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HomeMust ReadWhat Is The Best Tea For Arthritis

What Is The Best Tea For Arthritis

What Type Of Tea Is Good For Inflammation

THIS Herbal Tea Can Provide Relief for Bone and Joint Pain ð?µ

Inflammation in the body serves an important purpose. When you are injured, the body directs fluid and other chemicals to the area to surround the injury, protecting it from further harm. If you have ever sprained an ankle, you know that this inflammation keeps you from injuring the ankle further by making it nearly impossible to bear weight. In most cases, this protective response subsides over a few days as you rest.

Sometimes, however, inflammation becomes chronic.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the protective response goes into hyperdrive. This extends the bodys response to injury well past the time when it should have stopped. The immune system may switch on to continue the cycle, but sometimes inflammation occurs with no inciting injury or condition.

Either way, when inflammation becomes chronic, a variety of things can occur. Inflammation is linked to many of the most serious health conditions, including:

So how does anti-inflammatory tea help relieve the dangerous cycle of inflammation and pain?

Some anti-inflammatory teas help to reduce the bodys production of cytokines, a chemical that causes inflammation. Others not only help limit cytokines, but also reduce the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes that promote inflammation.

Another way anti-inflammatory tea helps with inflammation is by helping to balance metabolic disorders. This includes decreasing the presence of apolipoproteins that increase oxidative stress, which prevents the body from healing itself.

How To Treat Arthritis Symptoms At Home

Natural remedies for arthritis are difficult to find. Some home remedies are simply not effective, while other treatments for arthritis may contain harsh chemicals and additives. Prescription drugs for arthritis can certainly be effective, but most people prefer to go the natural route. Natural products applied topically can provide rapid relief from arthritis pain and even help to prevent arthritis symptoms.*

A Variety Of Healthful Pantry Staples Fit Within An Arthritis

Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee

If you are what you eat, then it goes without saying that diet can affect your healthfor worse or for better. For decades, researchers have looked at diet in relation to health and well being. In particular, they have studied whether foods can impact arthritis treatment. Scientists have thought that dietary factors might trigger certain types of arthritis. Because of this, changing the foods you eat could have a strong impact on arthritis symptom relief.

A diet rich in plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans, as well as fish, is not only great for overall health but can also help manage arthritis symptoms. Things as simple as cherries and almonds or tuna and broccoli can be helpful.

Foods can have powerful impacts on health. Potential benefits of healthful eating include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects, strengthening bones, and boosting the immune system.

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Selecting And Brewing Green Tea

For quality green tea, avoid grocery-store tea bags. They tend to be lower quality and not as fresh as other teas. Look for better quality teas in:

  • Local tea shops
  • High-end grocery stores, specialty markets
  • Asian grocery stores
  • Online tea shops and vendors

You may be able to find high-quality tea bags. But loose-leaf teas generally yield better results.

Its hard to gauge the medicinal value of pre-bottled tea. You likely wont be able to get information on tea quality, steep time, or catechin levels. You may also get a lot of sugar.

For medicinal use, its generally best to brew your own tea or take supplements.

Juices For Arthritis Relief : Tea: Arthritis Relief (LTARTM)

Many juices are good for the body in moderation because they provide the nutrients and minerals the body needs to stay healthy and balanced. The best juices for joint health include orange, tomato, pineapple, and carrot juices as well as grape, tart cherry, and cranberry. It is important to be sensible when drinking juice it has a lot of sugar and can lead to digestive issues when too much is consumed. If you like grapefruit juice, be sure to speak with your doctor first as many medications have adverse side effects when grapefruit is also consumed.

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Is Ginger Tea Good For Arthritis

  • Studies conducted in laboratories have suggested that the beneficial effects of ginger derive from a variety of distinct chemicals, including gingerols and shogaols.
  • These chemicals are able to reduce inflammation while also protecting cells from oxidative damage.
  • People who suffer from arthritis may find relief from joint pain and an improvement in joint function because to the anti-inflammatory effects.

Herbs For Arthritis And Joint Pain

When we feel pain, we think of taking analgesics that will return pleasurable feelings without stinging or twitching. But pain is only a symptom of a more hidden problem.

Herbal remedies can cope with pain alleviation. Many plants eliminate the harmful effects of injuries or degenerative diseases and bring a sense of relaxation.

Some of them relieve tension in the muscles, release cramps, and others treat inflammation and infections.

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What About Other Kinds Of Tea

A large-scale tea consumption study involving more than 700 participants was conducted in 2020. It showed that those who regularly drank tea, either green or black, had less active arthritis than those who drank little to no tea. Meanwhile, another study showed that while black tea had an anti-inflammatory effect, decreasing levels of several rheumatoid arthritis markers, green tea, besides the same, also had protective effects against rheumatoid arthritis.

Please note that green and black tea come from the same Camellia sinensis plant. The difference is in the time of their harvest. Green tea is harvested earlier than black tea.

What Is The Best Herbal Tea For Treating Gout

8 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRINKS | to enjoy for health & wellness

Research indicates that ginger tea is the best herbal tea for reducing the pain and inflammation related to gout.

Gout is caused by high uric acid in the blood that builds up in the joints. Ginger tea may help with lowering the levels of uric acid. Other common home remedies include cherry juice and magnesium supplements.

Also, avoiding or reducing the consumption of alcohol and sugar may help with preventing the gout symptoms.

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Other Potential Health Benefits Of Tea

Brain health. Research has found that regular tea drinkers have lower risks of dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between normal cognitive decline due to aging and the more serious decline of dementia.

Bone health. Tea may help encourage bone formation and is linked to a lower risk of fractures from osteoporosis.â

Heart health. Studies have shown that drinking tea is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

What Can I Drink To Reduce Inflammation

  • The following are five beverages that, according to studies, may help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Baking soda + water. Baking soda and water made into a tonic may help decrease inflammation, according to a research that was published not too long ago in the Journal of Immunology.
  • Parsley + ginger green drink.
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    So What About Joint Pain

    I have written a number of recent articles on the connection between nutrition and joint pain. A common thread is inflammation caused by obesity and body fat independent of weight bearing wear and tear. In other words, researchers are showing that it is not the weight load by itself causing joint pain, but inflammation being produced by our fat cells.

    I discuss this at length in my articles in the role of Elevated Cholesterol and Joint Pain, and the connection between Metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis joint pain and especially in these articles What is obesity-induced osteoarthritis? and Excessive weight and joint pain the inflammation connection

    In a February 2018 study, in the medical journal Clinical Nutrition, doctors suggest that a 4-week course of green tea extract might well be considered as an adjunctive treatment both for control of pain and for the betterment of knee joint physical function in adults with osteoarthritis.

    Green tea extracts impact on joint pain can also be found in its anti-inflammatory effects. Lets get to the research.

    How To Choose Rooibos Tea

    Arthritis Pain Relief Tea  Maragbafin Nigeria

    Of the top ten rooibos teas ranked in 2019 by Top10Supps, Davidsons Bulk organic took the number one spot for flavor and purity. Rooibos is the only ingredient, and the tea is fair-trade certified.

    Other standouts included:

    • Twinings Tea: Noted for its affordability, flavor, and great reviews by tea drinkers all over the world
    • Rooibos Rocks South African Red Bush: A bit pricier than the other options on the list, the company focuses only on rooibos tea, and it shows in the quality of their product
    • Numi Organics: A rooibos that is organic and uses verified fair labor practices for harvest and processing

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    Good News For Coffee Drinkers

    Incident RA rates did not differ between the coffee drinkers and the non-coffee drinkers this did not change based on how much coffee was consumed, how it was prepared , or whether or not it was caffeinated.

    Results differed among the tea drinkers: There was a positive association of incident RA and caffeinated tea consumption in the trend test . When assessing any caffeinated tea consumption versus no tea consumption, the hazard ratio for incident RA was 1.40 .

    The authors concluded that there was a small association between daily non-herbal tea consumption and incident RA.

    Green Tea Is A Not A Miracle Worker If You Continue To Eat Poorly Especially A High Saturated Fat Diet

    One of the problems with studies that report that a specific nutrient or food type is effective for a common health problem, is that people believe that nutrient or food is a super weapon and that they can go about their business of eating poorly. Green tea is a very beneficial food source for health conscious individuals. It is not a miracle substance that will somehow repair years of degenerative damage caused by, among other things, poor lifestyle and eating choices.

    A July 2018 study in the medical journal Scientific Reports , found that the anti-obesity effect of green tea differs depending on composition of fats or fatty acids in the diet. They suggested that green tea would have a better weight reducing effect in diets that consists of more healthy fats such as olive oil that contains abundant unsaturated fatty acid, especially oleic acid. Equally, green teas benefits would be greatly reduced in a setting of a high fat diet containing high saturated fatty acid.

    One of the reasons for this reduction in benefit is in the inability of the green tea to handle the inflammatory response to the bad fats. Similarly then, green tea will have a hard time dealing with the bad inflammation in you joints. Above we talked about research that showed green tea has an anti-inflammatory effect. That positive effect works best in repairing old damage, not the new damage you are creating with a diet rich is toxic fats.



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    How Does Green Tea Fight Inflammation

    Green tea has epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG, a catechin or a type of antioxidant that also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is capable of stopping inflammatory activity through many different chemical pathways. This compound is essentially the main source of most of the health and medicinal benefits derived from green tea.

    Green tea has another anti-inflammatory catechin called epicatechin-3-gallate or EGC. Do not mistake them as the same thing theyre not interchangeable. EGCG has received more research focus than EGC since it appears to be the more potent compound. It is also better absorbed and used by the body. Additionally, when it comes to green tea, EGCG is also the more dominant compound, consisting of 63 percent of the total amount of its catechins.

    Make Willow And Devils Claw Ointment

    #1 Best Backyard Weed for Arthritis (RHEUMATOID, OSTEO & GOUT)

    Symphytum ointment is one of the healing herbs in the treatment of osteoarthritis and for the elimination of injuries and degenerative phenomenon on bones.

    Then we have herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect such as willow, or devils claw to alleviate pain and cleansing plants such as celery seeds to remove toxic substances that can accumulate in joints and contribute to poor well-being.

    In Chinese medicine, rheumatic pain is attributed to external factors such as fever, moisture or cold.

    They are therefore treated with herbs that heat or cool and strengthen the energy, thus protecting the body against further attacks of these evil forces.

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    Going Green: Green Tea For Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Green tea contains powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows it may help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

    The progressive autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis causes severe inflammation. It mainly affects your joints, but it can also affect other parts of your body, such as your heart.

    Some people with RA experience periods of intense inflammation, called flares.

    Theres no current cure for RA, but treatments can help manage the condition. The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation and slow the progression of the disease. A doctor will likely prescribe medications to help manage your condition.

    In some cases, you might also benefit from adding natural remedies, such as green tea, to your treatment plan. This article explains how drinking green tea may help a person living with RA.

    Green tea has been used medicinally for centuries. Made from unfermented tea leaves, green tea is a rich source of polyphenols. These plant compounds are powerful antioxidants. They fight free radicals, which are compounds that can damage your cells.

    According to the Arthritis Foundation, polyphenols have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

    Green tea is a particularly good source of epigallocatechin 3-gallate . This is a type of polyphenol with particularly potent antioxidant effects.

    Using Tea To Treat Inflammation

    Whether youre dealing with the temporary inflammation of sore muscles and swelling, or are suffering from symptoms of chronic inflammation, teas can be a great way to help reduce inflammation and provide relief from the symptoms of related illnesses. In addition, reducing inflammation can help to prevent illnesses such as strokes and heart attacks. While you should always consult with a medical professional when dealing with serious illness, tea can be a tasty way to reduce symptoms of inflammation on a daily basis. And with so many options to choose from, youre sure to find one that strikes your fancy!

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    What Is Tea And What Are Its Health Benefits

    Tea is a very popular beverage.

    It is consumed in almost every corner of the world with different recipes.

    Tea is the processed product of the leaves obtains from the Camellia sinensis. This tea plant is grown in various tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

    Tea has many components in it which are very beneficial for human health.

    It may include catechin, epicatchin, gallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and several other similar antioxidants.

    These components contribute to the various properties of the tea including antioxidant property, anti-aging, anti-diabetic, anti-apoptotic, chelating, anti-inflammatory property etc.

    Tea also contains several bioactive components such as astea polysaccharides, thianin and polyphenols like theaflavins which help in the prevention of various chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and arthritis.

    On the basis of methods of production, tea can be of four types

    • White tea it is made out of young leaves and buds from the tea plant and is mostly fresh and least processed or fresh.
    • Green tea it is made by little processing of the leaves by steam and heat to prevent oxidation of catechins.
    • Oolong tea it is semi-fermented tea and more processed than that of green tea.
    • Black tea it is made by complete processing of the tea leaves by exposing them to heat, light, and crushing. It is also called as fermented tea.

    Precautions While Taking Teas

    My Arthritis Tea

    It has been seen from above-mentioned studies that tea can be very effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis.

    But there are few studies which suggest otherwise.

    Lee et al through meta-analysis shows that high consumption more than 4 cup of tea and coffee increases the chances of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Another study by Karlson et al also shows the same effects of the high consumption of decaffeinated coffee.

    Mikuls et al also show that the consumption of coffee and tea increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

    A study on oolong tea shows that it can be responsible for serious symptoms like blood vessels block and hypokalemia .

    And it should be taken care that tea is not adulterated or decaffeinated as caffeine helps to maintain the number of polyphenols and catechins in the tea.

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    Tips For Relieving Joint Pain And Inflammation Naturally

    Instead of taking drugs, there are also natural ways to treat your joint pain and stiffness.

    As you can see,there are many herbal teas that have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects making them potent complementary or alternative remedies for arthritis.

    When using herbal teas, one of the most effective ways is to combine them into powerful blends. For example, you can try this golden milk tea recipe, that combines turmeric, ginger, and other ingredients into a powerful herbal remedy.

    To wrap things up, here are my best tips for relieving arthritis symptoms:

    What Is The Best Tea For Arthritis And Joint Pain

    Arthritis and joint pain can happen due to many reasons. Its mainly due to inflammation in your bones and joints. Therefore, any tea that has anti-inflammatory properties is good for arthritis and joint pain.

    Whether your joint pain is due to a disease like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, broken bones, or dehydration, it can get cured with proper nourishment.

    And yes, you read it right! Joint pain can even be due to dehydration. Fortunately for us all, tea is highly hydrating. It helps have the correct fluid and electrolyte balance in the body with many electrolytes that it may have. These include potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

    These electrolytes are highly essential for hydration. And thus prevent joint pain that comes with other dehydration symptoms.

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