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HomeMust ReadWhat Kind Of Tea Is Good For Kidney Disease

What Kind Of Tea Is Good For Kidney Disease

Is Green Tea Good For The Kidney

What Tea Is Good For Kidney Disease? Herbal Tea For Kidney Health That You Should Start Drinking Now

It has been investigated that green tea the effects of antioxidants mainly polyphenol present in green tea prevent hyperuricemia which is responsible for chronic kidney disease and preglomerular arteriopathy. The progression of kidney disease is also stopped with the help of green tea as it activates the Jagged1/Notch1-STAT3 pathway.

Green tea also has a high level of epigallocatechin gallate which also creates a hindrance in the formation of kidney stones. Doctors also recommend green tea to prevent kidney damage and end-stage renal failure.

Green tea contains ECG . A potent anti-oxidant preventing kidney damage. It also reduces inflammation and cell death. Thus proves to be a potent anti-cancer therapy. Green tea also prevents oxidative stress caused during malariainfection that leads to impaired renal function, which is a common reason for death among malarial patients.

What Do You Know About Your Kidney

You have two kidneys and they are bean-shaped organs approx. the size of a fist that is situated below your rib cage on each side of your spine. Each kidney is made up of roughly a million units called nephrons. Each of your nephrons has a filter called the glomerulus and a tubule. The glomerulus filters your blood and the tubule returns what is necessary to your blood. Blood flows to your kidney via the renal artery which is a large blood vessel that splits until your blood reaches the nephrons. Your kidneys filter approx. 150 quarts of blood a day, most of it is returned to your body.

In fact, your kidneys have a higher blood flow than your brain and liver. It is a unique organ given most of us start out with two yet only require one-half of a kidney to filter our bodys blood. In an odd relationship with your liver, kidneys may also produce vitamin D if the liver cannot. Another important component of our kidneys is that they make hormones that directly help control blood pressure, create red blood cells and keep your bones healthy.

Healthy kidneys are important. Due to the functions kidneys perform and the harmful substances that may move through them they are susceptible to a number of issues including kidney failure, kidney stones, uremia, and chronic kidney disease among many others.

Chamomile Tea And Kidneys

Like rooibos, chamomile tea is caffeine free and low in tannins and oxalates .

However, chamomile may have more than just a neutral effect on kidneys. In an animal study, animals with nephrotoxicity were administered chamomile and it was found to improve kidney function .

Chamomile also reduces kidney dysfunction as a result of high fat diets. Long story short, theres pretty good evidence that chamomile is good for kidneys ! That is a cup of good news.

To learn more about chamomile and its benefits, read our chamomile spotlight post!

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Hibiscus Tea And The Kidneys

The kidneys are the bodys trash collector and keeps waste from building up in the body. The garbage is pushed out of the kidneys, into the bladder, and then it is discarded. The kidneys are located in the middle of your back and can process fifty gallons of blood per day. According to Dr. Oz. key factors in knowing if your kidneys are working efficiently are your blood pressure and blood sugar.

Both of these medical conditions, when left untreated, can cause chaos and damage to your kidneys. Dr. Oz advises drinking three cups of hibiscus tea a day can significantly lower blood pressure. Hibiscus is now the most promising herb in reducing the effects of high blood pressure.

Is Tea Bad For Your Kidneys

Green Tea Good For Your Kidneys

While drinking too much of iced tea may damage your kidney, there are a few healthy teas that can work as kidney cleansing teas. Here are a few best teas for kidneys:

  • Dandelion tea
  • Ginger and turmeric tea
  • Green tea.

Drinking herbal tea for kidneys is also a good idea when youre looking to detox your kidney.

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Effect Of Gt On The Renal Function Of Crf Rats

After administration of five consecutive doses of adenine, the mean Cr of 14 rats was significantly elevated from 0.30 to 0.58mg/dL, and BUN was increased from 21.0 to 60.1mg/dL on day 4. The concentrations of Cr and BUN in CRF rats after giving the 7th dose of GT and water are shown in . The mean Cr and BUN in GT group were 0.79 and 55.1mg/dL, respectively, which were significantly higher than those in water group .

Benefits Of Stinging Nettle

Nettle has been also used as a diuretic to remove excess water from the body and to treat urinary tract infection. It is also used to flush bacteria out of the kidney and the urinary tract. Nettle is anti-inflammatory and also high in oxidants.

Make a routineto drink nettle tea, and also drink an extra glass of water along with thenettle tea as it will help the kidney to flush out all the waste and excesswater. However, nettle tea is notrecommended for pregnant women because due to its allergic reaction it mayincrease the risk of miscarriage.

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Potatoes And Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are potassium-rich vegetables.

Just one medium-sized baked potato contains 610 mg of potassium, whereas one average-sized baked sweet potato contains 541 mg of potassium .

Fortunately, some high potassium foods, including potatoes and sweet potatoes, can be soaked or leached to reduce their potassium contents.

Cutting potatoes into small, thin pieces and boiling them for at least 10 minutes can reduce the potassium content by about 50% .

Potatoes that are soaked in water for at least 4 hours before cooking are proven to have an even lower potassium content than those not soaked before cooking .

This method is known as potassium leaching or the double-cook method.

Although double cooking potatoes lowers the potassium content, its important to remember that their potassium content isnt eliminated by this method.

Considerable amounts of potassium can still be present in double-cooked potatoes, so its best to practice portion control to keep potassium levels in check.


Potatoes and sweet potatoes are high potassium vegetables. Boiling or double cooking potatoes can decrease their potassium content by about 50%.

Tomatoes are another high potassium fruit that may not fit the guidelines of a renal diet.

They can be served raw or stewed and are often used to make sauces.

Just 1 cup of tomato sauce can contain upwards of 900 mg of potassium .

Unfortunately for those on a renal diet, tomatoes are commonly used in many dishes.


Support The Kidneys With Tea

Drink This Tea To Avoid Dialysis | 5 Good Habits (To Stop Kidney Disease)

Drinking Herbal Tea for kidney pain and other issues appears to be an increasingly fashionable trend. While not always grounded in science, there is equally little to suggest that supposed kidney cleansing Teas cause any harm.

You can buy them online or in-store here at our Kent-based factory shop. Alternatively, please browse our range to find something that better suits your needs.

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Top 5 Healthy Drinks For People With Kidney Disease

Many of us love reaching for a refreshing, ice cold drink on a hot summer day, or cozying up with a warm beverage during the dead of winter. But did you know that the drinks you choose to quench your thirst can have a tremendous impact on your kidney health?

As a nephrologist and Kidney Kitchen® contributor, drink-related questions are some of the most common questions I get. Whether you need to watch out for certain nutrients or have fluid restrictions that you need to stick to, there are ways to enjoy healthy drinks for your kidneys. Remember: each person with kidney disease should stick to the food and fluid plan you discussed with your doctor and dietitian, as it addresses your specific kidney function, fluid needs and electrolyte imbalances . Here are five of my favorite drinks that are generally healthy for people with kidney disease:

  • Black coffee: Every year, there seems to be a new study that publicizes the benefits of coffee. Drinking coffee my favorite morning beverage may help protect you from developing kidney disease and keep your kidneys filtering at a higher level for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, not all coffee drinks are healthy, and if you have kidney disease, you may be limited in what you can add to your coffee. Drinking black coffee, instead of coffee with high-potassium and high-phosphorus milk or high-calorie sugary drinks, will be your best bet.
  • Start with water that is not quite boiling .
  • Add a tea bag and steep for 24 minutes only.
  • Which Tea Is Good For Kidney Disease

    In order to cleanse your kidneys and keep them working fine, all you need to do is to drink a lot of water. Staying well-hydrated is usually enough to help them function right.

    While drinking green tea is beneficial for the health of your kidneys, those with existing kidney disease should avoid it.

    Annique Health and Beauty mention that Most teas, like green or black, contain a compound called oxalic acid. Its also found in chocolate, certain fruits, vegetables, and raw leafy greens.

    Normally, oxalic acid is naturally eliminated through your urine. But when you dont drink enough water, consume too much sugar, and have a diet high in oxalic acid, oxalate crystals can form.

    This is one of the most common causes of kidney stones.

    But Rooibos Tea doesnt contain oxalates. Thats why its a great alternative to green or black tea for those who are prone to kidney stones.

    However, as said earlier, it is always better to consult with the kidney specialist and follow his or her advice.

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    Choosing Tea For Kidney Health

    So, is there a best tea for kidney disease? Some herbal teas can help target or prevent specific kidney-related problems, but it’s important to ask your doctor before drinking them regularly, especially if you have serious kidney issues. Many of the studies related to potential “kidney cleanses” have not been undertaken in large-sample, human trials.

    A September 2016 study published in the Asian Journal of Urology found that Blumea balsamifera, or sambong, decreased the size of laboratory-grown calcium crystals, which are formed from urine minerals. The study used a commercially-available tea. Sambong may also prevent the formation of these crystals. If too many larger crystals stick together, they can form painful stones. Sanbong’s crystal-decreasing action potentially lowers the risk of kidney stones. Sambong is derived from a tropical shrub.

    One type of hydrangea shrub, Hydrangea paniculata, features cone-shaped flowers. It also boasts medicinal properties. Research published in the December 2017 issue of Frontiers of Pharmacology focused on the high presence of the beneficial compounds in hydrangea that are known as coumarins. Coumarins have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. According to animal studies, ingesting hydrangea can have protective qualities, at least in the case of kidney injury. Hydrangea paniculata is available in “kidney cleanse” blends. Whether it’s the best tea for kidney disease is, of course, a question your doctor can help you solve.

    Which Type Of Tea Causes Kidney Stones

    Healthy teas and drinks to try for your kidneys

    Now, after knowing that green tea prevents the formation of kidney stones, you might be thinking that the effect is the same with other tea varieties as well. Arent you?

    However, this is not true!

    There are teas that cause kidney stones. Those who already suffer from kidney stones are not supposed to drink tea. This is because tea contains a high amount of oxalate that leads to the formation of kidney stones.

    If you consume too much tea you can end up with kidney stones.

    Now, as already discussed, green tea has a preventive effect with regard to kidney stones and this shows that not every tea causes them. It all depends on the oxalate level of tea.

    When compared to green tea, black tea has a higher amount of oxalate present in it and therefore should be avoided.

    P.S. It is still not very clear whether by bringing down your consumption of oxalate-rich foods you can prevent kidney stones or not. So, those with a history of kidney stones need to limit their consumption of food and drink that has more amount of oxalate.

    You can always drink green tea as the amount of oxalate in it is quite less when compared to that of black tea.

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    Safe Herbal Teas For Kidney Disease

    Many of the most popular herbal teas are safe to drink in moderation if you have kidney disease, including:

    • Ginger
    • Teas made from fruits
    • Roobios

    However, some herbs used to make teas can interfere with medications, cause a diuretic effect, lower blood sugar, or raise potassium levels and should be used with caution for people with kidney disease.

    How To Keep Your Liver Healthy

    Keeping your liver healthy is not so hard. The best thing you can do is follow a healthy diet and make sure you stay active. Here are some more things you can do to keep your liver healty:

      • Stay hydrated with lots of water
      • Limit alcohol
      • Reduce the amount of prescription medications you take *with the approval of your doctor
      • Dont share items for personal hygiene
      • Always wash your hands

    Drinking a liver detox tea will not cure all of your problems. So when you cleanse your liver, make sure you follow it up with a healthy lifestyle so you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy liver.

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    Teas To Use With Caution

    Only a small amount of herbs or flowers are needed to make tea and in small doses most likely are not potent enough to be a problem. However, we recommend consulting with your physician or renal dietitian first whenever starting any new herbal products or supplements.

    In addition, it is essential to monitor for any changes in your health, like blood pressure, blood sugar, and edema, when beginning a new herbal tea.

    Lets review some teas that you may want to use caution with if you have kidney disease. The herbs listed below were researched using the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Integrative Medicine database.

    Herbal tea that may interact with medications:

    • Astragalus

    Herbal teas that may affect blood sugar:

    • Elderberry
    • *Licorice root

    Can Consuming Tea Affect Your Kidneys

    What Is The Best Tea For Kidney Disease? Discover The Best Herbal Tea for improving Kidney Function!
    • May 29, 2022
    • 5 min read

    A good cup of tea can make a morning really “good.” However, excessive tea consumption can be a sign of danger for your kidneys. So now the question is, “Is tea bad for your kidneys?”

    If you are a patient suffering from kidney problems, the probable consequences of taking tea can be one of the major concerns of your life.

    The tea lovers must not overthink now as we bring some impressive information to reduce your tensions. If you wonder whether tea will be harmful or beneficial for your health, let us brief you about some essential things.

    A quick background survey can ensure that your favorite beverage may not harm the kidneys if you follow some precautions.

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    Effect Of Chamomile Tea On Kidneys

    The operation of your kidneys and bladder is critical to your overall health, especially in clearing out pollutants. Your unique needs should decide the mix best for you in tea for kidneys or bladder.

    Chamomile tea, like rooibos, is caffeine-free and low in tannins and oxalates. Chamomile, on the other hand, may have more than a neutral effect on the kidneys. In a study, Animals with nephrotoxicity took chamomile, which improved kidney function. Chamomile also helps to prevent kidney damage caused by high-fat diets. All in all, chamomile appears to be beneficial to the kidneys. Thats a good cup of news.

    Kidney Tea: Bounce Back Tea

    Our custom Bounce Back Tea is rich in antioxidants and other compounds, which help bolster bones, reduce inflammation and ease digestion. One of the teas ingredients, ginger, is especially packed with antioxidants. Its these compounds, which neutralize the unstable molecules known as free radicals, that contribute towards kidney health.

    Free radicals induce inflammation throughout the body, which damages cells and tissues, including those found in kidneys. Anything that mitigates the potency of free radicals is good for the body. With its punch of ginger, Bounce Back helps fill the body with antioxidants, which spread out in search of free radicals to defeat. You need antioxidants on your side during your bodys war with free radicals!

    Studies confirm gingers kidney-healing properties. One of them concludes that ginger provides evidence for kidney protection and reduces severity of damage caused to kidneys.

    A Bounce Back bonus? Nettles! This tea is a boon for kidney health.

    Another strong option for a ginger-full tea? Our wonderful Balance Tea, a delicious blend of cinnamon, cardamom, licorice root, coriander, fennel, rose and ginger root.

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    Green Tea Side Effects On Kidneys

    Green tea can be possibly unsafe if it is consumed in a high quantity that is 7-8 cups a day because it also contains caffeine, which is not good for kidney diseases but there are very few instances of this.

    If green tea is taken in larger quantity then it may disrupt kidney function by diminishing anti-oxidant enzymes and expression of heat-shock proteins. This happens due to the toxicity of polyphenols present in green tea.

    People suffering from high blood pressure should consume green tea in less quantity due to the presence of caffeine in it. As it enhances the chances of the risk of kidney disease and even declines the rate of kidney functions. Thus leads to a sudden increase in blood pressure.

    Hence, green tea has many potential benefits and can also be consumed during kidney problems. But if you have any doubts or you face any complication then you can consult your healthcare expert and can know more about it.


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