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Does Green Tea Kill Cancer Cells

Green And Black Teas Kill Hpv Cervical Cancer Cells

Cancer, Interrupted: Green Tea

Posted onAuthorWillB


A study published in 2012 in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica acta suggests that green tea polyphenols may have a significant anti HPV effect.

A study entitled Antioxidants in cervical cancer: chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects of polyphenols, found that green and black tea polyphenols kill HPV-positive cervical cancer cells. The study showed that green and black teas stop the cancer from spreading.

The authors of the study state that polyphenols have been found to be promising agents toward cervical cancer. In addition to acting as antioxidants, polyphenols display a wide variety of biological function including induction of apoptosis, growth arrest, inhibition of DNA synthesis and modulation of signal transduction pathways. They can interfere with each stage of carcinogenesis initiation, promotion and progression to prevent cancer development.

Apoptosis is programmed cell death, which means the tea polyphenols make harmful HPV-positive cervical cancer cells destroy themselves before they become a tumor.

Green and black tea polyphenols have also been shown to have anti-proliferative effects against the HPV virus that leads to cervical cancer. Another study found that the effects of green and black teapolyphenols , on cellular proliferation and cell death in the SiHa cells expressing the human papilloma virus -16 showed anti-proliferative effect.

References: Human Papillomavirus . Page last updated: March 26, 2015

Making Matcha A Part Of Your Life

Want to know where all matchas amazing benefits come from? From all its amazing antioxidants, of course!

Regular green tea is one of the most antioxidant-packed drinks around. But matcha tea has 137 times more antioxidants than the regular stuff.

Matcha also contains vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc, magnesium and the amino acid L-theanine, which promotes relaxation.

If youre interested in the ceremonial side of matcha, heres a video that shows you how to have a traditional Japanese matcha green tea ceremony.

Of course, you dont need to have a traditional ceremony to nourish your body with matcha.

Just purchase some matcha powder . Then, use a small sifter to put one to two tablespoons of matcha powder in a teacup. Pour in two ounces of hot water or milk and whisk until frothy. You can add a sweetener if youd like, but a lot of people like matchas earthy flavor unsweetened.

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Taking Oral Cancer Prevention Research Further

With limited clinical data, its too early to say how useful drinking this beverage may be in preventing oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer. And it may never become a first-line treatment for patients who are already afflicted with the disease.

However, the emerging studies are promising, and researchers are eager to complete further testing and clinical trials. The hope is to one day use the EGCG compound to help create an effective anti-cancer treatment that doesnt leave patients stricken with the side effects that are common with chemotherapy drugs.

In the meantime, patients can reduce their chances of developing oral carcinoma by avoiding certain risk factors, including smoking and drinking alcohol. Even more imperative in prevention is visiting an oral surgeon for regular checkups to help detect early warning signs. Discovering the disease early means treatment is more likely to be successful.

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Does Matcha Green Tea Kill Cancerous Cells

A recent study reveals matcha green tea to be a powerful cancer fighter, killing cancerous cells by preventing them from refueling.

Matcha green tea is tea in powder form. It is made from the leaves of green tea, which are covered in fabrics to give them a better taste and texture. The leaves are then hand-picked, steamed, and dried and left to ripen in a cold environment that boosts its rather bitter flavor before they are crushed into a powder.

Unlike other types of tea, matcha tea contains whole leaves that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that protect against heart disease and several types of cancer, including colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, and lung.

For the study, researchers from the University of Salford assessed the effects of a matcha extract on breast cancer stem cells, which have the ability to transform into any type of tumor cell, replicate, and renew themselves.

Through the use of metabolic phenotyping, a scientific process that examines how compounds directly affect cells, Professor Michael Lisanti and his colleagues found matcha tea extract suppresses the metabolism of mitochondria, which powers cells.

According to Lisanti, the extract stopped the cancer cells from refueling by putting them into a quiescent metabolic state.

In other words, it is preventing the cells from refueling and therefore they become inactive and die.

The study was published in the journal Aging.


Green Tea And Matcha Tea

Green tea can kill cancer cells: Study

Green tea has many useful functions, including the ability to kill cancer stem cells. Scientists at Nanjing Medical University and Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center in China studied the effect of the green tea polyphenol, epigallocatechin-3-gallate , in the lab and found that it could reduce the growth of colon cancer stem cells by 50 percent.

In addition, EGCG forced the cancer stem cells to commit cell suicide through the process of apoptosis. Another study from the University of Salford in England showed that matcha green tea, a form of powderized tea leaf, can interrupt the metabolic pathway of breast cancer stem cells, depriving them of energy and causing them to die. The effect of the EGCG in green tea on targeting cancer stem cells may help explain the protective effects of tea against colon and other cancers.

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Oolong Tea Extract May Stave Off Breast Cancer

New research finds that oolong tea can damage breast cancer cells and that people who consume large amounts of this tea have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Despite recent advances in screening procedures and treatment, breast cancer remains both the most common form of this disease and the second leading cause of cancer death among women.

According to estimates by the American Cancer Society, more than 250,000 women in the United States developed breast cancer in 2017, and more than 40,000 died as a result.

In this context, researchers are still in need of more effective prevention and treatment strategies. Moreover, given the side effects of chemotherapy, the need for nontoxic alternatives is also dire.

With these aims in mind, scientists have investigated the potential benefits of green tea for breast cancer and found that certain compounds have anti-cancer effects. However, few studies have examined other types of tea and their role in breast cancer prevention.

Now, a study looks at the potential benefits of oolong tea. Chunfa Huang, Ph.D., who is an associate research professor in the department of internal medicine at Saint Louis University in Missouri, led the new research.

Huang and colleagues their findings in the journal Anticancer Research.

, and triple-negative breast cancer cells.

The researchers treated these cells with different concentrations of green, oolong, black, and dark tea extracts.

Green Tea Compound Found To Kill Oral Cancer Cells

Led by Joshua Lambert, associate professor of food science and co-director of Pennsylvania State University’s Centre for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health, researchers have watched as the compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate – the most abundant antioxidant in green tea – triggers a cycle of damage in the mitochondria of cancer cells, which essentially causes them to disintegrate from the inside-out.

“EGCG is doing something to damage the mitochondria and that mitochondrial damage sets up a cycle causing more damage, and it spirals out, until the cell undergoes programmed cell death,” says Lambert in a press release. “It looks like EGCG causes the formation of reactive oxygen species in cancer cells, which damages the mitochondria, and the mitochondria responds by making more reactive oxygen species.”

These reactive oxygen species – also known as free radicals – are oxygen-containing molecules that, if allowed to accumulate in numbers that overwhelm the cell’s antioxidant defence, will cause oxidative stress. If left untreated, oxidative stress can damage all components of the cell, including the proteins, lipids, and DNA, and lead to the development of all kinds of devastating diseases including cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, infections, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The team would now like to do their own studies on animals in the lab, to see if the effects they observed in the petri dishes can be replicated in a living creature.

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The Cabbage Family Vs Cancer

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and kale. These members of the cabbage family make an excellent stir fry and can really liven up a salad. But most importantly, components in these vegetables may help your body defend against cancers such as colon, breast, lung, and cervix. Lab research has been promising, but human studies have had mixed results.

A Berry Medley With A Punch

How do cancer cells behave differently from healthy ones? – George Zaidan

Strawberries and raspberries have a phytochemical called ellagic acid. This powerful antioxidant may actually fight cancer in several ways at once, including deactivating certain cancer causing substances and slowing the growth of cancer cells. There is not, though, enough proof yet to say it can fight cancer in humans.

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Does Drinking Green Tea Cure Cancer

Is it true that green tea contains ingredients that cure cancer? If I drink it every day can it also prevent cancer?”

There is no clear evidence that green tea can help to cure cancer. Green tea is made from the dried leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis, and contains chemicals known as polyphenols. These are antioxidants that may help to prevent DNA damage caused by free radicals, and this is why some people think that tea can help to prevent or cure cancer. Some laboratory studies have shown that tea polyphenols can stop cancer cells from growing however, studies in humans show variable results.

Drinking green tea in moderate amounts is not associated with any significant harmful effects. However, evaluations by the International Agency for Research on Cancer determined that drinking any very hot beverage is probably a cause of oesophageal cancer. In order to minimise risk, leave hot drinks to cool for about four minutes after boiling before drinking.

Natural Matcha Green Tea Extract Found To Effectively Kill Breast Cancer Cells

11/05/2018 / By Isabelle Z.

Green tea might not be grabbing as many health headlines as it did in the past, but that does not mean it isnt beneficial. In fact, while super foods like turmeric and ginger steal the spotlight, green tea continues to quietly prove its health value in research. In fact, a recent study carried out by the University of Salford has found that one kind of green tea in particular, matcha, can kill breast cancer cells effectively.

The scientists at the universitys Biomedical Research Center used a process known as metabolism phenotyping on breast cancer stem cell lines. They discovered that matcha shifted cancer cells towards a quiescent metabolic state while stopping them from spreading. Best of all, this was achieved using a rather low concentration of just 0.2 mg/mL.

In addition, they discovered evidence that matcha affects the signaling pathways that promote cancer stem cells in a way that may make it a viable alternative to chemical cancer drugs like rapamycin.

The scientist explained that the tea essentially suppresses oxidative mitochondral metabolism, preventing these cells from refueling. This causes them to become inactive and eventually die.

University of Salford Professor of Translational Medicine Michael Lisanti said: The effects on human breast cancer cells were very striking the active ingredients in Matcha having a surgical effect in knocking out certain signalling pathways.

Their findings were published in the journal Aging.

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How Green Tea Kills Cancer Stem Cells

Its long been known or at least believed that green tea heals. Throughout history, people drank it for all kinds of ailments: stomach trouble, headaches and even the common cold.

Now we know they were on to something.

In recent years, green tea has been shown to fight cancer through its active ingredient, epigallocatechin-3-gallate . And, in a study recently published in cancer journal Oncotarget, we at Baylor University Medical Center, part of Baylor Scott & White Health, found that it specifically helps patients with colorectal cancer by preventing their bodies from resisting chemotherapy. To get that effect, it could be as simple as drinking the beverage daily or taking supplements.

Colorectal cancer is the countrys second-deadliest cancer, so were excited about the lifesaving potential of such an easy-to-make drink.

The Holy Grail is the word chemoresistance. Many patients dont respond to current chemotherapies, and if they do respond, they can often develop resistance to these therapies within a few years.

This is the goal of much of my research: to find better, safer, inexpensive and more natural ways to treat disease and delay recurrence. For years, Ive studied other natural cancer fighters, such as curcumin , which led to two clinical trials.

This article was contributed by Ajay Goel, PhD.

Green Tea May Help Reduce Cancer Risk

Green tea compound kills oral cancer cells

Research on the benefits of green tea and cancer prevention is still in early stages, but the results are promising. Researchers suspect that polyphenols in green tea help kill cancer cells and stop their progression, an important role to prevent various cancers.

In a study of 472 women with breast cancer, those who drank the most green tea experienced the least spread of the disease. Researchers also found that women in the early stages of breast cancer who drank at least five cups of green tea every day during their diagnoses were less likely to have the disease recur after the completed treatment.

In looking at more than 35,000 women in the Iowa Womens Health study, those who drank two or more cups of tea a day were almost 30 per cent less likely to develop colon cancer than those who rarely drank tea.

One Chinese study found that men who drank more than three cups of tea a day reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 70 per cent.

In skin cancer studies, lab animals that were given green tea developed 1/10th as many tumours as animals that were given water. The EGCC in green tea inhibits the production of urokinase, an enzyme that cancer cells need in order to grow. It also seems to stimulate the process of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in cancer cells.

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Oolong Tea Drinkers And Breast Cancer Risk

Additionally, the scientists examined annual cancer registry data from China and the Fujian province and found that people in the latter area were 35 percent less likely to have breast cancer and 38 percent less likely to die from it compared with the national average.

They also noted that people who consumed large amounts of oolong tea on a regular basis were 25 percent less likely to develop breast cancer compared with the average incidence in the Fujian province and 50 percent less likely compared with the national average.

Finally, compared with the national average, high consumers of oolong tea were 68 percent less likely to die prematurely.

It is clear that more study is needed, Huang says. However, he lower incidence and mortality in regions with higher oolong tea consumption indicate that oolong tea has great potential for its anti-cancer properties.

From our results, concludes Huang, oolong tea, much like green tea, plays a role in inhibiting breast cancer cell growth, proliferation, and tumor progression.

Why People With Cancer Use It

There is no real evidence that green tea can help treat cancer.

There is some evidence from early studies to suggest that having green tea might reduce the risk of some cancers. But at the moment the evidence is not strong enough to know this for sure.

People with cancer also drink green tea because they believe it might:

  • boost their immune system which might help them fight their cancer
  • improve health, energy levels and well being
  • get rid of toxins in the body
  • give them some control over their cancer and its treatment
  • treat their cancer if no other conventional treatment can

The media has also promoted black tea as an anti cancer agent. Black tea comes from the same plant as green tea. But black tea is made from the fermented leaves of the plant.

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Don’t Rely On Supplements

Vitamins may help protect against cancer. But that’s when you get them naturally from food. Both the American Cancer Society and the American Institute for Cancer Research emphasize that getting cancer-fighting nutrients from foods like nuts, fruits, and green leafy vegetables is vastly superior to getting them from supplements. Eating a healthy diet is best.

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Ketogenic Diets Potential Role

Can Green Tea Help Prevent Cancer?

The ketogenic diet involves eating a high-fat, very low-carbohydrate diet that mimics fasting for the purpose of generating ketones in the body.

Ketones are created from fat stored in the body when carbohydrates are not available for metabolism to make glucose. The ketones are used as an energy source by cells in place of glucose. This dietary strategy, although difficult to sustain, has been used for decades to help control epilepsy and is being explored to help treat glioblastoma, a deadly brain tumor.

While normal healthy cells can adapt to use ketones as an energy source, cancer cells cannot adapt the same way because they rely on glucose to keep up with their high energy demands. When glucose is low, tumors have difficulty growing. Ketones also interfere with the ability of cancer cells to obtain energy, making tumors more likely to respond to treatment when the patient is adopting a ketogenic diet. In lab mice with brain tumors, the ketogenic diet can shrink tumors by 50 percent andlengthen survival.

Glioblastoma was used to study the ketogenic effect, in part because of the importance of cancer stem cells in this disease. Even if this cancer is successfully removed or treated initially, the glioblastoma stem cells help it return aggressively. Avoiding added sugar and adhering to a ketogenic diet are strategies that may be helpful in fighting brain tumors.

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