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Teas That Help With Headaches

Why Does Coke Help Headaches

Use These Magical Herbal Teas To Cure Headache & Migraines Fast Without Drug
  • Its possible that caffeine might help relieve your headache.
  • This increases the pressure on the nerves in the surrounding area, which causes them to send pain signals to the brain.
  • The very thought of this gives me a headache.
  • Caffeine is known to have vasoconstrictive effects, which means that it can cause blood vessels to constrict, so reducing the amount of blood flowing through them and relieving pain.

What Is The Best Herbal Tea For Tension Headaches

Peppermint and chamomile teas have relaxing effects that can help with tension headaches. In addition, willow bark tea has pain-relieving properties and can be used to treat all types of headaches.

You can also try massaging peppermint oil across the forehead and temples to relieve a tension headache.

I hope that these tips will help you with avoiding headaches as much as possible and treating them whenever they occur.

Any questions or comments? Please post them below!

Ps. If you found this article useful, please share it so others can also try these tips. Thanks!

Enjoy your herbal teas and stay healthy!


Less Common White Teas

White teas come from the same plant as black and green tea. The difference is that the leaves are picked shortly before the buds fully open. Theyre less processed than green tea and far less than black tea. This translates into a milder taste than green or black teas, and theyre often blended with herbs and fruits. And since white tea does have caffeine, it can help migraine and help medications work better.

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Regular Tea Helps Too But Opt For Masala Chai For Headaches

Herbal teas notwithstanding, whats wrong with putting the kettle on for a cup of plain old black tea to fix a headache? Nothing really, since tea, like many other ingredients coffee, chocolate, colas contains caffeine, the same ingredient included in both prescription and over-the-counter headache drugs to enhance the efficacy of pain relievers.35 The catch is that if you become habituated to too many cuppas, you could end up with a rebound headache, a consequence of excessive caffeine ingestion.

Generally speaking, someone with a headache can consume up to 200 mg of caffeine over a day. However, the National Headache Foundation cautions chronic headache sufferers against taking caffeine every day.

A 5 oz cup of black tea has about 1125 mg of caffeine in it. The caffeine content also increases according to brewing time:

  • 1-minute brew: 2080 mg
  • 3-minute brew: 2133 mg
  • 5-minute brew: 3546 mg

So do your math before getting a cuppa for that headache and dont go overboard.36 To make the most of it, add a healthy dose of spices to your tea. Try masala chai or spiced tea, a brew with tea, milk, water, and a touch of spices such as cinnamon, pepper, and cloves along with ginger.


Types Of Tea For Migraine

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Tea is second only to water as the most popular drink in the world. It is also a popular remedy for people with migraine. However, there is no solid science to confirm that teas prevent or stop a migraine attack. Some of the most popular teas used by people with migraine are:1

Some research shows that green tea can improve mental alertness and relieve headaches and digestive issues. This is most likely due to the caffeine in green tea.2

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What Does Headache Pain Feel Like

Migraines are recurring headaches causing intense pain that can feel like throbbing or pulsing. They can also cause other symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, changes in mood, sensitivity to light and sounds, and neck pain.

There are two main types of headaches:

  • Tension headaches cause mild to moderate pain. Symptoms include dull aching pain and tightness surrounding the head, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Triggers usually include stress, poor sleep, diet, and caffeine use.
  • Migraine headache is more severe and can last for several hours to days. Symptoms of a migraine headache include throbbing pain, distorted vision, sensitivity to light, and nausea or vomiting. Triggers for migraines can be more complex and include hormonal factors, stress, eating patterns, and even weather. Some patients experience an aura before the onset of a migraine that signals the oncoming headache. Without an aura, it can be challenging for some people to predict a migraine.

Teas To Help With Headaches

If you have ever had a headache you know that it is no fun especially if you have ever had a migraine. As pressure builds in the brain you may experience head pain, fatigue, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, or nausea. Of course, there are over-the-counter medications specifically designed for relieving symptoms of headaches, but these medications can also have unwelcome side effects.

There are two types of headaches known as primary and secondary. A primary headache is like a migraine which means that the underlying cause does not stem from a different medical condition. On the other hand, a secondary headache is a symptom of something else going on in the body. A primary headache is generally clinically diagnosed without the need for scans or blood work. If you are experiencing headaches it is always a good practice to consult your doctor to understand whether it is primary or secondary.

If you are experiencing a primary headache, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain and manage the symptoms. Tea is one of those amazing luxuries of life that is delicious and effective at helping the body in healthy and productive ways. Here is a list of 5 teas that can help you as you are experiencing the wonderful world of a headache.

1. Citrus Mint Green Tea

2. Blueberry Ginger Herbal Tea

3. Chamomile Lemon Mint Herbal Tea

4. Harmony Tulsi Herbal Tea

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Best Teas For Migraine

When suffering from migraines, some people have found that drinking tea relieves the symptoms. Researches confirm that caffeine in tea can ease aches and pains as quickly as painkilling medications. At the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago studies conclude: ‘Caffeine alone provides a low but very real level of effectiveness in treating tension-type headaches.’ Before a headache or migraine, blood vessels tend to enlarge. Because it contains vasoconstrictive properties that cause the blood vessels to narrow and restrict blood flow, caffeine can aid in head pain relief. To ease the pain of migraines, try a cup of soothing black tea, which has 20-70 mg of caffeine in an 8 oz cup, depending on brew time. For one of our customers, Plum tea, a flavored black tea, provided migraine relief:

“I had a migraine 11 years ago, and someone gave me plum tea, it settled my tummy, and within an hour my head felt so much better, it took me awhile before I found it online, about 10 years ago at Culinary teas, and I’ve been ordering it since, I was sent an email when the company changed hands, so I ordered the pound bag of it, anytime I’m not feeling well, I have this tea, it’s awesome iced, I never have to add sugar, nor would I, and every once in awhile I add a bag of regular black tea to it, but yes this works for migraines.

How Does Tea Help With Headaches And Migraines

7 Herbal Teas For Headache
  • The caffeine content in tea has a role in calming the nerves and reducing stress.
  • Caffeine can amplify the effect of painkillers, thereby increasing their efficiency in reducing headaches.
  • A 2015 Nature reviews neurology research article proves that antioxidants play a major role in curing and preventing headaches, especially migraines. Different teas such as green tea, ginger tea, and different kinds of herbal teas are rich in antioxidants.
  • Herbal teas also calm you down and help you achieve a relaxed state of mind, precisely what you need when struggling with tension headaches.
  • Tea is an excellent source of hydration. Teas such as green tea and matcha tea are rich in antioxidants as well as minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. They help you hydrate and restore your body balance.
  • Dehydration headaches are the most commonly occurring types of headaches. This is why you feel a surge of relief after your first sip of water, herbal tea, or any electrolyte drink when suffering from dehydration headaches.

But, what about black tea? Is black tea good for headaches? Yes, it is. The caffeine content, antioxidants, and flavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties and provide relief from aches and pains, especially headaches.

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Complementary And Alternative Medicine

The pain from tension headaches and migraines can be debilitating and can lower the quality of life for people experiencing them. As a result, many sufferers turn to complementary and alternative medicine that are not standard medical care practices, such as drinking tea.

There is limited research on the effectiveness of tea for treating migraines. However, there is some evidence that tea may help with migraine pain.

Top 10 Herbal Teas To Relieve Headaches

Headaches come in all sorts of avatars, from your garden-variety dull throb to skull-blasting migraines replete with flashing lights. Whether youre an occasional or frequent sufferer, a warm cup of herbal tea may ease your pain sometimes, even as effectively as conventional medication! Natures bountiful garden of herbs offers a host of options and weve lined up some for you to consider.

But first, a quick look at what triggers headaches. Pain receptors in our head and neck, when stimulated by different factors, can set off a headache. Some common triggers include infections, extreme heat or cold, loud noise, injuries to the neck, head, or spine, or eye, ear, nose, and throat ailments. Other factors like high blood pressure, medication, diet, incorrect posture that strains the neck and back muscles, and hormonal changes can also cause headaches.1 While tackling your headache requires you to address the underlying cause, some natural remedies can ease the pain and discomfort.

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Caffeinated Tea Might Induce Headaches

In the fight against headaches, not all teas are born equal. If you are trying to combat a headache with a cup of tea you may want to skip out on caffeinated teas. Caffeinated teas tend to be those true teas that are made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. This includes black tea, green tea, and oolong tea too. Caffeine can narrow the blood vessels around the brain. Later these blood vessels can expand again which can cause pressure and pain. Caffeine also often works as a diuretic it can contribute to dehydration. There are tons of benefits that come with teas and tea blends from the camellia sinensis but for dealing with headaches and skipping caffeine, herbal tea could be best.

If you are dealing with a sensitive head or if you are fighting migraine attacks, then you want to turn to herbal tea instead. Herbal tea is caffeine-free, hydrating, and often full of healing goodness. You may also want to pick out low histamine soothing teas too in case your headache stems from sensitivity to pollen or other seasonal allergies.

You May Already Have Them In Your Pantry

The 9 Best Tea For Headaches

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water, with an estimated 2.6 billion cups of tea consumed every day according toWorld Tea News. But, did you know that Drinking hot tea has been used as a health-boosting practice in cultures across the globe for centuries?

Astudy about tea and health has confirmed the health benefits of drinking tea. In general, tea drinkers were found to have lower rates of cancer and heart disease. But besides boosting overallhealth, different types of tea are particularly effective at easing headaches. No matter if the headache is caused by allergies or tension, tea can act as a helpful natural remedy.

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The 5 Best Teas For Headaches

Headaches can range from minor annoyances to debilitating migraines that prevent you from getting anything done. Tension headaches cause a sensation of pressure and pain that can feel like someone is crushing your skull. Sinus headaches may come along with cold and flu symptoms and keep you from tackling the day ahead.

If you suffer from headaches, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans report rebound migraines or consistent tension headachesthe ones that can stop you right in your tracks.

Fortunately, drinking tea can help alleviate the symptoms of headaches from minor aches to full-blown migraines. This list of the best tea for headache will help reduce the intensity and offer much-needed pain relief. Need tea to target a nasty headache fast? Check out our collection of the best teas for headaches right here.

Herbs For Headache & Migraine Relief

Not all headaches are created equal. Migraines are often mistaken for headaches, and when they happen – it feels like all we can do is brace ourselves. But is there another way of addressing these debilitating attacks without being forced to take over-the-counter medications?

Today, we will take a deeper look into what migraines are, why they happen, and herbs you can find in your cupboard that can end them once and for all.

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The Link Between Caffeine And Headaches

One side effect of too much caffeine is headaches, but giving it up can also lead to headaches . Since everyone’s headaches are different, determining whether or not caffeine helps or hurts comes down to the individual.

“For some, not having caffeine causes a headache, so utilizing coffee or a caffeinated tea could be really helpful,” Hultin adds. Othersespecially those whose headaches are caused by dehydrationshould probably limit caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which can be dehydrating, integrative gastroenterologist , previously told mbg.

In that case, drinking water, herbal teas, or another one of these immune-supporting drinks may be more helpful. If you are drinking tea with caffeine, also keep in mind the timing and how it might affect your sleep quality later on.

Teas For Migraines: Can Tea Help With Headaches


In this article we are going to cover some cool and interesting facts about tea and migraines with a distillation of the journals and published research into one straightforward blog!

  • Migraines vs Headaches: Whats the difference?
  • Tea as a natural remedy? Can tea help migraines?
  • The power of antioxidants: migraines, tea and oxidative stress
  • What specific teas are good for migraines?

Lets dive in:

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Understand Herbal Tea Making

While some herbal tea recipes call for an infusion, others require decoctions. Whats the difference? With herbal teas, the part of the plant and method used determine whether you should make an infusion or a decoction.

  • Leaves and flowers: Steep in just-boiled water from 5 to 20 minutes. This is an infusion.
  • Roots, stems and barks: Boil in water for 5 to 30 minutes. This stronger, reduced solution is called a decoction.2

Heres a list of 10 herbal teas that should help. However, dont give these herbal preparations to small children without medical advice, as they could trigger allergic reactions or cause other side effects.

Top 5 Teas To Relieve Headaches And Migraines

While some headaches are more severe and bring other unpleasant and exhausting symptoms, no headache is pleasant. It is important to understand that headaches and migraines are not the same things, and it is important to differentiate between a migraine headache and a typical headache. While a typical headache usually lasts between half an hour to several hours, a migraine episode sometimes lasts for several days. While it is necessary to check with your doctor to ascertain the cause, the one thing you could do for some relief is to make a soothing cup/pot of tea. Tea has hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties that come from catechins antioxidants. All types of tea contain compounds such as theobromine and theophylline, which help to relax the muscles and have a soothing effect, proving to be helpful to alleviate headaches. We bring you a list of the top 5 teas to help relieve some of the pressure caused by headaches and migraines:

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Safety Of Drinking Tea

Most people can drink up to 400 mg of caffeine per day. Brewed black, green, oolong or white tea may have 40 mg to 120 mg of caffeine in 8 oz. Herbal teas generally have no caffeine. For comparison, a Hersheys milk chocolate bar has about 9 mg of caffeine, and a 12-oz Coke contains 35 to 47 mg.1

Some people who are sensitive to caffeine may feel jittery or anxious if they drink too much caffeinated tea. For some people, both caffeine and tea can be migraine triggers. If caffeine or tea is a trigger for you, do not drink tea in an effort to ease migraine pain.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should discuss the safety of drinking different teas with their doctor. Several herbal teas may contain chemicals that interfere with prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Headache, anxiety, and medication interference are not all the possible side effects of tea. Patients should talk to their doctor about what to expect when using tea as a migraine treatment.1-7

As always, the best source for advice on treating migraine is your own migraine specialist. Tea may be comforting and is safe for most people. However, you should talk with your doctor to make sure any teas you drink are safe for you.

Green Tea And Migraines

Ginger Tea For Headache

There is a lack of formal, clinical research on the use of Green Tea in the treatment of migraines and headaches, though it does have a history of folk use for these conditions. Green tea has been reported as a treatment for migraine in traditional medicine systems from China and India according to the European Medicines Agency .

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