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HomeNewsAre All Herbal Teas Caffeine Free

Are All Herbal Teas Caffeine Free

Citrus Blossoms Can Have Traces Of Caffeine

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Citrus herbal teas are interesting. Youre safe to drink citrus herbal teas in the main. The only caution to be aware of is the possible presence of trace elements of caffeine. No caffeine has been found within the fruit, but has been found in the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Scientific research carried out on over 10,000 species of plants found that 7 of them contain varying degrees of caffeine. Those being: Coffea, Camellia, Theobroma, Herrania, Cola, Ilex, and Paullinia. Some of which you might recognize from my list of caffeinated herbal teas above.

The report showed the presence of caffeine, just in the very low quantities of 6 and 50 ppm present in the leaves and flowers of several Citrus species. Especially pertinent to orange, lemon, and grapefruit.

The caffeine levels in citrus leaves and flowers arent something to be alarmed about. The level is considered very low. In most cases, For those who are caffeine sensitive, just be wary of any dried leaves in orange, lemon, or grapefruit herbal teas

Caffeine has actually been found in some honey varieties too. Based on bee activity near caffeinated plants. But this isnt anything to worry about, it hasnt been fully scientifically tested as yet. Here are the benefits of honey in your green tea youll be suprised!

Herbal Teas Without Caffeine

Look for what I would term 100% pure caffeine-free herbal teas if you want to avoid pretty much any confusion about them having caffeine.


Notably absent from the list are citrus varieties. They couldprobably be on your list, but Ive left them out for reasons Ill explain shortly.

As a side note If youre looking for a herbal tea for the morning, then I have a caffeine-free section of teas you can choose from in my article on best morning teas.

Best Caffeine Free Tea For Morning Energy: Top 15 Teas To Try

Are you feeling lonely in the world of caffeine addicts? Caffeine is a reason why many are reluctant to drink real tea regularly, and often desperate when they want to find an energizing alternative for coffee or tea. Regardless if you are intolerant to caffeine, want to reduce a daily intake, pregnant or breastfeeding, there are caffeine free teas that may give you an energy boost you need.

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Learn The Types Of Teas Without Caffeine

Are you looking for teas without caffeine?

No matter the time of the day, I can never resist a good cup of hot tea.

Sometimes, that fondness for tea costs me dearly because sometimes Ill drink a strong cup of Earl Grey right before bed and end up being wide awake until early in the morning.

Teas with different caffeine levels can affect people differently though, but for me, I do my best to keep my chest of caffeine-free loose leaf tea well-stocked.

While most of the following teas are technically not true teas from the camellia sinensis plant, they are nonetheless considered teas by a lay person.

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Is Decaffeinated Tea Good For You

Traditional Medicinals Breathe Easy Herbal Tea

Due to the lower caffeine content in decaffeinated teas compared to regular teas, decaf is considered healthier. Contrary to the caffeine content, black, green and white teas have many benefits, such as preventing diseases and lowering your risk of cancer.

Decaf, on the other hand, is stripped of some of its properties when it goes through the decaffeination process. Antioxidants called polyphenols are a kind of chemical that is widely found in tea.

These antioxidants are known for their disease prevention agents. They fight against cancer and cardiovascular disease. They even reduce the aging process caused by free radicals.

The decaffeination process causes 70% of polyphenols to be lost through the chemicals used to remove the caffeine. Most of the decaffeinated teas on the market are stripped of many of the health benefits youd find in regular and herbal teas.

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May Affect Your Hydration

Tea may affect your hydration especially if you drink a lot of it.

Thats largely because some teas contain caffeine, a compound also found in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, and soft drinks. Caffeine is a natural stimulant and one of the most common food and beverage ingredients in the world .

Once ingested, caffeine passes from your gut into your bloodstream and makes its way to your liver. There, its broken down into various compounds that can affect how your organs function.

For instance, caffeine has a stimulating effect on your brain, boosting alertness and reducing feelings of tiredness. On the other hand, it can have a diuretic effect on your kidneys.

A diuretic is a substance that can cause your body to produce more urine. Caffeine does this by increasing the blood flow to your kidneys, encouraging them to flush out more water .

This diuretic effect can cause you to urinate more frequently, which may affect your hydration more than non-caffeinated beverages.


Some teas contain caffeine, a compound with diuretic properties. This can cause you to urinate more frequently when drinking tea, potentially affecting your hydration.

Different teas contain varying amounts of caffeine and may thus affect your hydration differently.

Does Herbal Tea Mean Decaffeinated

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Many people like to substitute caffeinated teas for more natural herbal teas. This is usually due to the fact that they dont contain any caffeine. Herbal teas are also a better alternative for health reasons. Regular and herbal teas are both derived from plants, which makes them both natural drinks.

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What Affects The Caffeine Content In A Cup Of Tea

The type of tea leaf usedThere are a few factors that affect the levels of caffeine in your cup of tea. Generally, broken tea leaves, as found in tea bags, will impart more caffeine when brewed compared to whole leaves.

The amount of tea usedThe more tea leaves added to a cup, the more caffeine will be released. Tea bags naturally provide a standard amount of tea leaf, but if using loose leaf tea you could add more to the pot to increase caffeine levels.

The time taken to brew the teaThe longer the tea leaves sit in hot water, the more caffeine is released.

The temperature of the water used to brew teaHigher temperatures will also increase the caffeine content as the hot water will act faster to release the caffeine from the leaves.

Does Herbal Tea Have Caffeine: Which Ones And How To Tell

What caffeine-free teas are safe to drink during pregnancy?

Those looking to reduce or remove their caffeine content can turn to decaf, decaffeinated, or plain herbals to get away from caffeine. And herbal teas seem to be the best answer to no caffeine at all.

But what amount of caffeine is actually in any of the herbal teas you might choose? Or even, does herbal tea have caffeine at all? This guide will help you

Ive written extensively about caffeine levels in various types of tea, and here Im tackling the question does herbal tea have caffeine. The short answer is yes, actually, some do

Most herbal teas do not contain caffeine, however, there are exceptions such as yerba mate, or guarana tea. Caffeine is also intentionally blended with some herbal teas. Its always advisable to check the label for added tea blends, as well as added ingredients like cacao or kola nut.

I have a number of caffeine-related articles which Ive linked to further down to check out. But lets move on to provide more information on the caffeine content in herbal tea.

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White Chocolate Creme Frappuccino

Ever wondered if Starbucks hot chocolate has caffeine? It does. If you need a caffeine-free chocolate fix, try a White Chocolate Creme Frap. Its an over-the-top magical blend of white chocolate sauce, milk and whipped cream. Psst! See where Starbucks ranked on our taste test for best fast food hot chocolate.

So To Avoid Real Caffeine In Tea Youre Looking To Steer Clear Of The Following True Teas:

I always like to add yellow tea to the list too. Not sure why people miss it off? Anyway, heres my article on Green tea vs Herbal tea for some further information.

Ive added a list below of the types of herbal tea that are absolutely free from caffeine. Then Ill go through all the exceptions.

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Herbal Teas That Contain Caffeine

Now were on to the items you need to steer clear of. If youre staying clear of any caffeine, or if youre sensitive to caffeine then this will be important for you to know if you dont already.

Many people think you just need to steer clear of a couple of teas, but actually, there are quite a few and there are added ingredients you need to avoid too.

First, lets go through the list of 8 exceptions where herbal teas contain caffeine to some degree or another.

Some you may have heard of, some may be new but good to know about

Yaupon Holly High In Caffeine

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A relatively recent contender in the herbal tea market is Yaupon tea, from the Liex Vomitoria plant, a form of a holly bush. It has a number of health benefits and is now mass-produced as black tea and shipped globally.

Yaupon tea is derived from the wild North American plant Ilex vomitoria. It is the only native North American species that contains caffeine. And recently revived and mass-produced as black tea for sale globally. It doesnt become bitter when steeped for longer and is a natural rival to mate.

Yes, you can get this in the stores too. So, check out this yaupon selection which contains other herbal ingredients too such as mint. This also supports what Im talking about regarding herbal teas containing caffeine sometimes without you realizing it.

So, if it says mint and yaupon you know whats in it!

As Yaupon tea is the most recent addition to this herbal tea lineup, you may not be familiar with the taste. So, in the event that you would like to try it

What does yaupon tea taste like?

Yaupon tea has a flavor that would resonate with black tea drinkers and mate drinkers alike. Mild floral, green, and yet earthy, and almost no bitter undercurrents to it mostly due to its lack of tannins. It can steep without becoming more bitter and has the same caffeine level as yerba mate.

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Unlikely To Dehydrate You

Despite the diuretic effect of caffeine, both herbal and caffeine-containing teas are unlikely to dehydrate you.

To have a significant diuretic effect, caffeine needs to be consumed in amounts greater than 500 mg or the equivalent of 613 cups of tea .

Researchers report that when consumed in moderate amounts, caffeinated drinks including tea are as hydrating as water.

In one study, 50 heavy coffee drinkers consumed either 26.5 ounces of coffee or the same quantity of water each day for 3 consecutive days. Comparatively, thats the approximate caffeine equivalent of 36.580 ounces of tea.

Scientists observed no difference in markers of hydration between the days where coffee and water was drunk .

In another small study, 21 healthy men drank either 4 or 6 cups of black tea or identical amounts of boiled water over 12 hours.

Again, the researchers noticed no difference in urine production or hydration levels between the two drinks. They concluded that black tea seems to be as hydrating as water when consumed in amounts smaller or equal to 6 cups per day .

In addition, a recent review of 16 studies notes that a single dose of 300 mg of caffeine or the equivalent of drinking 3.58 cups of tea at once increases urine production by just 109 ml compared to the same quantity of non-caffeinated drinks .

Therefore, even in cases where tea does increase urine production, it doesnt cause you to lose more fluids than you originally drank.

High Mountain Oolong Tea

High mountain oolong tea from Taiwan usually has less caffeine than green or black tea, thus making it a safer choice for a late afternoon tea.

Disclaimer: Most of the herbs on our list are likely safe in low doses, especially those that you can grow in your own garden. However, before deciding to treat yourself with herbal teas, we strongly suggest consulting your doctor. Some herbs may interact with certain medicine and cause serious side-effects.

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Does Herbal Tea Have Caffeine

As I mentioned previously, the vast majority of herbal tea is caffeine-free. You dont need to do extensive research in choosing your herbal tea to find one without caffeine.

So dont be put off herbal tea if youre looking for the best caffeine-free alternative, there are plenty to choose from.

Caffeine doesnt form any part of the ingredients at all for the vast majority of herbal teas.

But, its just helpful to know which ones to avoid before you stack up all the herbal teas in your tea cupboard. You do have a special tea cupboard, right?

Strictly speaking, herbal tea is not tea at all. They are Tisanes because theyre derived from flowers, leaves, fruits, seeds, roots, etc of a variety of plants that are not the tea plant.

Tisanes are labeled as tea because tea is the nearest beverage you can compare it with.

But officially, to be called tea, the leaves must originate from the Camellia Sinensis thats the tea plant. These bushes produce the true types of tea.

You can read more about how tea is grown, harvested, and produced Ive gone through the full works!

Does Tea Dehydrate You

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Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world.

It can be enjoyed warm or cold and can contribute to your daily fluid needs.

However, tea also contains caffeine a compound that can be dehydrating. This may leave you wondering whether drinking tea can truly help you stay hydrated.

This article uncovers the hydrating and dehydrating effects of tea.

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Origins Of Herbal Types Of Tea

Pinpointing a single origin of herbal teas is impossible. The practice of using herbs infused in water, or consumed as some kind of beverage for their health benefits, is found in some form or another in multiple ancient cultures around the world. Ancient China and Egypt are just examples of this.

Some specific herbal teas can also be traced back historically:

  • Mountain Tea – records date back 2000 years to show this herbal tea consumed in the Balkans.1
  • Spicebush Tea – native to North America, this plant was made into tea and used to treat numerous ailments by the Native Americans.2
  • Holy Basil/Tulsi Tea – a widely-used herbal tea in Ayurvedic practices in India that has been used for centuries.3

Even today, herbal teas and extracts are used to remedy all sorts of ailments, like consuming valerian and chamomile to soothe insomnia.

Caffeine Content In Traditional Tea Types

While herbal teas tend to be either caffeine-free or contain quite a high amount of caffeine, traditional teas have varying levels.

Green teas, for example, contain 28mg per 8oz serving on average9, while your usual morning black tea contains 47mg. The caffeine content of white tea, oolong, pu-erh and other more obscure tea types fall around these levels too.

Then there are decaffeinated teas. The key difference between caffeine-free herbal teas and decaffeinated teas is that decaf teas still have caffeine! Even after the tea leaves have been decaffeinated, there’s still a very small amount of caffeine left. This is usually only a milligram or two and not enough for you to feel the effects of caffeine.

To learn more about the amount of caffeine in different tea types, plus how this compares to Zest high caffeine tea and other energy drinks, read our Guide to The Best Tea for Caffeine.

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Taylors Of Harrogate Decaffeinated Breakfast Tea

If youre a fan of English Breakfast tea, look no further. Taylors has been producing the stuff since 1886 and its signature blend is a light and refreshing style composed from a variety of fine African teas. Not wanting to strip away any of this natural flavor or cause potential harm to the drinker, the company has opted to use the carbon dioxide method of decaffeination that only uses natural elements to remove the jitter-inducing stuff. Simply add one tea bag to boiling water and allow it to steep for five to six minutes and youre ready to enjoy one fine brew.

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Do Herbal Teas Contain Caffeine

Jamaican Caribbean Dreams All Natural Caffeine Free ...

Herbal teas derive from plant materials, including leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, roots and fruits. Despite the name, herb teas aren’t actually tea. Real tea, including black, oolong and green teas, comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant. Learning about common herbal teas and their properties will help you select a tea that meets your needs. Herbal teas are flavorful alternatives to caffeinated beverages.

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Natural Flavorings: What You Wont Find In Our Teas

At Buddha Teas, we believe in using only unadulterated organic and wild-crafted ingredients. Unlike many other tea brands, we never use any natural or artificial flavoring in our products, just pure, sustainably sourced ingredients.

Natural flavors sound harmless. So, why are we dedicated to keeping them out of our teas?

According to Casey Seidenberg, co-founder of nutrition education company Nourish Schools, LLC, due to the FDAs lack of regulation on terminology, when food labels claim to be “all natural”, its meaningless. Thats the bad news. The good news is that with a little commitment to learning how to navigate food labels, youll know exactly what to look for .


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