin and rutin. The good news is that you can also use cooled Rooibos tea directly on your skin if you have an insect bite or sting or skin irritation.

    Yerba Mate:

    This South American herb does contain caffeine so probably not a good choice of bedtime drink. But, as an effective allergy tea, it damps down the body’s immune system response to allergens and reduces inflammation. It also helps with sinus congestion and colds because it helps to open the respiratory passages.

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