Few Things To Keep In Mind
There are a few things to keep in mind when drinking tea for allergies.
Green Tea For Allergies: What Does The Science Say
For as long as people have suffered from allergies, they have been looking for ways to alleviate the symptoms of them. In recent years, green tea for allergies has caught on because of a study published in 2002. That study suggested that one of green teas main antioxidants, EGCG, could help fight allergy symptoms. But does drinking a cup of tea really have the potential to help relieve your allergies?
Herbal Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis
We get a lot of questions from patients inquiring about ideas of natural solutions for treating their allergy symptoms. We are devoting this blog to explaining two common types of allergies we most often see at our office in Arizona and share some natural herbal which may help.
Please keep in mind, that we are not giving medical advice in this blog. We cannot properly treat your unique condition or allergy without seeing you or conducting one of our comprehensive allergy tests. We suggest you talk to your doctor.
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Is Green Tea Good For Allergies
According to the principal investigator of the study and an assistant professor of chemistry at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, Hirofumi Tachibana, Green tea looks to be a promising source for efficient anti-allergenic compounds. It is recommended that those who suffer from allergic reactions give it a try.
Three Healthy Herbal Teas
1. Ginger tea
Best known as a trusted nausea remedy, ginger tea has a spicy and full-bodied flavor. It contains the antioxidant gingerol, which is the main bioactive disease-fighting compound found in ancient ginger root. Ginger also contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B3 and B6, iron, potassium and vitamin C.Despite a lack of scientific research on ginger tea, there is research on ginger itself as it has been used as an herbal medicine for a variety of health problems. Ginger has been shown to boost the immune system and combat inflammation. A recent systematic review of gingers effects on human health supports its ability to help treat a range of ailments, such as gastrointestinal function, pain, inflammation, metabolic syndromes, and more.
Ginger may slow blood clotting, and can be potentially dangerous for people taking antiplatelet drugs like aspirin or clopidogrel or anticoagulant drugs, such as warfarin , apixaban , dabigatran , or rivaroxaban . Also ginger can cause extra bleeding during and after surgery.
If you have a health condition or you are pregnant, consult with your doctor to determine whether drinking ginger tea is safe for you.
2. Chamomile tea
3. Hibiscus tea
Image: Fydorov/Getty Images
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So What Can You Do For Seasonal Allergies
Many people turn to over-the-counter antihistamines, but not everyone wants to rely on prescriptions to save the day.
Did you know there is a natural way of aiding seasonal allergies?!
Drinking tea!!!
Several herbal teas contain natural properties that help relieve seasonal allergies. Lets take a look at some of the best teas for seasonal allergies to help prevent you from sneezing your way through the summer.
If you suffer from hayfever
Honey Ginger Allergy Relief Tea
With anti-inflammatory benefits that rival those of NSAIDs, ginger not onlyhelps to lower the risk of infections,it also helps break down toxins buildup in your organs. Ginger root is also known to cleanse the lymphatic system, which is basically our bodys sewage system.
If your allergies are causing an overproduction of phlegm, ginger will help break it up, easing your congestion while giving your immune system a boost.
All citrus are high in vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system and fills your body with antioxidants. Lemon especially helps to loosen mucus so that your body can easily eliminate it.
Apple cider vinegar
If youre even a little crunchy, you probably know that apple cider vinegar has a million + 1 uses. But did you know that it helps to break up and reduce mucous in your body, keeping your sinuses clear? Its antibacterial properties are also useful for sore throats and keeping infections away.
Full of vitamins and minerals , honey is also full of friendly bacteria, making it anti-fungal, and probiotic. To get the most benefits from your honey, make sure that its local and raw, if possible.
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How To Shop For Tea Like An Expert
According to both experts, its important to shop for a high-quality teas that offer the level of potency youre looking for and have been sustainably grown. Dr. Cole especially loves Pique Life, which he says has been his go-to tea brand for years. He loves their on-the-go sachets that work well in hot or cold water depending on the time of year and appreciates their rigorous sourcing methods to ensure a top-notch cuppa that will alleviate allergies and help with other health concerns.
Dr. Chimileski works with patients to create custom loose leaf tea blends from high-quality herbs but when shes looking for tea options at the supermarket, her favorite brands are Traditional Medicinals, Yogi Tea, and Celebration Herbals.
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What Is Herbal Tea
Despite the name, herbal tea is not actually “tea” as these beverages typically do not contain the leaves or leaf buds of tea plants. Herbal teas are made from tisanes, which are blends or infusions of dried fruits, flowers, spices or herbs in water. Tisanes have been shown to offer medicinal effects. Be an informed consumermany beverages marketed as “herbal tea” with “herbal tea benefits” are nothing more than sugary juice. Is herbal tea good for you? Some herbal teas offer health-promoting properties and have been used as natural remedies for centuries.
Dieticians recommend herbal teas in moderation with medical approval as they can pose some risks to individuals with certain health conditions. Avoid herbal teas that contain added sugar and other additives. Herbal tea should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.
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Herbal Remedies For Sinus Congestion
Stinging Nettle
Stinging Nettle is one of the very famous herbal remedies used for curing Sinus Congestion. This herb contains a component known as quercetin, which helps in reducing in inflammation of the nasal passage caused due to sinus. Stinging Nettle is also rich in anti-histamines which help in clearing the congestion of the nasal passage and chest, thereby providing relief from symptoms of sinus congestion.
Worth Buying
This herb also contains Vitamins C, which is very useful in providing relief against sinus problem and boosts the overall immunity of the body. Stinging Nettle can be easily brewed into a herbal tea and consumed for instant effect.
Yerba Mansa
Yerba Mansa is another very powerful and time tested herbal remedy used for treating patients of sinus congestion. Yerba Mansa is famous for its property to dry the nasal passage and is especially very effective in cases of sinus infection where there is copious mucous discharge.
This herb also helps in reducing the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passage and its astringent properties help in providing relief against the sinus problem. Yerba Mansa is a very good tonic for the mucous membranes and can be used in form of nasal sprays to get relief from symptoms of sinus congestion.
Tea Benefits As A Natural Allergy Remedy
When allergy season comes around, many people suffer from miserable symptoms like itchy eyes, runny noses, and sneezing. While there are a variety of over-the-counter medications that can provide relief, they often come with undesirable side effects like drowsiness and dry mouth.
For those looking for a more natural approach, tea may be the answer. Studies have shown that certain types of tea can be effective in reducing allergy symptoms. For example, black and green tea contains potent antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation.
In addition, chamomile tea contains a compound called apigenin that has been shown to block the release of histamines, which are responsible for causing many allergy symptoms. So next time youre feeling under the weather, try reaching for a cup of tea instead of an over-the-counter medication. You may be surprised at how well it works!
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Allergy Symptoms And Triggers
Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, develops when the bodys immune system recognizes and overreacts to something in the environment that typically causes no problems in most people. It can be seasonal or perennial.
Seasonal allergies occur in spring, summer, and early fall. During these times, airborne mold spores or pollens from trees, grass, and weeds can trigger symptoms like sneezing and congestion. Perennial allergies occur year-round and are caused by many factors, including cigarette smoke, perfume, diesel exhaust, dust mites, pet hair or dander, cockroaches, or mold.
Symptoms of hay fever may include:
- Fatigue because of a decrease in sleep quality due to nasal congestion
- Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
Some people may also have a condition called pollen food allergy syndrome associated with pollen allergy or hay fever. Symptoms to the mouth are immediate, and may include itching, irritations, and swelling of the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth, and throat, but go away as soon as the person stops eating. To avoid this type of reaction, only eat vegetables and fruits that are cooked.
Why Tea Can Be A Powerful Allergy Fighter
All true teas that come from the plant Camellia sinensisblack, green, white, and oolong teashave powerful anti-inflammatory properties due to high antioxidant content, says Dr. Cole. He says research shows that these antioxidants, particularly epigallocatechin gallate, better known as EGCG, works to fight inflammation by boosting pro-antioxidant pathways while decreasing inflammatory activity. Whether youre suffering from allergies or another ailment, this makes tea a powerful part of an anti-inflammatory diet. “Many herbal and mushroom teas are also packed with vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, and antioxidants called flavonoids to stave off those pesky symptoms,” Dr. Chimileski adds.
But the health benefits don’t start and stop at the tea leavesmaking tea and pausing to enjoy it offers a bounty of health perks, too. I love that brewing and drinking tea can serve as a reset button and self-care reminder throughout the day, helping us to create our own wellness rituals, says Dr. Chimileski. Making a cup of tea provides a moment to take a deep breath, be mindful and present, pulling you into your body and out of the racing to-do lists in your head. It forces us to press pause on a non-stop day to support the parasympathetic rest and digest system. Dr. Chimileski notes that this self-care practice can help you set healing intentions, confidence, and nurturing goals for yourself.
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Include Horseradish In Your Diet
Horseradish is an integral part of folk medicine and is native to Russia and Hungary. It is quite popular in a condiment and also has a much longer history as a medicine.
Herbalists use horseradish roots and leaves for centuries to treat sinusitis, asthma, arthritis, and cancer.
Moreover, horseradish contains compounds such as glucosinolates and isothiocyanates.
These compounds help to fight against bacterial and fungal infections and also improve any breathing problems.
It stimulates mucus drainage and eases sinus pressure. Also, it reduces the inflammation of frontal sinuses and helps in the opening of blocked sinuses.
In a recent study, it is effective in reducing the symptoms of acute and chronic rhinosinusitis in children and the adult population.
However, when you eat, it has a tingling sensation in your nasal area and reduces mucus secretion.
Sinus Congestion is basically a condition in which the nasal passages of the person become congested or blocked. This blockage is mainly caused due to common cold, allergies, smoke, pollen grains etc.The nasal blockage causes the tissues of the nose to become swollen, inflamed and irritated. Sinus congestion causes congestion in the nose, mucous discharge, bad breath, headache, tenderness, persistent dry cough etc.
How To Make Herbal Tea For Allergies + Recipes
I consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to allergies. I only suffer a wee bit from seasonal allergies, but even then, they can be pretty miserable. Ive seen friends and family suffer each year with all of the horrid parts of allergiesitchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, congestion, headaches, etc.
Its all so frustrating! Lucky for you allergy-sufferers, there are some natural remedies that can help alleviate some of the suffering. This herbal tea blend for allergies is one of the most effective.
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Is Japanese Green Tea Good For Allergies
This particular grown variety of Japanese green tea is rich in methylated catechins and epigallocatechin gallate , both of which are recognized for their capacity to alleviate symptoms associated with allergic reactions. According to research published in 2013, Benifuuki green tea was shown to be very helpful in lowering the symptoms of an allergic response to cedar pollen.
Best Herbs For Allergies:
Herbal remedies can provide an alternative, natural way to treat allergic rhinitis. If used sensibly, these natural remedies can not only reduce allergy symptoms but prevent them altogether.
Our list includes herbs that are antihistamines, as well as flavonoids and other plant constituents.
Below is a roundup of the best herbs for allergies and various respiratory issues.
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But Is Tea For Allergy Relief Just A Placebo Effect
Sometimes a participant in a clinical trial receives an ineffective medication still sees improvement. This is called the placebo effect. It happens because they believe the fake medication has had a positive effect on their health condition.
Its possible to experience this same effect when drinking tea for allergies. You might attribute allergy relief to your fave tea since a hot cup of tea is irresistibly soothing and relaxing AF.
But thats still a pretty good reason to drink up in our book.
What Can I Drink For Pollen Allergies
- Consuming herbal teas made with gingko, milk thistle, red clover, stinging nettles, and yarrow, among other medicinal plants.
- Its possible that some herbal formulations contain anti-inflammatory properties, which might help alleviate allergy symptoms.
- Using equipment for nasal saline irrigation, such as Neti pots, to cleanse the nasal passages with a solution of warm water and salt can be very helpful.
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What Herbs Are Good For Allergies
The following herbs help alleviate the symptoms associated with allergies. All these ingredients can be found in our Organic Allergy Tonic tea.
Rooibos is a naturally caffeine free herbal tea from South Africa. It has smooth, full bodied, and slightly sweet flavor that makes it a popular beverage. South Africans have used Rooibos for centuries for the treatment of a variety of ailments, including allergies, cramps, colic, insomnia, and eczema.
Rooibos contains two bioflavonoids called rutin and quercetin. These compounds block the release of histamine, a chemical the body produces in response to allergens. These compounds work both inside and outside of the body. A tea infusion can be consumed to prevent and relieve allergies. As used in South African hospitals, infusions can also be rubbed on the skin to treat irritations.
Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate is an herbal shrub or tree thats found in places such as Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Yerba Mate stimulates the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids. This helps suppress overactive immune system responses to allergens, suppress inflammation, and creates more oxygen flow by opening the respiratory passages. It is important to note that Yerba Mate contains caffeine, which may keep people awake at night if consumed too late in the day.
Lemon Balm
Other Herbs:
When to drink your herbal tea:
What Is Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a diagnosis where your nose gets irritated by something youre allergic to, such as pollen, which causes sneezing and other symptoms.
Allergic rhinitis is also known as seasonal allergies, pollinosis, and hay fever.
Allergy symptoms typically include sneezing, runny or blocked nose, itchy skin, watering eyes, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing.
Allergies can be triggered by a variety of airborne allergens, including:
Standard treatment for allergies includes avoiding allergens or taking medicine .
When it comes to avoiding allergens, below are some helpful tips:
- Stay indoors on dry, windy days. The best time to go outside is after a good rain, which helps clear pollen from the air.
- Avoid lawn mowing, weed pulling, and other gardening chores that stir up allergens.
- Remove clothes youve worn outside and shower to rinse pollen from your skin and hair.
- Dont hang laundry outside pollen can stick to sheets and towels.
As far as standard medical treatment for allergies, the list of standard over-the-counter allergy medicines includes:
Antihistamines work by blocking the effects of a substance called histamine in your body. Histamine is typically released when your body detects something that it identifies as harmful, such as an allergen like pollen.
Histamine causes blood vessels to expand and the skin to swell, which helps protect the body. However, this leads to a host of symptoms that we associate with allergens
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