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HomeGreenIs Green Tea Diet Pills Good For You

Is Green Tea Diet Pills Good For You

Industrially Processed Supplements Are Bad For You And The Environment

Green tea diet extract: Is it safe and does it work? (CBC Marketplace)

Even though they are often called natural, almost all non-food supplements are processed with petroleum derivatives or hydrogenated sugars. Given that there is no FDA regulation on dietary supplements, its almost impossible to know how any green tea extra was processed. Its always best to avoid the processed version of a good thing and stick to the basics real green tea.

Manufacturer Details And Claims About Super Green Tea Diet

The Super Green Tea Diet is offered by the company Holland & Barrett. It is a UK based retailer that offers a number of herbal supplements including vitamins and minerals.

It was founded in 1920 and today it has become a household name with over 700 stores spread not only in the UK but also in China, Singapore, South Africa, Republic of Ireland and Netherlands.

Many vegan and vegetarian communities patronize products from Holland & Barrett because they are known to be animal-friendly.

People with specific dietary needs also purchase some of their products from the same store because they are known to be gluten and lactose-free.

Holland & Barrett has a relatively good reputation so we can assume that Super Green Tea Diet is probably a good product too.

*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

What Do We Know About Safety

  • Green tea, when consumed as a beverage, is believed to be safe when used in amounts up to 8 cups per day. Keep in mind that only the amount of added caffeine must be stated on product labels and not the caffeine that naturally occurs in green tea.
  • Drinking green tea may be safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding when consumed in amounts up to 6 cups per day . Drinking more than this amount during pregnancy may be unsafe and may increase the risk of negative effects. Green tea may also increase the risk of birth defects associated with folic acid deficiency. Caffeine passes into breast milk and can affect a breastfeeding infant.
  • Although uncommon, liver problems have been reported in a number of people who took green tea products, primarily green tea extracts in pill form. People with liver disease should consult a health care provider before taking products with green tea extract. People taking green tea extracts, especially those with liver disease, should discontinue use and consult a health care provider if they develop symptoms of liver trouble .
  • Green tea is an ingredient in many over-the-counter weight loss products, some of which have been identified as the likely cause of rare cases of liver injury.
  • Green tea at high doses has been shown to reduce blood levels and therefore the effectiveness of the drug nadolol, a beta-blocker used for high blood pressure and heart problems. It may also interact with other medicines.

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Is It Time To Get A New Green Tea Diet Pills

Youre looking for a new green tea diet pills. What do you think? Its difficult to predict future price changes. If there are no signs of production slowing, it can be worth buying now to enjoy your investment sooner. But if output is declining and prices are predicted to rise, you might want to wait until the buzz has died down before making a choice.

What Is The Green Tea Diet And Does It Really Work

Green Tea Pills Stomach Fat Burner All Natural Weight Loss Men and ...

Green tea has long been touted as a weight loss aid that can help you shed pounds fast. It’s packed with antioxidants and healthy compounds that make this beverage revered in Asia. Green tea has been shown to help fight breast cancer cells and may even help you live longer. For those reasons, it’s become a staple at mealtimes and in diet plans around the world.

One of the main goals for Americans is to lose weight. Unhealthy diets and busy lifestyles make it hard to maintain a healthy weight and easy to gain body fat. Significant weight gain is bad for you. It can cause irregular blood sugar levels and high cholesterol levels. These symptoms can lead to serious illnesses including heart disease and diabetes. Luckily, there are many ways you can shed belly fatincluding drinking green tea!

We know what you’re thinking, a diet where you only drink green tea? Not exactly. The green tea diet incorporates this healthy elixir into an existing diet plan to help you lose weight faster. We’ll show you what the Green Tea Diet is all about and how drinking this beverage may help you reach your weight loss goals.

Want to improve your weight loss goals? Check out our collection of the best green teas right here. They’re the perfect substitute for sugar-laden drinks and don’t sacrifice flavor.

Don’t Miss: How To Make Homemade Milk Tea

Advice To Avoid When Consuming Green Tea

It may seem weird, but some people drink Green Tea in temperatures over 90 degrees Celsius. Make sure you drink Green Tea warmed in lower temperatures so that you keep all nutrients active, and you dont face the danger of internal burns in your mouth and esophagus that may lead to cancer creation over time.

Furthermore, it could be a good idea to prepare your Tea using pure fountain water and not tap water. Fountain water has fewer salts inside and helps catechins and polyphenols to stay active for a more significant time in your hot cup of Tea.

Finally, some of the drugs and substances you should avoid taking with Green Tea are:

  • Alcohol
  • Stimulant drugs
  • Herbal supplements that affect blood clotting

The Role Of Tea Catechins

Green tea signals chemical changes in the body that help improve fat burning processes. The most prominent green tea catechin is known as EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the impact of EGCG on weight loss and energy. The participants were given a green tea extract before each meal. Results showed that people who took green tea extract burned an average of 80 calories more per day than control groups . EGCG works to streamline fat burning and ramp up metabolism.

A study published in Physiology and Behavior found that green tea catechins help to improve fat oxidationthe process that your body uses to break down stored fats. Green tea catechins were also shown to increase energy levels, metabolic rates, and improve liver function. Green tea stimulates metabolism by raising the body’s internal temperature. This signals the digestive system to speed up fat burning to provide more energy. Green tea also triggers the release of cellular fatty acids known as catecholamines. These compounds prevent the production of enzymes that slow the production of fatty acids. Green tea consumption aids the breakdown of these fat cells into energy .

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Green Tea Weight Loss Claims

Green tea is healthy full stop. You cant really go wrong with leaves and water! However, it goes deeper than that, green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks on the planet. This is because it is teaming with antioxidants and other helpful plant compounds that have tons of potential benefits for our health with weight loss being just one of them.

Green Tea Can Increase Weight Loss


As described by research in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, green tea can improve weight loss in both humans and animals.

Green tea has a thermogenic effect in humans, meaning it can increase your BMR . The thermogenic effect has mostly been attributed to its caffeine, L-theanine, and epigallocatechin-gallate content, as shown in the International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology and Drug Research. In other words, green tea can increase calorie burning, thereby contributing to weight loss.

Not quite convinced? Here are three studies demonstrating the weight loss benefits of green tea:

  • Obesity Society: Japanese men and women lost an average of 10% body fat mass compared to 2.2% in the placebo group over 12 weeks of consuming green tea.
  • Internal Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology: In an open study, green tea extract caused moderately obese patients to lose 4.6% bodyweight over a three-month period.
  • British Journal of Nutrition:In this study, participants taking a mixture of caffeine and green tea EGCGs increased their 24-hour energy expenditure by roughly 3.5%.

Translation: Green tea extract, alongside a well-balanced, calorie-controlled diet, can improve weight loss by increasing resting/basal metabolic rate.

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What Is The Green Tea Diet

Green tea is made using the leave of the Camellia sinensis tea plant. Green tea is a true tea along with black tea, white tea, and oolong tea. Green tea is considered one of the least processed true teas and contains high amounts of antioxidants and chemical compounds found in the tea leaves.

This diet involves drinking green tea several times throughout the day. The idea is that ingredients in green tea help to block fat absorption, which may reduce weight gain. Green tea also speeds up metabolism, ramping up the fat burning mechanisms and helping to decrease weight. The green tea diet was first popularized by the weight loss and food experts over at Eat This, Not That! and promoted by Med-Health. The creators recommend doing the diet for 17 days. However, you can keep drinking green tea regularly after the diet without any negative side effects. In fact, most Chinese citizens drink several cups of the tea every day for their entire lives.

Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight

Were a nation of tea drinkers, theres no doubt about it, so its not surprising that a lot of us have embraced green tea with open arms and empty mugs!

Some people simply enjoy the delicate, soothing flavour, while others claim it helps them to lose weight. But is there actually any connection between green tea and weight loss?

In this guide we want to explore the link between green tea and weight loss and help you discover if it could worth brewing a pot of the green stuff for yourself!

Also Check: How To Prepare Loose Leaf Tea

Brewing A New Treatment For Kidney Disease

Swirled in a cup, tea leaves are said to offer a glimpse into the future. Now, Yale researchers have shown that one kind of Chinese tea may change the future for patients with polycystic kidney disease , an inherited genetic disorder in which the formation of multiple renal cysts leads to kidney failure. The disease is the most common life-threatening genetic disorder worldwide, affecting some 12 million people. There is no cure, and the only effective treatments for PKD-induced renal failure are dialysis and kidney transplants.

A team led by biochemist Craig M. Crews, Ph.D., recently showed that triptolide, a compound found in the thunder god vine, a medicinal plant used to make the traditional Chinese tea known as lei gong teng, activates a cascade of molecular events that stops kidney cysts from forming.

Triptolide has been looked at, and is still being looked at, as an anti-tumor agent, explains Crews, associate professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, chemistry and pharmacology. Yet they dont know how it works. Our thinking all along is that wed love to know how it works so that we can anticipate potential side effects as well as come up with different compounds that work in the same way.

Triptolide is now in early clinical trials as a cancer treatment, and the researchers hope their PKD findings will help accelerate clinical tests of triptolide in kidney disease.

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Green Tea Should Be Avoided With Which Prescription Medications


It is very essential to avoid taking green tea when taking the following group of drugs or at least ask your doctor if you can have green tea:

Moreover, the liver produces various enzymes which helps in processing of the drugs you take. In this regard, it is also seen that green tea can interfere with P450 3A4 enzyme and can trigger potentially negative effects like drugs building up in the body, drug toxicity etc.

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Helps You Push Harder And Burn More Fat During Your Workouts

Exercise is one of the best ways to lose excess body fat. It forces your body to dig into fat stores for energy and increases your total calorie burn, e.g. if you go for a run in the morning and burn 400kcal, but youve only had a banana for breakfast your body needs to get the energy from somewhere hello fat!

Theres good reason why green tea extract is listed on the back of most fat burning / weight loss supplements. Not only does green tea contain caffeine to help perk you up before working out, it may also increase the amount of fat burnt during exercise.

A study on normal-weight, active males cycling for 30 minutes found that taking a green tea catechins supplement in a 24-hour period before the exercise burnt 17% more fat than those who took a placebo.7


  • Green tea contains caffeine, which can help you feel motivated to exercise and enhance performance
  • It may also be able to help increase the amount of fat you burn

The Bottom Line On Green Tea Capsules

If you are going to go the route of green tea capsules, I would recommend buying high-quality tablets at a health food store that do not exceed the recommended daily allowance of catechins for your body weight.

But, keep in mind that green tea has been historically used as a drink, not a pill, and has been studied as such in Asia for centuries. The science on pills is new, so we dont know the long-term effects.

If you dont like the taste of green tea, I recommend keeping at it. The taste will grow on you. Do you remember the first time you took a sip of coffee? Like most people, you probably didnt fall in love with it immediately. After time, you grew to like it until you were craving it every morning!

If you want to take a green tea pill to get more catechins, then remember there is no one ingredient that will make you healthier. To be healthy, it is best to have a natural diet with many fruits and vegetables, smaller portion sizes, and increased physical activity.

And, a few cups of green tea will give you all the benefits green tea has to offer!

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Potential Tegreen 97 Side Effects

There are no Tegreen side effects mentioned with this supplement. So, we looked at the potential side effects of Tegreen ingredients. Green tea leaf extract contains caffeine.

According to the Mayo Clinic, caffeines side effects may include headache, sleep issues, nausea, upset stomach, and irritability. This is more common in people who are sensitive to caffeine and those whove consumed too much caffeine.

  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Consult with your doctor if youre pregnant, lactating, or taking prescription medication.
  • Discontinue use two weeks before and after surgery.
  • Discontinue use and consult with your doctor if you experience adverse reactions.

Targets The Most Dangerous Body Fat

Dangers of Green Tea Extracts/Diet Pills

When most of us think about body fat, we focus on the fat that we can actually see and want to get rid of. However, some excess fat is found deep inside our bodies surrounding some of our internal organs.

This hidden fat is called visceral fat or belly fat. Its normal and healthy to carry some of this fat as it protects our organs, but it can be dangerous to have too much. Having high amounts of visceral fat puts you at a higher risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Some studies have shown that green tea may help to target visceral fat. This means you may not see fat loss from the areas you want from drinking green tea but it may help to reduce this dangerous hidden fat.

A study on Chinese adults with a high proportion of abdominal visceral fat was carried out to see if catechin-enriched green tea could help. The 12-week study found that the group drinking the green tea every day experienced greater visceral fat loss than the other group who were given a placebo.12


  • Green tea may help target visceral fat the type that puts you at risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease

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What Side Effects Do Diuretics Have

Diuretics are external influences to promote the normal action of the kidney to remove excess fluid from the body. They are not perfect in operation hence some side effects often accompany their use.

Meanwhile, they act in diverse ways, earning them their group names namely thiazide, loop, and potassium-sparing. These side effects vary according to the side of the kidney they affect.

The most common side effect of all types of diuretics is sodium loss and increased urination.

But if you are taking a potassium-sparing type, you risk having too much potassium in your blood which can cause muscle weakness, muscle numbness, and palpitations among others.

Also, thiazides will cause your potassium level to drop too low which can lead to tiredness, cramps, headaches, and increased heart rate.

Other side effects include difficulty in controlling blood sugar levels, restlessness, and dry mouth. More severe side effects include impotence, joint disorders also known as and even death.

So, before using any diuretic, it is important to ask your doctor for some advice. A general safety rule is that, if they are not prescribed, do not use them. There are lots of dire consequences to its misuse.


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