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Where Can I Get Hibiscus Tea

Does Hibiscus Tea Cause Hallucinations

How to Make Hibiscus Tea From Petals : Growing & Using Herbs

There have been some reports of people claiming to feel woozy after drinking hibiscus tea. Its happened often enough that the terms hibiscus drunk and hibiscus intoxication have been created.

To date, there is no scientific evidence of hibiscus tea making people drunk and/or causing hallucinations.

A common theory for why hibiscus intoxication happens is that its result of peoples blood pressure becoming too low. As I mentioned, hibiscus tea is known for lowering your blood pressure.

When your blood pressure becomes too low, this can lead you to feeling light headed, and well, drunk, and possibly hallucinating.

Learn About Our Tea For Trees Campaign

Our Tea for Trees campaign creates a sustainable model that restores one of our most precious resources while offsetting the paper used in our products. Weve partnered with The National Forest Foundations Trees for Us, a program that annually plants millions of trees throughout our national forests. By giving back whenever possible, Buddha Teas strives to honor the earth and its many blessings. Help us plant trees while enjoying an unadulterated tea thats healthy for you and our planet.

By giving back whenever possible, Buddha Teas strives to honor the earth and its many blessings. Help us plant trees while enjoying an unadulterated tea thats healthy for you, and our planet. Read more about it here.

Zobo Leaf Drink May Be An Antidepressant Agent

Hibiscus tea contains many vitamins and minerals, while its the presence of flavonoids which have been found to have antidepressant properties, by a study supported by CNPq and CAPES in Brazil. Consumption of hibiscus tea may help calm down the nervous system, and it may reduce anxiety and depression by relaxing the mind and body.

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May Help Lower Blood Fat Levels

In addition to lowering blood pressure, some studies have found that hibiscus tea may help lower blood fat levels, which are another risk factor for heart disease.

In one study, 60 people with diabetes were given either hibiscus tea or black tea. After one month, those who drank hibiscus tea experienced increased good HDL cholesterol and decreased total cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides .

Another study in those with metabolic syndrome showed that taking 100 mg of hibiscus extract daily was associated with decreased total cholesterol and increased good HDL cholesterol .

However, other studies have produced conflicting results regarding hibiscus teas effects on blood cholesterol.

In fact, a review of six studies including 474 participants concluded that hibiscus tea did not significantly reduce blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels .

Furthermore, most studies showing a benefit of hibiscus tea on blood fat levels have been limited to patients with specific conditions like metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

More large-scale studies examining the effects of hibiscus tea on blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels are needed to determine its potential effects on the general population.

Summary Some studies have shown that hibiscus tea may reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides in those with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, other studies have produced conflicting results. More research is needed in the general population.

Best Hibiscus Tea Brands And Where To Buy Them

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Hibiscus is a beautiful flowering plant that can be used to make healthy and delicious herbal tea. Whether you are looking for hibiscus in tea bags, loose leaf form, or a blend of hibiscus flowers and other ingredients, the finest products are introduced in this article.

Continue reading to find out what are the best hibiscus tea brands and where to buy them.

Here is a complete list of hibiscus teas reviewed in this guide:

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Hibiscus Tea Health Benefits

Hibiscus tea is known as a healthy beverage, that has been traditionally used for treating high blood pressure. It also has a high antioxidant content that can help with reducing oxidative stress that causes aging.

To most notable health benefits of hibiscus tea are:

How To Make Hibiscus Tea

Heres a classic spin to your otherwise mundane tea. Hibiscus tea has several health benefits. You can get dried hibiscus flowers easily from departmental stores or online portals. If you find them in your garden, nothing like it. The red color in the tea is because of these flowers. So, without any further ado, lets take a look at how to prepare it.

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You Might Lose Weight If You Drink Hibiscus Tea Every Day

Drinking hibiscus tea instead of continuing to drink coffee every day will likely cause you to see some serious changes in your body. For example, you’ll be consuming far less sugar by drinking hibiscus tea than coffee loaded cream and sugar, which could very well lead to weight loss.

A 2014 study from the Institute of Medicine at Chung-Shan Medical University, concluded that the consumption of HSE or, Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts “reduced obesity, abdominal fat, serum FFA and improved liver steatosis.” Additionally, the study found that HSE, the extracts found in hibiscus tea, “could act as an adjuvant for preventing obesity.” However, it’s important to take that information with a grain of salt. “The key word here is that it could help with weight loss. More research is definitely needed to make this connection,” registered dietician Maggie Michalczyk told O, The Oprah Magazine.

Side Effect Of Hibiscus Tea

How to Make Hibiscus Tea
  • Post author Scientific review: Dr Heben’s Team

Hibiscus tea brings a lot of benefits for our body. The important content of hibiscus tea are:

  • Vitamin A, vitamin D, B1 and B2.
  • In every 100 gr of hibiscus flower contains 244,4 mg vitamin C.
  • Mineral.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.

Vitamin C in hibiscus tea is 20 times higher than that in orange, tomato, or chili. Therefore, drinking hibiscus tea somehow brings uncomfortable effect for our body.

11 Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea:

1. Lowering Our Blood Pressure.

Low blood pressure patients are strongly suggested not to drink hibiscus tea. Based on a study in Tufts University by Diane Mckay showed that blood pressure of people who consume hibiscus tea in a daily basis drop 7.2 points in their systolic blood pressure.

Meanwhile, people whose in their systolic reading have 129 blood pressure or higher show great response to that tea. Therefore, we are suggested to have doctor consultation prior to take hibiscus tea for our diet so that we know about the preexisting condition we may have after consuming the tea. Avoiding hibiscus tea is best for us if we are under medication for hypertension and low blood pressure.

2. Increasing the Risk of Heart Disease.

Based on the study in Bastyr Center for Natural Health at the University of Pennsylvania, hibiscus tea expands our blood vessel. As a result, the risk of suffering heart disease increased.

3. Hallucination Effect.

4. Influencing Our Estrogen.

5. Effecting Pregnancy.

11. DOC .

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Tea Forte Wildberry Hibiscus Tea

  • Amount: 3.88 oz
  • Type: loose leaf hibiscus tea blend

Known to focus on both the quality and presentation of their teas, Tea Forte offers handcrafted luxury tea blends in elegant packages.

Tea Forte Wildberry Hibiscus Tea is an excellent blend that consists of organic ingredients including hibiscus, apple pieces, licorice root, blackberry leaves, orange peel, raspberries, and rosehip. It comes in their award-winning loose leaf tea canister.

This herbal tea has a nice and complex flavor with floral and fruity notes and tastes great hot and cold.

If you are looking for an exquisite and delicious organic loose leaf hibiscus blend, try this one!

Sip On A Cup Of Hibiscus Tea For These Skin And Hair Benefits

The benefits of hibiscus flowers are not unknown. This flower has been used since centuries, especially in India, to treat various types of illnesses, and is also a very common yet staple ingredient in skin and hair care products. From nourishing your skin and giving it a soft, healthy glow to strengthening your hair roots and ensuring thicker growth, the hibiscus flower is one natural ingredient that never disappoints.

But if you dont know what to do with the flower once you get it, or arent a huge fan of DIY remedies, then you are in luck, as you can now reap all the benefits of this flower by simply consuming its tea. Awesome, isn’t it? A form of green tea, thebenefits of hibiscus tea for skin, hair and health are far too many. It helps detoxify your body, makes for an amazing hair rinse, helps calm inflamed skin and does a lot more. Interesting, isnt it?

So the next time you are at the supermarket and spot a packet of hibiscus tea, we recommend you get a pack for yourself. And if you are curious and want to know a little more about the benefits of hibiscus tea, then we are here to help.

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The Science Behind Hibiscus

Colorful anthocyanins, the most recognizable member of the bioflavonoid phytochemicals, give Hibiscus Tea its vibrant color. Anthocyanin pigments are famous for their free radical-scavenging capabilities, which support the claim that drinking Hibiscus Tea on a regular basis offers the consumer protection against a host of potential conditions. Hibiscus has so many benefits for the skin and hair, also. Hibiscus also plays a role in the detoxification of the body as it acts as a cleanser for the most important parts of the body.

How Should You Store Hibiscus Tea

Now Organic Hip Hibiscus Tea Bags, 24 Bags

I recommend storing your hibiscus tea bags in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight because it can affect the quality of your drink. You should also avoid refrigerating or freezing the product as this will destroy its flavor and kill all the nutrients present inside it. However, if you love iced hibiscus tea, you can store it in the fridge for a few hours before drinking. It is best to avoid storing it for more than a day.

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Organic Hibiscus Tea Bags

Tea bags provide an easy and convenient way of brewing a nice cup of hibiscus tea wherever you are. You only need hot water and a cup, and youre ready to go.

It is best to choose a product with unbleached tea bags to avoid any chemicals getting into your tea.

There are dozens of brands that have hibiscus tea bags in their selection of products. Below is my personal favorite from the dozens I have tried.

Drinking Hibiscus Tea Every Day Can Help Your Body Fight Bacteria

Hibiscus tea could possibly be the bacteria blaster of your wellness dreams.

While there’s no topping modern medicine, the herbal extracts in hibiscus tea are pretty impressive when it comes to helping you stay healthy. In fact, they’ve been shown to fight bacteria and act similarly to antibiotics. So, if you drink hibiscus tea every day, there’s a good chance your body is already fighting off bacteria as you read this. A 2016 study from the Department of Laboratory Sciences at the College of Sciences and Arts at Al-Rass, Qassim University supported the “folk medicine application of against different microbial ailments” and also suggests the plant as “a promising source for new antibacterial agents.”

In short, hibiscus tea might actually be able to fight certain kinds of bacteria. However, as Healthline noted, more research is required to fully understand the role hibiscus tea plays in fighting bacteria. Still, if you drink hibiscus tea every day, you could be taking preventive measures against certain bacterial infections, and that’s pretty awesome.

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How To Make Hibiscus Tea From Flowers

Thinking about how to make hibiscus tea with the help of hibiscus flowers? It sounds complicated but trust us, it is not! People make Hibiscus Tea with dried flower petals bought from stores or stored in containers. But it can be made from flowers also! Red coloured Hibiscus flowers are mostly preferred for making tea. The recipe for you is here:

Of The Best Hibiscus Tea Brands To Try In 2022


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Hibiscus tea holds a special place in my heart. I tend to find myself drinking mostly real tea. Black, Green, etc. And only occasionally drinking an herbal infusion. Most of the time I drink the herbal teas as part of a review or list like this one. But. Hibiscus is one of the exceptions to the rule. It is a wonderfully sweet and tangy infusion that brings a fruity and flowery taste experience to the proceedings. It truly is wonderful.

Looking For Your Next Favorite Tea? Check Out The Great Teas, Blends, and Herbal Infusions at the Art Of Tea. They have teas for every taste and occasion.

Also Check: Lipton Iced Tea While Pregnant

It May Be Good For Your Heart

Studies have shown that drinking hibiscus tea offers heart-healthy benefits, such as lowering blood pressure. In a study in The Journal of Nutrition, adults with high blood pressure who consumed three servings of 8-ounce glasses of hibiscus tea daily for six weeks saw a decrease in their overall blood pressure, says Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, author of The No-Brainer Nutrition Guide For Every Runner. Just note, this was a small study of 65 participants. Still, another review found that drinking this herbal tea lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

However, definitely discuss this beverage with your physician first if youve had any heart complications. One point to note is that while hibiscus tea may be a safe and natural way to help lower blood pressure, it’s not recommended for people taking hydrochlorothiazide, a type of diuretic used to treat high blood pressure, which may interact with the drug, Michalczyk says.

Hibiscus: Beautiful Delicious And Healthy

The flowers of hibiscus plants come in many colors and are a real treat for the eye.

Hibiscus tea is usually brewed from the calyces and/or petals of Hibiscus sabdariffa, also known as roselle. It is a popular drink in many different countries all over the world and is also commonly prepared as iced tea.

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Drinking Hibiscus Tea Every Day Could Reduce Inflammation In Your Body

Hibiscus tea could help your body stay healthy, keeping inflammation at bay.

As explained by Medical News Today, inflammation is how your body fends off irritants and helps to heal. However, too much inflammation can lead to chronic illness and disease, which no one wants. Fortunately, here are quite a few natural ways to help with inflammation, and hibiscus tea appears to be one of them.

Hibiscus tea is full of phytochemicals, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, as one 2013 study found. As reported by Women’s Health, “These compounds can help lower inflammation in the body, which, when out of control, can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis.” If you drink hibiscus tea every day, not only are you getting a delicious drink, but you’re also helping your body fight chronic inflammation, and therefore fending off even more diseases. When it comes to hibiscus tea, it’s kind of a win-win.

Contains Antimicrobial And Antibacterial Properties

How To Make Hibiscus Tea. More about Hibiscus Tea Recipe

Hibiscus tea contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can help to promote overall health. Consuming hibiscus tea can help to inhibit the growth of bacteria and to fight off disease and illness. Hibiscus has been used for this purpose in Sudanese folk medicine for hundreds of years, and recent studies support the use of hibiscus for antimicrobial and antibacterial purposes.

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Hibiscus Tea Might Support Your Immune System

Thats rightdrinking this pink tea may keep away the sniffles. This is because hibiscus tea contains vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that we know is responsible for keeping our immune systems healthy, says Michalczyk.

Whats more, hibiscus tea is also high in iron, a mineral that keeps the immune system balanced and helps the body to maintain red blood cells, she adds. Plus, the vitamin C helps to increase the absorption of the iron, which is great for maximum rewards all around.

Hibiscus Tea Has Been Associated With Weight Loss

Hibiscus isnt a substitute for a healthy diet and exerciseit wont magically get rid of weight, but it could play a role thanks to its diuretic properties. The key word here is that it could help with weight loss. More research is definitely needed to make this connection, says Michalczyk.

One study found that consumption of hibiscus extract for 12 weeks resulted in a lower body weight, less abdominal fat, and a lower BMI in overweight/obese people. However, extract is more concentrated than tea, so results wont be as strong.

Also, its an anti-inflammatory, which can keep cortisol , which attributes to fat storage, at bay. Like fruits and vegetables, hibiscus tea contains a lot of antioxidants and polyphenols which work to protect the body against diseases and lower inflammation, she says.

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Might Aid In Liver Health

Research studies have suggested that the antioxidant properties of hibiscus tea may help in treating liver diseases. According to a 2014 study published in the Food & Function Journal, when 19 obese people were administered with hibiscus tea extract for 12 weeks, there was a significant improvement seen in liver steatosis a condition they all had been suffering from. Liver steatosis is a condition that constitutes fat accumulation in the liver. This could lead to liver failure.

Hibiscus tea also consists of antioxidants that may help protect your body from diseases as they can neutralize the free radicals present in body tissues and cells. Therefore, drinking the beneficial oxidants from caffeine-free hibiscus tea could lengthen your lifespan by maintaining good overall health.

Hibiscus flowers have various names and are known as Roselle in some places.


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