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HomeIs Oolong Tea Black Tea

Is Oolong Tea Black Tea

May Speed Up Metabolism

Mixing Green, White, Black and Oolong teas with Chinese herbal teas

Oolong tea has a reputation for boosting your metabolism. While tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for this purpose, recent studies also back up claims about oolong teas metabolic benefits. Oolong tea can help to increase metabolism and energy expenditure. Oolong tea has also been shown to help tea drinkers maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity.

There Are So Many Teas To Choose From But What Is The Difference Between All The Types Let’s Explore

Let’s start from how all these teas are similar: Although green tea, black tea, oolong tea, and matcha tea may seem completely different in terms of color, form, and taste, they all come from the same camellia sinensis plant. The biggest difference between these four teas is how they are processed and produced from the plants leaves.

Unique Benefits Of Oolong Green Tea

Tea is the healthiest drink in the world. Although this statement might sound exaggerated, numerous studies show that it might, in fact, be true. However, all teas are different, and some might offer more benefits than the others. This will not only depend on the tea category, but the type and processing methods too. One study showed that tea in general;has much higher antioxidant capacities than most medicinal plants, edible macro-fungi, vegetables, fruits, fruit wastes , and wild fruits.

Learn what are the benefits of oolong tea and is it better than other tea types.

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Tea Benefits: Green Black Oolong And White Tea

There are a lot of articles online about health benefits of tea. Some of them state that by drinking enough of this beverage you can significantly prolong your life, cure most of the diseases you have and you might even become immortal. The truth is that there is not enough scientific evidence that tea , is as beneficial to your health as the articles online would lead you to believe.

It is very hard to conduct research on health benefits of tea because it is hard to separate the influence of other things in your life that can affect your health, like exercise, diet, amount of stress, etc. People who drink tea tend to live healthier lives, so you see where the problem comes from. Now, that being said I am not about to tell you not to drink tea you enjoy. I just want to stress that it is not a magic bullet. It will not cure you, this beverage can even harm you if drink too much of it. Although, in its defense, even drinking too much water can harm, so I am just trying to say that moderation is the key. Scientific research does say that there are benefits in drinking tea. So lets find out a little bit more about this beverage.

Origin Of The Word Oolong

Black Dragon Oolong Tea by The Tao of Tea

Every tea has a heritage;that can be traced back to ancient China, including oolong.

There are a few widely accepted theories;regarding the etymology of the word oolong. One of which says the word comes from the Chinese;term wlóng . “w” means black and “lóng” means dragon. When oolong teas were first made into loose-leaf form instead of its predecessor as pressed tea cakes, the tea leaves;were dark, long and curly, which looks like a black dragon and therefore its name.;;

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A Brief History Of Oolong Tea

There are a few theories and legends about the exact origins of oolong tea, but it’s undoubtedly of Chinese origin and likely dates back several centuries. In China, “oolong” literally means black dragon tea, although it’s sometimes spelt as “wulong”. This lends itself to one origin theory in particular.

According to the story,2 Wu Liang; was distracted while picking tea leaves, forgetting to dry them while he was hunting a river deer. When he remembered to collect his tea a day later, he noticed the leaf color had changed and, once fired, the tea produced a mellower, more aromatic flavor .

Over time, Wu Liang tea became referred to as wu-long tea instead, and so oolong was born.

Today, the majority of oolong grown in China is from the Fujian region, with the Wuyi Mountains and Anxi area producing the most famous oolongs. However, you can also find many oolong teas produced in Taiwan as well.

White Green Oolong And Black Tea How Are They Different

A great question we often get asked, is to explain the differences between the different types of tea that we sell on Mainly the questions are focused on understanding the differences between white, green, oolong, and black teas.

First it is important to understand that all these varieties come from the same plant Cameilla Sinensis. It is during harvesting and processing that the differences between the tea types come about.

White Tea White teas are delicately hand-plucked only once a year in early spring. When they are plucked they are simply withered and dried with the least amount of processing. They are not oxidized, so they retain their natural antioxidants, but not as much flavor. However, many find the subtle sweet flavors of white teas provide an exquisite tea drinking experience.

Here are some of our top selling white tea blends:Tangerine White Tea Made with orange peel and tangerine flavor, the subtle hint of citrus in this white tea is pleasant without being overbearing.Silver Needle White Tea Supreme Yinzhen Silver Needle tea is the rarest of all white teas, finest grade and the most superior of all teas.Raspberry Champagne White Tea White tea, safflowers with champagne flavor and red raspberry flavors.

Here are some of our top selling green tea blends:

Here are some of our top selling oolong tea blends:

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Oolong Tea Vs Black Tea: Which One Is Healthier

Were often asked by tea drinkers which tea is the healthiest. The question poses quite the conundrum because there isnt one tea that is right for all health goals. Some teas contain compounds that help to boost relaxation and calm the mind while others contain caffeine that can help boost energy. Some teas have been heavily researched by the scientific community while others are just emerging on the scene.

When it comes to true teas, the question becomes even more complicated since they are derived from the same plant leaves. Weve put together this brief breakdown of oolong tea vs black tea to help you understand the difference between the two and uncover which one is healthier for your lifestyle.

How Oolong Tea Is Made

oolong black tea drink

To understand oolong, you really need to understand tea processing. All teablack, green and oolongstarts out from the same Camellia sinensis tea plant. The difference in what ends up in your teacup depends on many factors, including the variety or cultivar of the tea plant, the terroir of the plant , and how the tea leaves are processed after they are picked.

The flow of Teatulia®s oolong tea processing looks something like this:

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Why Do People Use Oolong Tea

Tea is a caffeinated beverage. A major benefit of drinking oolong tea is heightened awareness and energy along with sharpened thinking skills.

These effects are directly related to the level of caffeine, and a related chemical, theophylline. The effects increase as the caffeine level increases.

Some drink oolong tea to prevent or treat obesity and diabetes. One study suggests that drinking six cups of oolong tea daily for 30 days might help people with type 2 diabetes reduce blood sugar. Other studies — in both humans and animals — suggest that drinking oolong tea can help in weight loss.

Some people drink oolong tea because of a belief that it helps with other conditions, such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Tooth decay

But studies done in these areas have been inconsistent and not conclusive.

Some studies have suggested tea might offer some protection against mental decline. While a recent study in China supported the idea that oolong tea might offer that protection, the results weren’t conclusive and further study is needed.

How To Brew Oolong

You can brew oolong just like you brew your black or green tea types. General advice is to use water that’s roughly 90°C and let the oolong leaf steep for up to 3 minutes. You don’t need to add milk or sugar to your oolong before you drink it.

Check out our guide to making tea for more detailed instructions.

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What Does Oolong Tea Taste Like

Because of how many steps there are to making an oolong tea, and taking into account that each change in these steps can completely change the taste of an oolong, there is very little chance to pinpoint the exact taste of an oolong.

You see, if the leaves were picked in Spring, the overall tone would be a flowery one. But if it were left to oxidize for a long time, then those tones might just become fruity.

Conversely, leaves picked in Autumn will have a malty flavor, and if they were lightly oxidized and them roasted theyre have a nutty, woody aroma.

Some oolongs are smoked over open fire. Some are somehow able to produce that milky taste I was talking about earlier.

As for a good oolong to enjoy, I recommend the Iron Goddess of Mercy. This is a very beautiful tea that has thousands of years of tradition behind it, and an impressive legend as well.

The Iron Goddess is actually one of the most precious Chinese teas, and a benchmark for quality oolong teas.

It should present a nutty, slightly sweet taste and youll get a darker looking brew.

This set from Oriarm brings you 250 gr/8.8 oz of tea, and that will last you several months if you drink it ever day.

You can , and read the reviews as well.

Really, oolongs are many and theyre all delicious. Your best bet would be to read the tea label carefully to figure out the flavor profile of the particular oolong you want to buy.

I havent had oolong often, but I was always very happy with it.

Which Tea Is Better For You

Oolong Tea & Honey Black Tea

As all four types of tea come from the same plant, they all contain many similar claimed benefits for the body without many disadvantages. These benefits include containing antioxidants, helping the heart, lowering blood pressure, regulating sugar, strengthen bones, and many more. Because of this, the tea that is best for you is up to personal preference! For instance, if your body is sensitive to caffeine, green tea might be the best option for you. However, if you like a good caffeine kick, black tea or matcha tea would be great for you. If you like a balance of flavors and caffeine, then oolong tea is the way to go!

If youre not sure which tea youll like, dont be afraid to experiment and taste test to see which one youll like best. As there are many variations of these four categories of teas, youll definitely be able to find one youll like! Feel free to try quality instant tea as well, which can give you all the benefits of tea in your exact flavor preference. Instant tea would be also the best way to make iced tea.;

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Caffeine Content In Oolong Tea

There are many factors that can determine caffeine levels of any beverage brewed from a caffeinated plant, including the variety of the plant, how the plant was processed and how the beverage was brewed. The caffeine content in an oolong tea generally falls somewhere between a black tea and a green tea. A lightly oxidized oolong may have lower caffeine levels and a highly oxidized oolong may have higher caffeine levels . But this can vary depending on how the tea plant was cultivated and how the oolong tea was processed. Its always best to ask your tea vendor about caffeine levels specific to the tea youre purchasing if you are concerned about caffeine intake.

Drinking Oolong Tea Can Helpyou Manage Your Weight

In one study that was published in the Journal of Nutrition found that mice who consumed oolong tea extract while on a high sugar, high fat diet gained less body fat than mice who ate the same diet but didnt consume oolong tea extract. Also, those who were given the tea extract consumed fewer calories overall, suggesting that oolong tea can decrease your appetite.

Studies have also been done on humans to look at the effects of oolong tea on body weight. It turns out that if you are currently overweight or obese, drinking oolong tea every day can help you lose body fat.

Furthermore, the polyphenols that are found inoolong tea can boost your metabolism by blocking the enzymes that create fat.And, because oolong tea contains a bit of caffeine, it can help boost yourenergy and help you get more physical activity during the day to increase thenumber of calories youre burning.

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Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

Drinking oolong tea can help ensure that you have a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that consuming oolong tea can have a beneficial effect on people suffering from coronary artery disease. Drinking tea was also shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. If youre looking to improve heart health, regularly consuming a cup of tea is an easy, tasty way to do so!

The Impact Of Oolong And Black Tea Polyphenols On Human Health

Tea Basics – Green, Oolong And Black Tea

The chemistry and biological activities of characteristic polyphenols in oolong and black tea were studied.

The oolong and black tea polyphenols possessed had various health benefits including anticancer, antioxidant, anti-cardiovascular, anti-microbial, anti-hyperglycemic, and anti-obesity activities.

Bioaccessibility and bioavailability studies of oolong and black teal polyphenols should be studied further.

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It Can Improve Gut Health

Many people turn to probiotics to maintain orimprove their gut health, but oolong tea can also boost the health of your gutmicrobiome and your digestion. Because oolong tea is slightly antiseptic, itaids the digestive tract by inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria in your gut.It also has an alkalizing effect, which helps decrease acid reflux and ulcersfor those who have an inflamed gut.

Further, one study found that the polyphenols in oolong tea can regulate intestinal flora and generate short-chain fatty acids, which contributes to the improvement of intestinal health.

Because of these polyphenols, people who drink oolong tea have a more diverse gut flora. Research shows that the more diversity you have of microbes in your gut, the lower your risk is for developing diseases and allergies. And, due to generations of industrial agriculture and processed food consumption, certain bacteria that are needed for optimal health are now extinct in modern society. Drinking oolong tea could help to re-diversify the microbiome in your gut to improve your overall health.

What Is Oolong Tea Wu Long Cha

Green, black, white, puerh, or oolong, all teas come from the tea plant Camellia Sinensis. It is the diversity of processing methods that render many varieties of tea.

As soon as tea leaves are plucked the oxidation process begins. If the leaves are allowed to fully oxidize then you get an astringent black tea flavor rich in tannins. On the other hand, if the oxidation process is interrupted shortly after it has begun, you get a green tea with a mild flavor profile.

Unlike green or black tea, Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea. Oxidation stops at a certain degree by fire roasting the tea leaves. This further breaks their flavor and causes the tea leaves to develop a unique aroma.

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Get The Scoop On Black Tea

Black tea is a caffeine-rich tea that is commonly used as an alternative to coffee. The tea boast robust flavors with hints of chocolate, caramel, and woodsy flavors. Black tea is largely produced in China in the Yunnan Province and in India, though plantations across the globe cultivate this tea.

In Britain, English black teas like English Breakfast tea and Earl Grey tea, which features the addition of bergamot rinds are popular favorites. In India, black tea is cultivated using a strain unique to the region. High quality varieties include Assam and Darjeeling, which are a key component of masala chai.

In China, two popular black teas include Lapsang Souchong, Keemun, and black pearl gunpowder tea. Lapsang Souchong tea leaves are roasted over open pine fires, creating a tea that invokes visions of woodsy campfires. It is rich and features a potent piney fragrance. Gunpowder tea derives its name from the appearance of the tea leaves, which are rolled into tight balls that unfurl when infused in water.

Black tea has the highest amount of caffeine among the true teas aside from some powdered forms of Sencha or matcha green tea. Black tea can contain up to 130 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce serving that’s about half the amount present in a cup of coffee. It also contains an amino acid known as l-theanine that can help boost focus without the jitters.

Remember Not All Teas Are Created Equal

Oolong Black Dragon Tea

Everyone wants to drink tea. Either you think its healthier for you, you need to cut back on coffee or you just want something new in your life. Its important to remember that not all teas are created equal, even if they come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. Like wine, colors and flavors are imparted by oxidation, terroir, altitude, location and how the tea is cultivated. When picking out the tea thats right for you, its good to get an idea of what you are in for. Here are the nuances of the four main types of teas out there, what to look for when shopping for them and recommendations on some to get you going.

1. BlackThis is one of the most common teas you will see. Its in everything from Lipton to Earl Grey to most classic iced teas. Black tea is grown all over the world, and where its cultivated determines what you are getting in the cup. From India comes earthy assam and perfumed darjeeling; in China you get smoky lapsang souchong and rich keemun; and the favorable ceylon hails from Sri Lanka. One reason this brew gets so dark is that the leaves oxidize for a longer time than any of the other teas.

2. Puerh

In general, youll want to make it with water at precisely 205 degrees and let the tea steep for four to six minutes. The best part is that while most other teas have to be thrown away after you make a cup, puerh can be resteeped a few times before its spent.

Read more about tea on Food Republic:

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