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What Does Green Tea Do To The Body

Green Tea May Help You Chill Out

7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike

Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which is found almost exclusively in tea plants . L-theanine acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, meaning that it sends signals to neurons. Several studies have shown that L-theanine appears to increase alpha-wave generation in the human brain, signalling a state of relaxation .

Is Green Tea Healthy

Sure is.

Green tea contains virtually no calories and contains around 15 to 30 milligrams of caffeine per serving. It also contains around 125 milligrams of phytochemicals which have antioxidative properties, said Jesse Feder, R.D.N., of StrengthWarehouse USA.

Feder says that the high amounts of phytochemicals in green tea have been linked to a decrease in cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and even body fat. Additionally, it is a tasty alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages which can really pack on a lot of calories.

One important note: The caffeine and nutrient content can change depending on how long the tea is steeped and if served in a tea bag, sachet, or loose-leaf, says Laing.

Matcha, green tea powders, decaffeinated teas, and bottled tea beverages do not have the same nutrition profile as traditionally brewed green tea,” she says.

When evaluating the potential health benefits of green tea from scientific studies, Laing stresses that its important to keep in mind factors like the number and types of subjects used , how lifestyles differ among the populations studied, if the researchers are observing trends in intake or if they give tea as an intervention, and specific dose given .

You Could Lose Weight If You Drink Green Tea Every Day

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 71.6 percent of American adults are obese or overweight, which means that a majority of Americans struggle with their weight. Because of that, the weight loss industry is worth an estimated $72 billion, as noted by Business Wire. But instead of spending a ton of money on diet pills or exercise programs, you may want to try green tea to help with weight management.

One study reported, “The consumption of green tea and green tea extracts may help reduce body weight, mainly body fat, by increasing postprandial thermogenesis and fat oxidation.” According to Healthline, green tea “may be particularly effective at reducing the dangerous abdominal fat.” So, in addition to all of the other health benefits that come with the beverage, green tea can also help with weight control. Though this beverage isn’t some magical potion that will quickly help you drop a few unwanted pounds, it has been proven to help reduce body fat over time, so it’s a great idea to drink green tea every day.

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You Probably Won’t Get Sick As Often If You Drink Green Tea Every Day

Because green tea is full of powerful nutrients, it’s not really all that shocking that it can also boost your immune system and help you to not get sick as often.

According to Healthline, “EGCG is one of the most powerful compounds in green tea” and “has been studied to treat various diseases and may be one of the main reasons green tea has such powerful medicinal properties.” Additionally, “Green tea also has small amounts of minerals that are important for health,” per Healthline. A study from Konkuk University found that “green tea by-product extracts to be a promising novel antiviral resource for animals.” And while the study was done on animals, it still shows that green tea can protect against illness, which is no small feat.

When you drink green tea every day, you might just be warding off a ton of illnesses, and that’s pretty powerful.

If You Drink Green Tea Every Day Your Risk For Alzheimer’s Could Lower

10 Amazing Health benefits of Green Tea #health #tea #natural #fitness ...

Anyone who has watched the emotional Nicholas Spark movie The Notebook knows that Alzheimer’s Disease is a devastating illness that can ruin lives and sadly eventually take them. So, it’s only natural that you would want to prevent that from happening to you. And fortunately, green tea might just be the answer. Green tea reportedly has the potential to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to Healthline, “Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in humans and a leading cause of dementia.”

Additionally, the website reported that “bioactive compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on the brain,” noting, “They may reduce the risk of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.” Really, there’s no reason not to drink green tea every day, but the fact that it might prevent Alzheimer’s is certainly a leading one.

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Effects On Absorption Of Metal Ions

Tea catechins can affect iron absorption, particularly in groups at risk of iron deficiency , but their effects on other ions are poorly understood. Green tea ingestion over a long period does not affect the apparent absorption of copper, whereas it decreases that of zinc and increases that of manganese . However, catechin intake does not affect the plasma concentration of these ions . Green tea catechins have the potential to affect absorption and metabolism of ions because flavonoids interact with a variety of metal ions .

Green Tea May Help Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

If youre looking to decrease inflammation, add green tea to your shopping list.

In a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, rats given green tea extract in drinking water that were then induced with the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis developed less severe symptoms than rats with RA that drank plain water. More studies are needed in humans, but the researchers note that green tea extract may be helpful when used along with conventional RA treatment.

Research in a review published in 2011 in Arthritis Research & Therapy suggests a similar anti-inflammatory benefit in mice with osteoarthritis, but its too soon to tell whether the same effects would be seen in humans.

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Tea Drinking: Your Sleep Could Improve

If you spend your nights tossing and turning, try winding down with a cup of herbal teano caffeine, of coursebefore bed. East-Asian medicinal tea can improve insomnia, says Dr. Naidoo. According to a study in Integrative Medicine Research, drinking tea can help improve sleep and quality of life in those with mild-to-moderate insomnia.

Is Green Tea Safe For Everyone

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If youve been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia you should be aware that, like other teas, green tea contains natural compounds called tannins. These compounds interfere with the absorption of iron for this reason its useful to avoid drinking tea with an iron-rich meal and leave at least one hour before having a brew.

Because of green teas beneficial effects, a number of health products include traces of green tea. However, there is limited evidence to suggest these products are effective. If you are hoping to use green tea for medicinal purposes, refer to your GP to ensure you may do so without risk to your health.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, it is advisable to limit the total number of caffeinated drinks you drink in a day. Too much caffeine may disrupt sleep and, in some people, increases anxiety if this is relevant to you, look to reduce your intake and aim to have your last caffeinated drink at about 12 noon.

Looking for more information on how much caffeine is in tea? Our in-depth guide compares different types of tea and discusses which factors affect the caffeine content.

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It May Relieve Inflammation

Many experts now believe that inflammation is at the root of almost all chronic diseases, from cardiovascular disease to cognitive decline.

The antioxidants in green tea may help relieve this inflammation.

Green tea has been shown to benefit those with arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other inflammation-driven diseases.

It Features Strong Antioxidants

For green tea, fresh tea leaves are grown uncovered then harvested and steamed, which preserves most of its polyphenols, a class of phytochemicals with strong antioxidant benefits.

The majority of polyphenols in green tea are flavonoids. The type of flavonoids that confer the most health benefits are catechins and green tea is full of them.

Youve probably heard of epigallocatechin gallate , the most prominent and most studied catechin, and green teas claim to fame.

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Your Brain Will Function At A Higher Level When You Drink Green Tea Every Day

There’s certainly no denying the fact that caffeine can help increase energy in adults, and that can make you feel like you’re ready to take on the world. But the caffeine that’s found in green tea is different than the caffeine found in coffee, for example, and it’s because of the L-theanine found in green tea.

According to Healthline, green tea “contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function.” In fact, a study from the Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory found that L-theanine, in combination with caffeine, was found to improve cognitive abilities. Because green tea contains both caffeine and L-theanine, it’s basically a super-drink that delivers energy and a higher level of brain function. If you drink green tea every day, you’ll likely see an increase in productivity because of those key ingredients. Although, of course, that isn’t a guarantee, and you’ll still have to work hard no matter how much green tea you drink.

How Does Matcha Compare To Green Tea

The Top 10 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Both regular brewed green tea and matcha contain caffeine, but less than coffee or black tea. Matcha appears to contain more caffeine that regular brewed green tea.

It also appears to contain more EGCG., an independent testing group, tested matcha products in 2015 and found that matcha provided 17 mg to 109 mg of EGCG per serving. By comparison, the average brewed green tea provides 25 to 86 mg per serving. While matcha powders contained more catechins per gram than brewed green tea, it was substantially more expensive: The lowest cost matcha powder was available at the time for $2.31 for 200mg of EGCG, compared to 27 cents for the same amount from brewed green tea. Compared to the powders, matcha in tea bags provides significantly less EGCG.

Part of the whole aura is that its an experience, says Dr. Tod Cooperman, the president of But you are paying a premium for that nice experience.

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What Is Matcha Tea

Matcha is a type of green tea made by taking young tea leaves and grinding them into a bright green powder. The powder is then whisked with hot water. This is different from regular green tea, where the leaves are infused in water, then removed. Drinking brewed green tea is a bit like boiling spinach, throwing away the spinach and just drinking the water, says Louise Cheadle, co-author of The Book of Matcha and co-owner of the tea company teapigs. You will get some of the nutrients, but youre throwing away the best bit. With matcha, youre drinking the whole tea leaves.

Matcha leaves are grown on green tea bushes kept under shade. The shade increases the amount of chlorophyll content in the leaves, which is what makes them bright green and full of nutrients. The leaves are picked by hand and the stems and veins are removed. According to Cheadle, the leaves are traditionally ground by granite stones into a super fine powder. It takes an hour to grind the leaves, and its done in the dark to protect the nutrients, she says.

The finest matcha comes from Japan, where it has been grown for centuries and forms part of the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, she adds.

Minimal Processing Leaves Nutrients Intact

Unlike soda, another common source of caffeine, tea is relatively unprocessed. After picking the leaves, they are allowed to soften before being rolled to wring out their juices . After heat is applied to the leaves, they are dried and ready to use. This minimal amount of processing means that green tea retains many of the phytonutrients that are available in the actual tea plant.

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Report Problems To The Food And Drug Administration

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit the FDA MedWatch website or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Health Solutions From Our Sponsors

Adcocks, C., Collin, P., and Buttle, D. J. Catechins from green tea inhibit bovine and human cartilage proteoglycan and type II collagen degradation in vitro. J Nutr. 2002 132:341-346. View abstract.

Agarwal, A., Prasad, R., and Jain, A. Effect of green tea extract in reducing oxidative stress seen in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis on DOTS Cat I regimen. Phytomedicine. 2010 17:23-27. View abstract.

Ahmed, S., Wang, N., Lalonde, M., Goldberg, V. M., and Haqqi, T. M. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate differentially inhibits interleukin-1 beta-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -13 in human chondrocytes. J Pharmacol.Exp.Ther. 2004 308:767-773. View abstract.

Al-Sowyan, N. S. Difference in leptin hormone response to nutritional status in normal adult male albino rats. Pak.J Biol.Sci. 1-15-2009 12:119-126. View abstract.

Alemdaroglu, N. C., Dietz, U., Wolffram, S., Spahn-Langguth, H., and Langguth, P. Influence of green and black tea on folic acid pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: potential risk of diminished folic acid bioavailability. Biopharm.Drug Dispos. 2008 29:335-348. View abstract.

Arts, I. C. A review of the epidemiological evidence on tea, flavonoids, and lung cancer. J Nutr. 2008 138:1561S-1566S. View abstract.

Are There Side Effects To Drinking Green Tea

Drink Green Tea Mixed With Cloves, THIS Will Happen To Your Body!

People who drink a lot of green tea may experience side effects. If this happens, its a good idea to cut back. Remember, increase how much you drink in a day gradually. Dont go all out the first day. Moderation is always ideal.

  • Like with any caffeine, too much can make you jittery
  • Excessive caffeine can affect sleep
  • Dehydration can occur if you drink in excess because tea is a diuretic
  • Too much green tea can cause headaches
  • Some people may experience stomach upset
  • Iron deficient people should drink green tea one hour after meals or in between meals because it may affect iron absorption

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How Much Green Tea Should You Drink A Day

Studies have not been conclusive on how much green tea to drink a day to reap the maximum benefit. It really depends on the person and their own personal health. Different amounts of green tea every day will benefit you in various ways.

For example, in controlled studies, those who drank one to three cups each day had a lower risk of stroke and heart disease than subjects who drank less than one cup. And stomach cancer was less likely to develop in women who consumed over 5 cups daily.

But, we have to look at it this way how much you consume depends on how much you can tolerate. Not everyone wants to drink 5 cups in 24 hours. Adding green tea to your diet is beneficial, but as long as you are drinking a cup or more a day, thats great!

Adverse Effects Of Green Tea

Although green tea has several beneficial effects on health, the effects of green tea and its constituents may be beneficial up to a certain dose yet higher doses may cause some unknown adverse effects. Moreover, the effects of green tea catechins may not be similar in all individuals. EGCG of green tea extract is cytotoxic, and higher consumption of green tea can exert acute cytotoxicity in liver cells, a major metabolic organ in the body . Another study found that higher intake of green tea might cause oxidative DNA damage of hamster pancreas and liver . Yun et al. clarified that EGCG acts as a pro-oxidant, rather than an antioxidant, in pancreatic cells in vivo. Therefore, high intake of green tea may be detrimental for diabetic animals to control hyperglycemia. At a high dose , green tea extract induced a thyroid enlargement in normal rats . This high-level treatment modified the plasma concentrations of the thyroid hormones. However, drinking even a very high dietary amount of green tea would be unlikely to cause these adverse effects in humans.

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Green Tea Helps Lose Weight:

Green tea as we discussed earlier, contains some very important constituents that enhance metabolism that is at what rate your body sheds extra calories and digests the food effectively. If you have a good metabolism, no matter what you eat, you will never lose excessive weight and will remain active and energized even on eating small portions of food.

Thus, a good metabolism is very important if you desperately want to lose weight and this magical tea can help you with that.

It promotes fat burning in our body and is extremely low on calories so it is safe to drink 2-4 cups of green tea in a day. Abdominal fat is reduced to a greater extent when you include green tea in your diet and helps you maintain your already so perfect figure.

May Help Prevent Cancer

Benefits Of Green Tea

Matcha is jam-packed with health-promoting compounds, including some that have been linked to cancer prevention in test tube and animal studies.

In one study, green tea extract decreased tumor size and slowed the growth of breast cancer cells in rats .

Matcha is especially high in epigallocatechin-3-gallate , a type of catechin that has been shown to have powerful anti-cancer properties.

One test tube study found that the EGCG in matcha helped kill off prostate cancer cells (

24 ).

When combined with a well-rounded diet and healthy lifestyle, drinking matcha may help keep your heart healthy and protect against disease.


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