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How Good Is Green Tea For Your Body

Other Potential Health Benefits

Why drinking Green Tea is Good for Your Mind and Body (Green Tea Benefits)

There are many more health claims surrounding green tea from a reduced risk of cancer to weight loss. The evidence to support these claims is largely inconclusive. Some of the health claims are based on ancient Eastern traditions, where green tea has been used to treat symptoms of disease for years. Because of the proposed benefits, many health products now include traces of green tea. However, there is limited evidence to suggest these products are effective. If you are hoping to use green tea for medicinal purposes, make sure to consult your doctor first.

Is Green Tea Good For You 3 Benefits Backed By Science

Of the three main types of soul-soothing teablack, oolong, and green teagreen is most commonly linked to health benefits. So is green tea good for you? In short, yes, but many studies on green tea have been inconclusive. Lets dive a little deeper.

Green tea originated in ancient China and has been consumed over the centuries in tea ceremonies and in medicinal treatments. As it contains an abundance of antioxidants, green tea has been linked to cancer prevention, oral health, and heart health. A large portion of green teas connection to health is tied to bioactive components called polyphenols, says Megan Meyer, Ph.D., director of science communications at the International Food Information Council. Epidemiological data has shown that a diet rich in polyphenols is protective against health conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

But much of this research has been observational, meaning the findings might not be entirely accurate. A recent Cochrane Systematic Review of 142 studies looked at the role of green tea in the prevention of cancer and found there was limited evidence to suggest that green tea protects against cancer, says Meyer.

Sowait. Is green tea good for you after all? There are still a ton of science-backed green tea benefits. Pour yourself a cup and read on.

How To Make Green Tea For Womens Fertility And Body

Many people have heard about the many benefits of green tea. Green tea is a natural product, so it is very healthy and will not get as bad side effects as some artificial products.

Green tea has been used for thousands of years, in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, Indiaâs medical system. It is used to fight dengue fever, malaria, and certain cancers.

Now, to get the maximum benefits of green tea, try matcha, a bitter counterpart of green tea.

Matcha is sometimes called Indian tea, but the tea is not the same. While both are made from the leaves of the same Camellia sinensis plant and have a different flavor from green tea.

Matcha leaves are often used as an alternative to white tea because they have a nutty and grassy flavor that is sometimes more suitable for non-iced teas.

When it comes to the benefits of green tea for the brain, there is a surprising list.

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What Is Green Tea Good For

Green tea has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. Originating in China but widely used throughout Asia, this beverage has a multitude of uses, from lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer.

The reason that green tea has more health benefits attached to it than black tea is due to the processing. Black tea is processed in a way that allows for oxidation , whereas green teas processing avoids the oxidation process. As a result, green tea retains the maximum amount of antioxidants and poly-phenols, the substances that give green tea its many benefits.

Furthermore, green tea has significantly less caffeine black tea, meaning that it leads to less of a slump after drinking it. It will offer you energy without the intense caffeine kick that black tea and coffee often lead to. The extra energy helps you focus.

Lets dive more into the various benefits of drinking green tea.

Fact: Green Tea Can Help Lower Blood Sugar

10 Things Green Tea May Do for Your Body

If you’re drinking unsweetened versions of green tea it’s certainly a blood sugar-lowering beverage. But lately, I’m seeing green tea as an ingredient used in everything from sugary juices, “tonics” and “elixirs” to frozen yogurt, pasta sauce, and dressings, which can be loaded with sugar. Be sure to scan the nutrients label on any packaged products to ensure you’re not accidentally guzzling tons of added sugars every day.

Don’t Miss: What Tea Helps Lower Blood Sugar

Sleep Problems Nervousness And Anxiety

No matter how little caffeine green tea contains, it is not a bedtime drink. Caffeine itself can block sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and increase adrenaline production. Caffeine exerts obvious effects on anxiety and sleep, which vary according to your sensitivity to it.6

Green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has the capacity to calm you down but also make you alert and focus and concentrate better, which is at odds with getting a good nights sleep.7

It Can Help You Feel More Alert

Another benefit of the caffeine in green tea: it can help you feel more alert. While some teas, like chamomile or lavender, are more associated with feelings of relaxation or sleepiness, the caffeine content in green tea makes it more of a good one to sip throughout the day, not in the evening. Another benefit: it doesn’t have the crash that drinking coffee causes many to experience.

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/17having Too Much Of It

Just because green tea is healthy doesn’t mean you can go on to have endless number of cups in a day. Just like tea or coffee, green tea also contains caffeine. Overdoing your caffeine consumption through the day can have harmful side-effects including headache, lethargy, sluggishness, anxiety, irritability as well as anxiety. Moderation your consumption is important. Having too much of green tea is also said to reduce iron absorption in the body. Make sure you stick to 2-3 cups a day and don’t overdo it.

Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea

What Happens To Your Body If You Drink Green Tea Daily For 30 Days?

Matcha tea is a type of green tea. but it contains more beneficial components than regular green tea. 1 cup of matcha tea is equivalent to 3 cups of regular green tea.

Lets give it a look at the main health benefits of drinking matcha tea.

  • Matcha tea is fully packed with antioxidants such as catechins. The most beneficial catechin is EGCG, it may prevent inflammation and increase cell repair.
  • Matcha tea contains 137 times more antioxidants than any type of green tea.
  • It contains 3 times more antioxidants than other premium-level teas.
  • This beverage also may reduce the risk of heart diseases such as stroke or heart attack.
  • Drinking matcha tea can make your skin healthy and glowing.
  • It also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in your body. Also, it balances the blood sugar level.
  • Matcha tea contains L-theanine, which makes you relaxed and alert.
  • Antioxidants in matcha tea are helpful in weight loss.
  • Matcha tea has a richer and bold taste than green tea.
  • Consuming matcha daily may detoxify your body every day. Which is good for your health.
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    Tea Drinking: Your Metabolism Speeds Up

    The caffeine in tea helps to improve mental acuity as well as increase metabolism and fat burning , says Dr. Kouri. Just be sure youre not overdoing it in the caffeine department. One cup of green tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, and Dr. Kouri recommends limiting your daily caffeine intake to no more than 300 to 400 milligrams. Before sipping, dont miss what you should know about drinking tea while intermittent fasting.

    Side Effects Of Green Tea

    There are few side effects of green tea. But there are some points to take care of. Lets check out what are those points.

  • If you consume strongly brewed green tea on an empty stomach, it may cause you stomach irritation.
  • Excessive intake of green tea can lead you to digestive issues such as constipation and nausea. Also, it can cause diarrhea.
  • The caffeine content in green tea may cause you a headache. People who are suffering from migraines should avoid green tea.
  • If you are sensitive to caffeine then you should avoid green tea, it can disturb your sleep.
  • People who are suffering from anemia should avoid green tea. Because the antioxidant component of this tea blocks the iron absorption. Which is dangerous.
  • Green tea contains tannins. So, if you consume more than 4 cups per day then it can lead you to vomit.
  • The caffeine content in green tea slows down the blood flow to the brain, you can end up in motion sickness.
  • Green tea prevents the oxidation of fatty acids in your body, which can cause you thinner blood consistency.
  • There are chances that green tea can cause irregular heartbeat.
  • Excessive intake of green tea can be harmful to pregnant women.
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    Effects On Absorption Of Metal Ions

    Tea catechins can affect iron absorption, particularly in groups at risk of iron deficiency , but their effects on other ions are poorly understood. Green tea ingestion over a long period does not affect the apparent absorption of copper, whereas it decreases that of zinc and increases that of manganese . However, catechin intake does not affect the plasma concentration of these ions . Green tea catechins have the potential to affect absorption and metabolism of ions because flavonoids interact with a variety of metal ions .

    Antioxidants May Lower The Risk Of Some Cancers

    Benefits Of Green Tea For The Body

    Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells. Its one of the worlds leading causes of death.

    Research has shown that oxidative damage can lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases, including cancers. Antioxidants can help protect against oxidative damage .

    Green tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

    Research has linked green tea compounds with a reduced risk of cancer, including the following studies:

    • Breast cancer. A comprehensive review of observational studies found that women who drank the most green tea had an approximately 2030% lower risk of developing breast cancer, one of the most common cancers in women (
    • 23 ).

    Many observational studies indicate that green tea drinkers are less likely to develop several types of cancer, but more high quality research is needed to confirm these effects .

    To get the most health benefits, avoid adding milk to your tea. Some studies suggest it can reduce the antioxidant value in some teas .


    Green tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer. Multiple studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of various types of cancer.

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    Tea Can Lower Your Cholesterol

    The antioxidants found in tea can help lower your LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The liver uses the antioxidants to make LDL cholesterol less likely to be deposited into your arteries.

    On top of that, antioxidants help protect you from heart disease and , two things that make it easier for your body to fight off illnesses.

    Tea Drinking: You May Not Absorb Enough Iron

    The catechins in tea can alter your bodys ability to absorb iron. This means that even if you eat enough high-iron foods, you wont get the benefits and could become anemic. Though most healthy people will not be affected by this, those who have iron deficiency or anemia should abstain from large amounts of green tea, recommends Dr. Kouri. This includes children, pregnant women, and anyone with a history of kidney disease.

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    What’s The Difference Between Matcha And Green Tea

    Matcha and green tea are both made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. However, there are some key differences.

    • Matcha is ground into a fine powder, whereas with regular green tea the leaves are left whole.
    • Matcha plants are kept in complete shade two weeks before harvesting, whereas regular green tea plants are exposed to sunlight.
    • Matcha leaves are steamed after harvesting, whereas green tea leaves are not.
    • Matcha tea uses the whole leaf, whereas with regular green tea the stems and veins are removed.
    • Matcha contains higher levels of the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate .
    • Matcha contains higher concentrations of amino acids like L-theanine and L-arginine.
    • Matcha contains more caffeine.

    Plus, matcha tea powder can be added to food bars and baked goods.

    Tea Can Boost Your Metabolism

    Drinking Tea Every Day Will Do This To Your Body

    Caffeine, the primary ingredient in tea, helps boost your metabolism. The caffeine gives you a little pick-me-up in the morning and can get your body running at 100%.

    Caffeine is also found in coffee but if youre not a coffee lover, then drinking tea in the morning is perfect for you. Tea has less caffeine than coffee but more than enough for your morning boost of energy.

    Teas that are high in caffeine include black tea, green tea, white tea, and matcha tea. If youre not a fan of tea, there are other options like matcha powder in Australia that have the same caffeine effects.

    You can add the powder to your morning shake or mix it in with warm almond milk.

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    6 It Could Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

    “In a meta-analysis of 22 studies with 1,584 subjects, green tea catechins significantly lowered fasting blood sugar levels,” Cochran says, adding that it may also help prevent type 2 diabetes. ” green tea can inhibit digestive enzymes that help break down sugars in the gut to slow down the absorption of sugars so blood sugar levels rise more slowly,” she says.

    /6i Had 3 Cups Of Green Tea Every Day For A Month

    I was a skinny kid all my childhood. But, certain health conditions made me gain weight and on reaching my teenage, I weighed 70 kilos. This also took a toll on my fitness level. Not only did my sudden weight gain made my parents worry, constantly getting mocked by my friends disturbed me a lot. Well, i didnt do much about my excess weight until I was body shamed by my friend. That day, I decided to bring a change in my life and to become a fit and healthy person.

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    What The Research Shows

    Green tea has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol. A 2013 review of many studies found green tea helped prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure.

    Whatâs good for the heart is usually good for the brain your brain needs healthy blood vessels, too. In one Swiss study, MRIs revealed that people who drank green tea had greater activity in the working-memory area of their brains. Green tea has also been shown to help block the formation of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

    Green tea seems to help keep blood sugar stable in people with diabetes. Because catechins lower cholesterol and blood pressure, they can help protect against the damage a high-fat diet can cause, Ochner says.

    Green Tea Help To Control Your Body Weight

    10 Things Green Tea May Do for Your Body

    Excessive body weight is one of the main side effects reported due to the sedentary lifestyle of people. How to alleviate such difficulties without going for any weight loss programs?

    Many of us might have asked this question before. The consumption of green tea is found to be very effective to alleviate the difficulties due to excessive weight gain problems in the body.

    Hormonal imbalance is one of the main causes of weight gain problems in the body. You can alleviate the difficulties due to weight gain problems by following a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    Excessive consumption of coffee enriched with caffeine and ordinary teas can vary the balance of hormone levels in the body. You can minimize such difficulties by including a cup of green tea in the daily diet schedule.

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    What Are The Different Varieties Of Green Tea

    • The difference between green and black tea results from the manufacturing process.
    • Black tea undergoes fermentation which transforms its colour and flavour, whereas green tea remains unprocessed and retains its colour.
    • Green tea is grown in higher altitudes, more specifically the mountainous regions of East Asia.
    • Some green tea is still picked by hand, and it is thought that handpicked teas are less bitter and yield a sweeter, more robust taste. Other factors such as the climate and soil can also affect the flavour.
    • Sencha is the most popular of Japans green teas. There are numerous grades which can affect the price and quality. Sencha leaves are first steamed and then shaped. Sencha tea produces a clear yellow/green tea with a sweet, grassy but slightly astringent flavour.
    • Matcha is made from green tea leaves grown in the shade. The leaves have a higher chlorophyll content which makes them a vibrant green colour. To make matcha, the entire leaf is ground down into a powder. The powder is mixed with boiling water and gently whisked before being served. The flavour is light and sweet and so is now added to desserts and sweet drinks.

    When Healthy Foods Are Unhealthy

    According to research, a number of natural compounds have a tendency to push either side of the Th1/Th2 balance.

    Green tea is one such substance. The active components of green tea have a tendency to push the Th2 system to be more dominant by inhibiting the Th1 side of the immune system.

    Therefore someone with a Th2-dominant autoimmune condition would be wise to stay away from green tea or products containing concentrated green tea , because it can upregulate an already dominant system and lead to more tissue destruction.

    Conversely in someone with a Th1-dominant autoimmune condition, green tea would be beneficial because it inhibits the Th1 side of the immune system.

    Another common example most people know of is the herb echinacea.

    When people get sick with a cold or flu, echinacea helps boost the T cells involved with the initial attack of a foreign invader.

    However, in a Th1-dominant autoimmune condition, echinacea will likely make the condition worse and is therefore be something to be avoided.

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