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What Kind Of Green Tea Helps Lose Belly Fat

Benefits Of Green Tea

Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat?

Studies conducted by several organizations, including Harvard medical school, have discovered that green tea has several health benefits. It is only mildly processed and is rich in catechins, which are antioxidants that prevent cell damage. Catechins present in green tea lower cholesterol and blood pressure, protecting the body against the damage caused by diet that is high in fat. It also helps keep blood sugar stable, thus aiding those who suffer from from diabetes.

How Many Cups Of Green Tea Should You Drink Per Day To Lose Weight

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you need to drink 2-3 cups of green tea per day in order to get the benefits of green tea for weight loss. It is estimated that 1cup of green tea has about 120 to 320 milligrams of catechins and 10 to 60 milligrams of caffeine, although it depends on how you brew tea.

Can Green Tea Prevent Heart Disease

Some data suggests that green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseasea narrowing of the arteries that can lead to heart attack, chest pains, or stroke.

For example, in a study of more than 40,500 adults, researchers in Japan found that those who consumed five or more cups of green tea per day were 26 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease over an 11-year period than those who drank just one cup per day.

Similarly, a study of 76,979 people published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health in 2011 found that women who drank one to six cups of green tea per day had a reduced risk of dying of cardiovascular disease compared with those who drank none.

How might green tea protect the heart? Experts say it may reduce high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, which are important factors in cardiovascular disease.

But while this is a potential benefit, it’s not conclusive, and high doses of green tea can reduce the effectiveness of the drug nadolol, used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems, cautions NIH.

To reduce your risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease , he says, you need to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. You should also exercise and avoid smoking.

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Teas That Are Better Than One Hour At The Gym

Tea is the most consumed drink after water and it is widely enjoyed all over the world. This aromatic drink is usually made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, which is a kind of evergreen plant originating in Asia. Consuming tea, in general, has been linked with numerous health benefits including preventing red blood cells from getting damaged and reducing the risk of various heart diseases.

Some studies have been associating tea drinking with weight loss and the reduction of belly fat. Certain types of tea have been found to be more effective than other types in achieving this.

Bright Side has collected 10 of the best teas to promote weight loss and decrease belly fat.

Support Energy Levels With Oolong Tea

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Flagging energy levels can make it even harder to exercise, even if you know itll help you lose weight. Thats where oolong tea can be a big help.

Also known as black dragon tea, this best tea for weight loss is packed with catechins similar to those found in green tea. These catechins work by promoting your bodys ability to break down fat, which can increase your energy levels and speed fat loss.

A study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine examined the weight loss effects of oolong tea in 102 obese individuals. Around 70% of the participants lost at least two pounds while 22% lost more than 6 pounds), which led researchers to conclude that oolong tea may be an effective way to reduce body fat content and weight. They even suggested that long-term consumption of oolong tea may help prevent obesity.

It appears the catechins in oolong help your body to use fat cells for energy, while the mild caffeine content gives you an extra boost for working out.

You can get your oolong tea fix from tea bags or loose leaf. You can even try combining it with green tea to increase its fat-burning impact. In terms of oolong tea to mix with or have naturally, try out Revolutions brand of oolong tea. The quality of this tea is quite high and the price is great for that quality.

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How Green Tea Boosts Your Metabolism And Helps With Weight Loss

If you like green tea, you are likely one of 158 million other Americans that starts each day with a cup of it. It is estimated that over 80 billion cups are consumed in the country each year, mainly because tea enthusiasts enjoy the taste so much. But, do you know how to drink green tea for weight loss?

It turns out this unique leaf is good for more than boosting your caffeine levels each morning. There are many benefits of green tea, and enjoying a green tea diet or adding its extract to your health and beauty products can make a difference in your overall weight at the end of the day. If you are ready to learn more about the benefits of this prized drink, keep reading to learn how green tea helps weight loss.

Here’s How To Prepare Your Green Tea For Best Results And Drink It After A Meal

When it comes to brewing your green tea, don’t overboil the water, since if you put the teabag in boiling water it can damage the catechins, according to The Times of India. Instead, boil water and let it cool off for several minutes before pouring your tea.

The latest research also suggests that you drink it after a meal, for best results. Other studies suggest drinking it first thing in the morning, to turn up your metabolism.

Choose a green tea with caffeine since the studies show that for weight loss, catechins and caffeine worked together to help speed up the metabolism. One important thing to note about most of these studies is they were done with green tea extract, not brewed tea. You can drink 2 to 3 cups of tea to get the desired effect. Green tea extract has been shown to lower cholesterol in study subjects and also help lower blood pressure among obese study participants.

Editors’ Note: Before you take any supplement, even one that sounds natural such as green tea extract, check with your doctor and be aware that caffeine is a powerful stimulant.

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Natural Green Tea Recipe

This is the natural green tea recipe that everybody uses. This recipe not only aids weight loss but also improves your bodys immunity.

  • 1 cup of hot water
  • ½ slice of lemon

How to Make Iced Lavender Green Tea

  • Add ½ cup of water into a saucepan and heat to a boil.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat then add lavender and tea bags to the already heated water.
  • Steep for a few minutes and strain into an empty bowl. Leave to cool for a while.
  • Pour the tea into a cup already filled with ice and add some lavender sprigs to it.

Targets The Most Dangerous Body Fat


When most of us think about body fat, we focus on the fat that we can actually see and want to get rid of. However, some excess fat is found deep inside our bodies surrounding some of our internal organs.

This hidden fat is called visceral fat or belly fat. Its normal and healthy to carry some of this fat as it protects our organs, but it can be dangerous to have too much. Having high amounts of visceral fat puts you at a higher risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Some studies have shown that green tea may help to target visceral fat. This means you may not see fat loss from the areas you want from drinking green tea but it may help to reduce this dangerous hidden fat.

A study on Chinese adults with a high proportion of abdominal visceral fat was carried out to see if catechin-enriched green tea could help. The 12-week study found that the group drinking the green tea every day experienced greater visceral fat loss than the other group who were given a placebo.12


  • Green tea may help target visceral fat the type that puts you at risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease

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Minty Iced Green Tea For Weight Loss

This is a delicious and refreshing green tea for weight loss. Mint prevents hunger cravings and burns body fat.

How to Make Slimming Minty Green Tea Recipe for Weight Loss

  • Add the mint leaves into a tall glass.
  • Then add green tea bags and boiling water into the glass.
  • Keep the glass in your refrigerator for about 3-4 hours.
  • Use a spoon to remove the green tea bags.
  • Add honey into the glass and mix very well.
  • You can then add crushed ice and serve.
  • Serve the tea with a straw.

Try Juicing One Meal A Day To Shift Your Microbiome To A Healthier Balance

People who followed a brief juicing period of just 3 days had a healthier gut microbiome even two weeks later, a small study found. While you don’t need to replace all your meals with juicing, you can help your body be healthier, and burn more calories, by adding more vegetable juice into the mix. So while we don’t suggest not eating, we do recommend adding a juice meal a day to help cleanse the body and to promote gut health.

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Green Tea Regulates Obesity Genes

Interestingly, scientists found that green tea could regulate obesity-related genes . Researchers also found that green tea extract induced browning of white adipose tissue. This, in turn, helped reduce obesity .

Green tea extract also inhibits the expression of proteins involved in inflammation by improving gut barrier function . In another study, green tea EGCG decreased the expression of genes that cause fat deposition .

However, you must keep in mind that most of these studies are conducted on animal models. More research on human subjects is required to know the exact molecular mechanism of green teas weight loss properties.

Bottom Line Green tea EGCG and green tea extract may inhibit the adipogenic and inflammatory genes and decrease body weight.

Does Green Tea Prevent Cancer

7 Best Green Tea for Weight Loss and Belly Fat Burner ...

Compounds called catechins are often credited for green teas cancer-fighting potential. These antioxidants have the ability to block the action of molecules called free radicals, which can cause changes in healthy cells that sometimes lead to cancer. But theres no solid proof yet that the catechins in green tea help to prevent cancer in humans, despite some promising studies in test tubes and animals.

In 2009 the Cochrane Library published a review of 51 studies that included a total of more than 1.6 million participants. Each study investigated whether consuming green tea reduced the risk of developing specific types of cancer, including those of the breast, colon, oral cavity, liver, pancreas, and prostate.

The results were conflicting, says lead author Katja Boehm, PhD, a health psychologist at Private University Witten/Herdecke in Germany. After scrutinizing the data, Boehm says, the evidence of a benefit wasnt strong enough to recommend using green tea to protect against cancer.

In a 2020 update to that review, the authors concluded that the evidence for a beneficial effect against cancer remains limited, with inconsistent results between studies.

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The Low Calorie Factor

Some people tend to believe that Green tea can help you consume less calories. Well, this statement is technically true but the trick here is only if you do intermittent fasting. If you are on intermittent fasting you can use green tea and coffee to extend your fast by 1 or 2 hr. These drinks can suppress your hunger for a short period of time. But if you eat for more than 12hr in a day than this cant work for you.

Lipton Honey Lemon Green Tea Bags

Lipton Green Tea Bags are ready-to-use dip bags and take less than three minutes to make a hot cup of green tea with additional flavors. The lemon flavor is rich in vitamin C and leaves you light and happy. Use them as a part of a balanced diet, and over time, you could see visible improvement in your metabolism.


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Guide To Drinking Green Tea For Weight Loss

If youve consumed tea before, youll know right away that drinking green tea wont be a challenge at all. However, if youre new to green tea , this is the section for you to tap into green teas incredible weight loss support.

Not a big fan of tea or how it tastes? No problem. You can always add things like sugar, cream, or honey to improve the taste of your cup of green tea. Though keep in mind: these can add up to almost 100 calories to your green tea. Youll have to factor that into a diet if youre following one. .

Sip Up To Slim Down: The Right Way To Drink Green Tea For Weight Loss

The secret: How to Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss: Lose Belly Fat With Green Tea | iKnow

Yes, green tea makes you lose weight. No, having it in the form of ice cream or noodles does not count. Neither does wearing green tea perfume. Or dropping green tea scented bath bombs in your tub. Thats because the weight-loss benefits are in the epigallocatechin gallate found in green tea. Not the green tea flavour.

A fact that makes you wonder what other myths surround this potent superfood? Like whether green tea extract is effective? Or whether temperature affect its potency? Time to round up the health and wellness experts to spill the real scoop.

Green tea vs black tea: Why does it matter?

To begin with, all kinds of tea black and green are picked from a leafy green shrub in the same family as Camellia plants . However, to make black tea, the new leaves are fermented and cured. This breaks down most of its active compounds.

Green tea, on the other hand, is prepared by lightly steaming the leaves after picking. This not only preserves the active compounds, it also destroys the enzymes that would break them down rapidly.

Why go green?

Green tea has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to facilitate digestion, help heal wounds, promote heart health, stabilise blood sugar, improve digestion and boost mental function.

It also helps calm the nervous system by reducing levels of the stress hormones Cortisol and epinephrine, while countering the toxic effects of smoking.

What about weight loss? Is there any science behind this claim?

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How Green Tea Helps With Weight Loss And Reducing Belly Fat

There is substantial evidence that shows green tea as one of the most effective teas for weight loss. Green tea is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins – the active ingredients linked to weight loss. Epigallocatechin gallate , the most abundant catechin in green tea can boost metabolism and help increase the effects of some fat-burning hormones such as norepinephrine.

Green tea may increase the fat-burning effects of exercise. For instance, one study reported that men who took green tea extract before exercise burned more fat by 17 per cent more fat than men who didnt take the supplement. Many studies suggest that taking EGCG supplements or green tea extract can make you burn more calories – even at rest.

This powerful antioxidant can also make people consume fewer calories by acting as a natural appetite suppressant that helps you lose weight. Furthermore, green tea is particularly beneficial for reducing harmful abdominal fat that is liked to an increased risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Studies have shown that green tea extract or catechin supplements can help you lose belly fat. For example, two reviews of many controlled trials on green tea found that people lost about 3 pounds on average.

Green tea is also a great source of caffeine, a well-known stimulant that has been found to help your body burns both fat and calories.

Green Tea Helps Turn Up The Body’s Natural Fat

Green tea has been shown in studies to contain a remarkable compound called EGCG, or Epigallocatechin Gallate, which is such a powerful polyphenol that it has been shown in the lab to halt tumor growth in its tracks. Other teas, such as Oolong are also healthy, but green tea has the most EGCG of any other tea.

EGCG has been called a “chemopreventative” polyphenol since it has been shown in cancer studies to hinder growth. The way it does that is to use a “fuel gauge” pathway called AMPK in the body that essentially keeps tabs on when fuel is plentiful and when fuel is short . While this has major implications for cancer growth, checking it from proliferating, EGCG also manages to help in burning fat.

When EGCG is present, it uses that pathway to signal to your body that “fuel is scarce” which then turns on your natural signals to start fat burning instead of looking for ready energy. This means that drinking green tea, even as little as two cups a day, can help your body burn more fat, especially belly fat. In one famous study that is often cited, subjects who were given green tea extract lose between .2 and 3.5 kg more in 12 weeks than those not given green tea. While 3.5 kilograms doesn’t sound like a lot but this means that by changing nothing else you can lose six pounds with the help of green tea.

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