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HomeWhere To Buy Elderberry Tea

Where To Buy Elderberry Tea

Whats The Deal With Elderberry

How to make elderberry tea with dried berries (3 ingredient vegan-friendly recipe)

Do I sound hot and cold about elderberry tea? How appropriate: elderberry tea is excellent hot and cold! Lets get ourselves sorted about this yummy bevvy, okay?

Elderberries are flowering plants in the Sambucus genus. Different species have berries that range from black to blue, to red, and species matters!

Here in Alaska, our red-berried elder, Sambucus racemose, has elegant clusters of white flowers in spring and brilliant red berries in autumn that stay on the plants into winter because even the birds dont eat them. I love wild harvesting various petals, leaves, and fruits, but my freezers and shelves are bare of elderberries. All parts of our red-berried elder are poisonous.

However, two species of elderberries have edible parts: the European or Black elderberry, Sambucus nigra, and the American or Common Elderberry, Sambucus Canadensis.

Note that I said edible parts. Were talking flowers and berries. Leave those leaves, stems, and roots alone, okay? These, along with raw, unripe berries contain toxins that can make us sick, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

But who wants unripe berries, anyway? If you need an additional layer of certainty, know that heat from cooking eliminates the toxin.

Im all for DIYing, but if youre not sure about elderberries, get help from a knowledgeable person or leave elderberry tea prep to the pros. Its worth doing because properly prepared elderberry tea is delicious and even healthful.

Elderberry Tea Benefits: 7 Amazing Ways It Can Change Your Body

Made from the tart berries plucked from the family of the Sambucus tree, elderberry tea has been a healing remedy for thousands of years. The humble elderberry is considered to be quite the superfood. It was first used by early indigenous people of the Americas to brew up heady concoctions to boost the immune system, detox and cleanse the body, reduce inflammation, and to treat fevers, cold, and flu too.

Beyond being a simple folk medicine, elderberry is still revered in our modern world. It is harvested and crushed up into jams, chutneys, and even wines and is loved because of its tart flavor and delicate muscat scent. It is also delicious in tea and comes heaped in rich and heavenly nutritional benefits too. Lets do a deep dive into all the elderberry tea benefits

Organic Elderberry Red Tea Bags

Cup of Protection – Valued for thousands of years for its healing benefits, the versatile elderberry has a long history in popular folklore. Used to make wine and flavor foods, the magical elderberry has been referred to in music and poetry for generations. We’ve blended them with an organic red rooibos base for a double dose of delicious defense. Organic Elderberry Red was featured in the February 2019 edition of O, The Oprah Magazine, Fill Your Cup: Under the Weather? Take Care With These Get Well Teas.

  • Details

Our Ministers have scoured the world for the finest tea leaves and herbs in existence. The Republic of Tea masterfully blends these ingredients to offer great-tasting infusions.

Rooibos is naturally caffeine-free. More about caffeine.

Steeping red tea is easy. Simply heat fresh, filtered water to a rolling boil. Then pour 6 oz of water over tea and steep for 5-7 minutes if using a tea bag or full-leaf.

Organic rooibos, organic hibiscus, organic elderberries, organic elderberry flavor, organic grape flavor

South Africa, Egypt, Hungary, Bulgaria

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How To Make Elderberry Tea

Make this simple tea in minutes whenever you feel like your immune system can use a boost.

  • Combine: Add water, dried elderberries, and a cinnamon stick to a small saucepan and stir well.
  • Boil: Heat on high just until the tea starts to boil. Then, turn the heat down to medium-low and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Rest: Let the tea cool in the pot for 5 minutes.
  • Strain: Strain the tea through a fine-mesh strainer into a mug and enjoy.

Can you make this an iced tea? You sure can! If its a hot summer day, just boil and strain the tea, then chill it in the fridge. Serve it over ice for a refreshing beverage!

Are The Benefits Of Elderflower The Same As Elderberries

Echinacea Plus Elderberry

They may hail from the same tree and each is drenched in health benefits but elderberries and elderflower bring different traits to the table. Elderflowers are much more delicate in taste and aroma compared to the tart sharpness that the elderberry can bring. Elderflower can also be used when battling cold and flu but can also be used as a gargle for those suffering from laryngitis or a sore throat and used to treat itchy eyes and skin ailments too. You can read more about the health benefits of elderflower right here.

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How Much Do I Need

You’ve got the recipes for your elderberry teas and elderflower teas all picked out. The tough part now is knowing how much you’ll actually get from those dry ingredient packages.

On this page, you’ll find real-life yields for different ingredients to help you choose your package sizes according to your tea-making pl

Health Benefits Of Elderberries

Elderberries contain antioxidants that shore up the immune system, and have been used for hundreds of years to fight colds and respiratory infections. Theyre high in flavanoids, vitamin A, vitamin c, and dietary fiber, and can help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. Many of those benefits are thanks to the anthocyanin, which gives the berries their deep purple color.

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Do Elderberries Cause Cytokine Storms

Since the pandemic hit there has been plenty of misinformation out there regarding elderberry and cytokine storm and we are here to help shift through the noise. Cytokines have many purposes but one of them is to send messages between cells. A cytokine storm can occur when the body has an uncontrollable inflammatory response that is caused by the immune system going into overdrive. As elderberry is an immune stimulant, it has led to some people speculating that there could be a link. There have been ZERO reported cases or links between elderberries and cytokine storms.

Elderberry Tea Ingredients By Measure

Make Your Own: Elderberry Tea

How Many Cups of Dried Elderberries in a pound?

How Many Cups of Dried Elderberries in a pound?

How Many Cups of Dried Elderberries in a pound?

One pound of dried elderberries yields a little more than one quart by volume. You will get about 4 1/2 cups of dried elderberries in one pound.

How many cups of dried elderflower in a pound?

How Many Cups of Dried Elderberries in a pound?

How Many Cups of Dried Elderberries in a pound?

Elderflower is very light, so a single pound goes a very long way. One pound of dried elderflower will yield nearly a GALLON by dry measure–that’s 4 quarts, or about 16 cups of dried elderflower in every one-pound bag! While this may sound like an awful lot, there are many things you can do with dried elderflower, and many teas you can use it in. What’s more, as long as you keep the elderflower dried and well-sealed in an air-tight container, it will last for a very long time. Still, you may find that a 4-ounce bag of dried elderflower is plenty for you, and you should still get about 2 cups of elderflower in a four-ounce bag. Bulk one-pound bags are much cheaper per ounce, though.

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Elderberry Loose Leaf Tea Benefits

Our elderberry loose leaf tea contains powerful antioxidants which may help expel toxins, relieve a sore throat, and shorten the flue cycle. Love our organic elderberry loose leaf tea? Sign up for a subscription and get this delicious tea delivered every month! Check out our Elderberry Tea Cocktail!

Approximate Yield By Dry Measure

Estimates for Purchasing & Planning

Dried ingredients, including dried elderberries, elderflowers, citrus peels, herbs, and spices, are sold by weight . For planning purposes only, use the following estimates as a guide . Yield by measure will vary by ingredient type, but this range will be close enough to help you plan your purchases:

  • 1-pound bag dried product yields approximately 4 to 6 cups
  • 4-ounce package yields approximately 1.5 to 2 cups
  • 1-ounce package herbs measure approximately 4 tablespoons
  • For more specific yields of specific tea ingredients, check our How Much To Buy page .

*Prices provided are accurate at time of listing and are subject to change. Please click on listing for updated pricing, and for safe and secure order processing through

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Elderberry Tea Bags Pack Of 18


Our delicious herbal tea bags have no caffeine or added sweeteners. The ingredients are aromatic and only organic. Elderberry is the main ingredient followed by Rose Hips, Ginger, and Cloves.

Elderberry aka Sambucus Nigra has been used for hundreds of years as a herbal remedy to help ease coughs, colds, flu, and infections. Elderberry helps support the immune system as well as tames inflammation.

Rose Hips has the most natural Vitamin C of any plant. Also assists with inflammation. This herb is commonly used topically as an oil for skin rejuvenation, preservation, and anti-aging.

Ginger is a spicy root located all over the world. This root contains anti-inflammatory properties and is an antioxidant much like elderberry. The main use of ginger is for digestion and indigestion. Commonly used for stomach aches.

Cloves pack a mighty punch. Also full of antioxidants, cloves can help your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

These herbs combine fully supports your immune system and has the memorable smell of Christmas morning.

The Science Behind Elderberry

Buy Elderberry Tea: Benefits, Preparation, Side Effects

Harvested from the indigenous Sambucus elder tree, these berries have been a source of nutrition and medicine for thousands of years. Much research has been done regarding the actual medicinal benefits of elderberries when used for common ailments and not shocking, its been proven to be highly effective against those nasty winter bugs and even chronic issues. Elderberry significantly boosts your system and helps support your body in doing what it does best to protect itself. Numerous medicinal benefits aside, elderberry is highly nutritious and rich in the vitamins and minerals that we need. Its also a hefty dose of antioxidants and the vitamin C is through the roof. Bottom line, its just plain good for you, sick or not.

This little berry is also super rich in phytochemicals. Lets talk about what these are and how they a crucial for living beings. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants to help them survive. The fight off bacteria, viruses, and fungi that would otherwise destroy the plant. They also prevent environmental changes in the plants DNA so that it continues to evolve properly and thrive. So, you might guess what can happen when we ingest these plants that are so abundant with life sustaining phytochemicals. Yep, thats rightwe reap the benefits of these miraculous little chemical compounds, too.

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Side Effects Of Elderberry Tea

As you can see, elderberry tea is swimming with sublime health properties and by making it part of your sipping style, you can reap all those beautiful benefits for your body. Like all berries, there can be side effects if you consume a high quality. Uncooked raw elderberries contain a smidge of cyanide and lectin which can cause stomach upsets if consumed in high doses. The best way to avoid any issues is to buy commercial elderberry tea as the berries would have been processed in a safe and certain way to ensure no traces of cyanide remain.

If you are out collecting elderberries yourself, make sure that you perform due diligence and identify the plant correctly as similar looking plants can be toxic. Also, cook the berries before turning them into anything consumable and discard the branches, bark, and leaves as these elements arent edible.

Purchased or picked correctly, there should be no dangers or side effects that come from drinking elderberry tea although people who are pregnant or breastfeeding and children may want to skip out on this sweet tea. This is because not enough research has been conducted on the effects of elderberry in these small groups. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other teas to explore.

Check out our chai spiced tea to add to your elderberry

· 1 ¼ cups of water

· 2-3 teaspoons of dried elderberries

· A little fresh ginger or a cinnamon stick for taste

1. Place your dried berries, cinnamon and ginger into a pot and add the water.

Why Choose Buddha Teas

Buddha Teas searches the world for the very best herbs, flowers, spices, and teas to incorporate into our blended and single herb wellness products. We NEVER use additives or natural flavorings. Instead, we use substantial quantities of key ingredients to ensure our products have optimal efficacy. During our exploration for the best, we found that living in harmony with nature is ideal. We’ve realized that any time we need nature to provide for us, we must give something back. Sustainably harvesting and keeping waste and pollution at a bare minimum made sense to us. Buddha Teas is 100% chemical free, from our bleach free tea bags to our utilization of soy-based ink for our labels and beautifully colored tea boxes. When you buy Buddha Teas, youre not only enjoying a flavorful, hand-crafted, all-natural tea but you will also feel peace of mind knowing that you are buying your tea from a company that gives back to our magnificent planet.

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Protects Against Uv Radiation & Harmful Bacteria

Harmful bacteria can get into the cracks and wreak havoc on your health. One way in which elderberry can help is when it comes to urinary tract infections and the berries ability to reduce inflammation. We all know the discomfort of a UTI and fortunately sipping elderberry tea can reduce the impact and get you cleared up even faster.

When it comes to protecting against sun damage and reducing the physical signs of aging, again elderberry tea can swoop in and come to the rescue. The anthocyanins that are found in the bright burst of elderberry are known to be a natural booster for your skin’s health and can protect against UV rays and sun damage. The fact that elderberry is also rich in antioxidants and polyphenols could also mean that the skin will enjoy those benefits too as these compounds are full of anti-inflammatory properties and can even reverse the process of harm done to UV exposed skin.

Can You Drink Elderberry Tea Every Day

Elderberry Tea Recipe | How to Make Tea with Elderberry Tonic for Immune Health

Yes. Elderberry tea is rich in nutrients, can boost a healthy immune system, and is free from caffeine and is considered to be a safe and side-effect free drink to enjoy in moderation. If you want to top up your body with the good stuff, you can sip a beautiful cup of tea every single day without worry. Elderberry tea is especially good to drink during cold and flu season as it can help to reduce the severity of symptoms and get you back on your feet in no time.

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What Is Elderberry Tea

Elderberry tea is made from the berries of the elder tree. The berries are picked and then dried before being infused with water to make a warm and soothing tea. The berries come in different colors from black and red to blue. They have a tart taste and are said to be beneficial at boosting the immune system.

The elderberry tree is part of the Sambucus Tree family and elderberries also go by the name of elderflower. The tree flowers all over the world but is native to European shores. These trees can grow up to 9 meters tall and burst with frothy white clusters with a delicate apple-like fragrance that is known as the elderflower. These flowers are often picked and made into syrups too. The elderberry plant can be found stashed in bunches too and these need to be cooked to be consumed. When cooked they give off a jammy dark coloring and a tart lip pursing flavor.

Learn About Our Tea For Trees Campaign

Our Tea for Trees campaign creates a sustainable model that restores one of our most precious resources while offsetting the paper used in our products. Weve partnered with The National Forest Foundations Trees for Us, a program that annually plants millions of trees throughout our national forests. By giving back whenever possible, Buddha Teas strives to honor the earth and its many blessings. Help us plant trees while enjoying an unadulterated tea thats healthy for you and our planet.

By giving back whenever possible, Buddha Teas strives to honor the earth and its many blessings. Help us plant trees while enjoying an unadulterated tea thats healthy for you, and our planet. Read more about it here.

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How Does Elderberry Tea Stack Up Next To Other Elderberry Supplements

A. Any form is OK to take, but it is important to look for high-quality ingredients and reputable manufacturers. People will choose the form based on their own preferences. Some people dislike the taste of elderberry, so a capsule is easier for them to consume. Others, though, find the soothing effects of drinking a cup of elderberry tea therapeutic.

How To Customize Your Tea

Spiced Elderberry Tea

Elderberry tea is mild in flavor so feel free experimenting with juices, herbs, and spices to flavor it to your liking. Sometimes Ill boil ginger, turmeric, lemon, or even orange slices with the elderberry to give it a spicier or more fruity flavor.

You can also swap some of the water with unsweetened cherry juice for an additional shot of antioxidants, and up the cinnamon to help regulate blood sugar levels. If I happen to have some dried hibiscus flowers, Ill toss a few into the tea to deepen the ruby red color, and they may help lower blood pressure. If you like your tea with a touch of sweetness, try adding raw honey or maple syrup.

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